extreme dog days

4133--Andrew Graded armor, pit Mojia

4133--Andrew Graded armor, pit Mojia

"Yeah! That makes sense? But how can we let them store the spirit stone in our bank. After all, the reason why they were willing to store the spirit stone in the bank of Jiuhun Doufu before is because they have a spirit house! Ten times the world Vitality is provided for free!"

"Isn't it? If it were me, I wouldn't want to keep the spirit stone in the bank. After all, it's safe to put the money on me!"

Although everyone felt that what Wu Ruoshui said was reasonable, it was another problem to get all the monks to agree to store the Lingshi in their Tiantian Palace bank.

"Based on three points, first of all, the reputation of Tiantian Palace is far higher than that of Jiuhun Doufu! Secondly, as long as there is a bank of Zhentiangong, [-] spirit stones can get five spirit stones in return every year, and there is no upper limit! Last point, they No choice!"

Now that everyone's spirit stones are gone, Zhentiangong is willing to take the blame, recognize the spirit stones that everyone has, and give a return of [-] to [-] every year, so why not do it.

This is more cost-effective than losing money!
"Wonderful! Madam Wu is so right. Palace Master, we will not only solve the problem of Lingshi, but also have the feeling of commanding the world under the control of the Son of Heaven!"

The Great Elder thought for a moment, then clapped his hands and applauded!

The eyes of the others also brightened, and they felt relieved!In his heart, he had a high opinion of Wu Ruoshui, but she solved the big trouble of Zhentian Palace in a few words.

It also pushed Tiantian Palace to another level!
It won't be long before Zhentian Palace can truly become the Lord of the Eastern Region!

"Well! But you just said that you annexed the Northern Territory, so what's going on? Could it be that you ordered the monks in the Eastern Territory to fight directly!"

Zhenbei Prefecture naturally also has the ambition to dominate the world.If the entire Beizhou continent is under the control of Zhentiangong, then wouldn't he become the king of Beizhou.

When the general trend of heaven and earth comes, and with the luck of the general trend, breaking through the way of heaven will be just around the corner.

"It's impossible to fight directly! Although the spiritual stones of all the monks are in our hands, it doesn't make them willing to go through fire and water for Tiantian Palace, right?"

Duanmu Bei said.

"That's right. With the prestige of Tiantian Palace now, it's impossible to do this at all! At the same time, the background of the Eastern Region may not be able to surpass the Northern Region. Once the monks of the Eastern Region attack the Northern Region, it is bound to let the monks of the Northern Region fight back together! And the two The battle of the domain will inevitably attract the attention of the world. Therefore, it can only be emptied, the Mohists of the Northern Territory, and the entire Northern Territory!"

Wu Ruoshui said.

This is a game set up by Ling Yun and the others. As long as they successfully persuade Tiantian Palace to join the game, it will be considered half the battle!
"Empty, how to be overhead?"

Zhenbeizhou was the first to ask questions.

If it was before, he would have thought about it again and again, but now that the situation is approaching, there is no need to think about it at all!

"Qian Zhuang! As long as the monks in the Northern Territory exchange all the spirit stones for the Lingshi pass of our Tiantian Palace! Then the entire Northern Territory will be controlled by us."

Wu Ruoshui continued.

"It's just that if you want the monks in the Northern Territory to trust Tiantian Palace, you need the Mohists in the Northern Territory to enter the game!"

"How to let them enter the game! You don't want the Mo family to deposit the spirit stones in our bank, do you? It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

The Northern Mohist family is a family. Even if they have spirit stones, they will never leave them in the hands of others.This is also the main reason why Beizhou Continental Lingshi Pass has been difficult to circulate!

Everyone would rather go out with a pile of spirit stones on their body than take a spirit stone pass to spend!Therefore, even the pass of the Chamber of Commerce is difficult to be recognized.

"Whether to save money or not, that's up to them?"

Wu Ruoshui said very confidently.


The Great Elder immediately asked.

"Just based on this..."

"This is... high-grade armor!"

"What, high-grade armor, really, this is high-grade armor! Mrs. Wu, your Wu family actually refined high-grade armor! This, this is great!"

Seeing the armor that Wu Ruoshui took out, everyone's eyes lit up, even Zhenbeizhou trembled with excitement.

"If our Tiantian Palace has a large number of high-grade armors, creating an armored soldier is enough to sweep the world!"

Hong Jiu said excitedly.Their Hong family controls [-]% of the troops in Tiantian Palace, if they have armor to help them, they must be invincible.

"Thinking too much of you! These are just ten pieces of armor left over from ancient times in our Wu family's collection, but I have refurbished them with secret methods!"

Wu Ruoshui unceremoniously extinguished their illusions.She took out this armor, but she didn't want to make their Wu family a refining tool for these guys.

Just to get them in.

She tampered with this armor and transformed it into a refurbished armor!This also means that they can only refurbish, but cannot build

If you want batches, you have the ability to find a lot of old armor!
“Ah! Just refurbished!”

"Refurbished! Why can't you see it!"

"This is a renovation, then..."


Zhenbeizhou and the others looked at Wu Ruoshui with disappointment on their faces!
"All traces on it have been refined by me, and ordinary people can't find it! It's just that this kind of refurbished armor is not as good as a complete graded armor! Not only the material has become thinner, but the repaired place will also become a defect. But it is enough to use this armor to attract the Mohists into the game! We just need to let them know that Zhentian Palace has high-grade armor, then the Mohist will definitely try their best to come to buy it, and we have to sell it in order to maintain the relationship between the two. Give it to them! It's just that we are short of money in Tiantian Palace now, so we have to pay [-]% of the cost of any armor we want! Among them, we can exchange [-]% of them with the Lingshi Pass! We will use the Lingshi Pass to pay for the delivery. Yes! May I ask if they will disagree?"

Wu Ruoshui said eloquently.

(End of this chapter)

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