extreme dog days

4130 - Chapter [-]

4130 - Chapter [-]
At the same time, it will also increase the ambitions of Zhenbei Prefecture, and it is hard to say whether it will cause the loss of life.

After all, since the ancient times, there has been no craftsman in the Beizhou Continent to develop advanced armor!
Without letting Zhenbeizhou know about the advanced armor, Wu Ruoshui wanted to resist, so she could only successfully repair an armor left over from ancient times.

One of the top ten armors in the Doujie, the Dao of Transformation Saint Cloth!It can block the way of heaven, and at the same time it also records the holy law of heaven!However, it was greatly damaged in ancient times. The ancestors of the Wu family got it unintentionally and kept it.

It was precisely because of this that Wu Ruoshui thought of practicing the art of armor, so he went to Beiwangdian to ask Yue Ningxue for help, and checked the records of refining equipment in Beiwangdian.

There used to be armor refiners in the ancient Beiwang Palace. Although so many years have passed, there are still a few records of armor refinement left.

A loud noise came from the underground refining room, which alarmed the two elders of the Wu family.


Wu Ruoshui came out of the refining room in a mess.

"Ruoshui, are you okay!"

"Let my aunt take a look, it hurts!"

The two clan elders ran over to ask questions with great concern.

"I'm fine, I just didn't check for a while, the furnace was blown up! Fortunately, the holy cloth is fine!"

Wu Ruoshui said in a low voice.

"You, why bother to work so hard to keep the green hills, and you are not afraid of no firewood! Can't you just bear it and pass?"

Wu Hongsi said.She claimed to be Wu Ruoshui's great-aunt, but she wasn't actually directly related, but Wu Ruoshui's talent for making weapons was enough for her to have the cheek to admit this kiss.

"Your aunt is right! You are the future hope of our Wu family! You are also the head of the family, you have to think about the overall situation!"

Wu Chenhuai also followed suit.They all valued Wu Ruoshui very much, but facing the threat of Zhenbei Prefecture and the Mohists in the Northern Territory, the two of them were helpless.

Now the only one who can ask Wu Ruoshui is herself.

One is to repair the Dao of Transformation Saint Cloth, there is this Saint Cloth!As long as one of them puts on this dress, even the Tiandao patriarch of Zhentian Palace can't do anything to them.

But the question is, is this Dao Transformation Saint Cloth so easy to repair?
With Wu Ruoshui's current ability, he didn't know how many times he had blown up the furnace, and one time he was seriously injured!

Another way is to let Wu Ruoshui sacrifice himself and temporarily marry the third young master of the Mo family to protect himself.

The latter is obviously the most feasible method at the moment.

"Impossible, I'd rather die! Auntie, Master, please help me!"

Wu Ruoshui knelt down and begged.


Wu Chenhuai and both of them sighed and shook their heads.They knew they couldn't force Wu Ruoshui, she had made up her mind, and there was nothing they could do, so they had to leave!

"Who are you, I'm really tired!"

Now that Wu Chen was pregnant with them leaving, Wu Ruoshui bit his lip and muttered to himself.

"You have suffered!"

"Hmm! Is that you? Come out!"

Wu Ruoshui was stunned for a moment, and after recovering, she looked around.This voice has long been engraved on her heart, no matter how long it has passed, she will never forget it!

"I'm here…"

Ling Yun appeared behind Wu Ruoshui!

"You, it's really you! I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Wu Ruoshui was so stunned that she couldn't even believe her eyes.

"I'm late! But now with me, no one can hurt you!"

Ling Yun stepped forward and hugged her into his arms.


The moment Ling Yun hugged her, she burst into tears.Without too many words, tears are her thoughts.

The two hugged each other quietly.The Wu family's refiner soon discovered this matter, and hurriedly invited Wu Chenhuai and the other two over.

"My boy, you came in as soon as we left. How did you do it!"

After Wu Chenhuai and Wu Hongsi rushed over, they waited for a while and couldn't help asking!They hug like this, is this when they don't exist?

"I was there before you left! Ling Yun met the two seniors!"

Hearing their voices, Wu Ruoshui pushed Ling Yun away.She knows Ling Yun too well, if she doesn't take the initiative to push him away, he won't let go.

"It's the kid that Ruoshui's heart misses!"

Wu Hongsi couldn't help but look at Ling Yun.About Ling Yun, they had already learned about it from the Wu family.

"Good boy, you have deceived our Patriarch's feelings and dare to come here! See if I don't beat you to death!"

Wu Chenhuai wanted to test Ling Yun, so he found an excuse to make a move.

"Master, don't!"

Wu Ruoshui exclaimed.Although we haven't seen each other for more than 100 years, Ling Yun's cultivation was no more than the Supreme Realm when he left.In the past 100 years alone, no matter how talented one is, it may be difficult to reach the realm of Taoism.

But Wu Chenhuai is a real Daoist!


Wu Chenhuai moved thousands of miles to run the thunder hand, and as soon as he came to Ling Yun, Ling Yun put a sword on his neck, which shocked him.

He was so close to giving away the head himself!

"If you offend me, please let me see you, senior!"

Ling Yun smiled, and as soon as he let go of his hand, the sword disappeared.Because that's just Dao sword.

"Hiss! Kid, what state are you in?"

Wu Chenhuai and Wu Hongsi looked at each other and asked.

"Holy One!"

Ling Yun released his breath, revealing his realm.

"Holy One, are you telling the truth?"

Wu Chenhuai looked at Ling Yun again.I was very puzzled in my heart, it was really just a saint, this is too ridiculous.It is said that he is a third-level Taoist, one person can fight hundreds of saints, and he is the kind who only wins but never loses.

(End of this chapter)

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