extreme dog days

Chapter 4159 The general trend is coming, the gift of Taoism

It was originally intended to break free from the suppression of the Xuanlong, but at this time it can be used to cut the Xuanlong soul master out of the body!
"What! Damn it! Heavenly Dao Spirit Cup, you still have such a hand!"

Xuanlong sensed that Lingyun's power instantly reached the level of heaven, and his face changed drastically!
"Extreme Nine Daoes, unite! Heaven and Earth have the same force, reincarnation of life and death, blade of fate, slash..."

Using the merits of heaven and earth as fuel, Ling Yun used the power of heaven and the law of the golden silkworm cup as a guide to cast the limit nine ways, and use his own way of life and death to issue the blade of fate again.

"No... Damn it!"

The Xuanlong Soul Master had no time to resist!He was directly brushed out of the phantom of heaven and earth, and the Taoism of the soul clan also retreated.The orthodox order of the human race should be established!
It worked!
hold head high!
The human race's orthodoxy was preserved, and it was successfully cut.The heaven and the earth exude auspicious light, benefiting the world.

"I, my injury is healed, the light just now! That is the auspiciousness of heaven and earth! Oh my god! What is going on here! Could it be that my ancestors accumulated virtue and consecrated it."

"You are a fucking genius! Your ancestors accumulated virtues. It is said that your grandfather is a famous thief king, and your father is a monk who steals treasures. Even if your ancestors had virtues, they would have been defeated long ago! If you can survive, That is a miracle! Let me tell you, this is the return of the human race's orthodoxy to the world! According to records, it has appeared in ancient times! Not only you, but all human races in the world enjoy it..."

"My eyes see."

"My leg, my leg is healed, my God, what's going on! Doesn't it mean that it can't be cured?"

"The light just now! It actually made me break the barrier!"


Under the auspiciousness of heaven and earth, all the human races in the five states and continents are blessed.The other creatures are more or less affected!

"Successful, I didn't expect it! The new generation of palace masters have successfully cut the Dao, and the sky will never die for my human race! There is still a fight! Haha!"

"Great, heaven and earth are auspicious, and the human race's orthodoxy has been preserved!"


At this moment, all the strong in the world let go of a big stone in their hearts.

Nanzhou Mainland
The wolf lord stood on the sea-watching cliff and looked at his wife in the sea. When the auspicious light appeared, a long-lost smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"The new generation of palace masters has succeeded! Great..."

"Yeah! It gave me a big fright!"

Both Nan Zhu and Bu Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Isn't it? If he really loses, then everything is over! But having said that, the new Hall Master appeared, so far, we don't know who he is? It's too mysterious!"

Mr. Nanzhu sighed.

"Well, actually..."


Yuan Tongxian was about to say, in fact, you have already met, but when he heard Sun Qitian coughing, he immediately shut up.

"Actually what?"

Mr. Nanzhu was a little curious and asked.

"Well, in fact, now that he has successfully cut the Dao, it doesn't matter who it is, right!"

Yuan Tongxian said with a smile.


When Mr. Nanzhu heard this, he was stunned for a moment.The meaning in Yuantong Xian's words alluded to the five state branch halls of the current Dou Shen Temple!Even if a new generation of God of Fighting Lord appears now, can he really subdue the five main halls and rebuild the Temple of Fighting God?

After the Xuanlong soul master exited the world illusion, the world illusion disappeared, and Ling Yun also returned to his physical body.It's just that there is one more person on the mountain of aspirations at this time.

He is the soul master Xuanlong!
"Sky round place! Town!"

After Ling Yun's return, he cast the third level of the soul-suppressing Taoist book instantly, and sacrificed the soul-suppressing heavenly seal.The soul-suppressing Tianyin is the treasure used by the Dou Temple to deal with the soul race in the past.

Compared with Taoist artifacts, it is even worse!It is also the seal of the Temple of the Fighting God, and the person who holds the seal is the master of the Temple of the Fighting God!Inspire the soul-suppressing heavenly seal with the soul-suppressing dao book, the power is even more powerful!

"Suppressing Soul Sky Seal, damn it! Soul Dao, Xuanlong Seal! Break..."

Xuanlong was shocked, and regardless of his injuries, he immediately operated the way of heaven, exerted his natural power to block the soul-suppressing sky seal, and then turned and fled.

At this time, he has been cut out of the body, unless he can kill Ling Yun, otherwise his Taoism will not be able to swallow the human race's Taoism!But at this time he was severely injured, so he continued to fight.It is estimated that he will be the one who was beheaded!
The strength of Ling Yun, who has entered the Tao, is no longer what it used to be!It can completely compete with the way of heaven.

"Yeah, Xuanlong, you can't leave! Reincarnation! The way of the world, stop..."

When Ling Yun saw that Xuanlong had broken the suppression of the soul-suppressing sky seal, he guessed that he was going to run away.Killing him at this time is the best time, if you miss it, it will be difficult in the future!

hold head high!
Xuanlong then used his soul body to forcibly attack Mount Wending!

Under his full impact, the entire mountain of aspirations shook violently.Cracks have also appeared in the human world!

"Suppressing Soul Heavenly Seal! Three-legged Soul Refining Cauldron!"

Zhenhun Tianyin turned into a three-legged tripod and enveloped the Xuanlong.


Xuanlong uttered a loud roar, the original soul path expanded ten times, and spit out a powerful force to beat the soul-suppressing sky seal back to its original shape again!

"Ah! The power is so strong!"

Ling Yun never thought that the injured Xuanlong would be so strong.Even if he enters the Tao, the power still can't restrain him!

The Mountain of Aspirations collapsed, and the Aspirations Bureau of the Human Race in the Good Fortune Formation collapsed!
The mysterious dragon strikes the sky!
Xuanlong launched his soul path stunt, the soul path's true form spun wildly, and smashed towards Ling Yun!

"Extreme Nine Daoes! Extreme Void Realm, break through the sky with one force"

Ling Yun used the Limit Nine Dao, only in this way can his own strength be pushed to the strongest, and activate the soul-suppressing sky seal to block the strongest blow of Xuanlong.


Mount Wending directly turned into flat ground, both Lingyun and Xuanlong suffered losses, and when Lingyun took a breath, Xuanlong had disappeared.

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