extreme dog days



"Hiss! Where's the person! Where's Yue Ningxue?"

Mr. You took a deep breath, and then asked.

"Go back to Shanzhu, she's not here at all!"

"As soon as we entered the manor, the whole manor was ignited with a mysterious fire, and we couldn't put it out even if we tried!"

Of the thirteen Taoist masters, there are only nine left at this time, and three of them were seriously injured by the fire of life, and they are no longer able to fight!

"It looks like it's been tricked!"

Mr. You said in a deep voice.

"How did Yue Ningxue know that someone raided Beiwang Palace!"

Lin Chenshuang said in a deep voice, then reacted and said anxiously. ,

"No, hurry up, Luoyue Mountain!"

Luoyue Mountain, where the passage of Tianwaitian is located, is also behind the Beiwang Hall.The reason why the Northern King Hall was chosen to be built here was to protect the Heaven-Outer-Tian Passage.

huh, huh

Lin Yimu came to Luoyue Mountain first, and he had already decided to betray the Northern King Hall, so he was naturally worried that the Northern King would know about it.When the Northern King returns, he will be finished.

"Old Lin, why did you come to Luoyue Mountain instead of resting at home this late at night!"

As soon as Lin Yimu arrived outside Luoyue Mountain, Yue Ningxue came out from behind him.

"Female, my lord goddess, why are you here!"

Lin Yimu was a little surprised.Shouldn't Yue Ningxue be besieged at Yue Pavilion at this time?
"I'm waiting for you!"

Yue Ningxue smiled and said.

"Wait for me, you know I'm coming?"

Lin Yimu was terrified and asked in a low voice.

"Lin Yimu!"

Before Yue Ningxue could answer him, the unbearable Yue Xingxiang shot out.

"Moon, astrology, you..."

Lin Yimu was dumbfounded!Wasn't Yue Xingxiang attacked by him and sealed the way of heaven?How could it appear here at this time.

"Do you think I should be at the bottom of the Sleepy God Tower! Lin Yimu. Fortunately, I have always regarded you as a brother who died, but I didn't expect you to want my life!"

Yue Xingxiang said angrily.

"Impossible, you have been sealed by me, how could you be intact."

Lin Yimu knew that he couldn't talk about it if he wanted to, but he didn't understand, how could he be fine when he slapped the moon and stars behind the back of his hand and sealed his way of heaven.

Yue Xingxiang opened his collar, revealing the armor that Yue Ningxue asked him to wear.

"The Moon Shadow Clothes! The Goddess actually gave you the Moon Shadow Clothes!"

Of course, Lin Yimu also knew the origin of the Yueying Baoyi, which was prepared by Yue Ningxue in her previous life for the Battle God.This is a defensive weapon.

"Hmph, if Goddess hadn't noticed it a long time ago and gave me the precious clothes, wouldn't I have been murdered by you? Lin Yimu, if you dare to betray Beiwangdian, I think you are courting death..."

Yue Xingxiang said angrily.

"I'm afraid that you will be the one looking for death..."

Lin Chenshuang rushed to Yueluo Mountain under the leadership of Juehuang.

"Uh! Juehuang! This is troublesome!"

Yue Xingxiang also recognized Juehuang, and his face changed instantly!
Juehuang was ranked third on the mainland of Beizhou at the beginning, second only to the patriarch of the Qin family at that time, and the king of the north. More than 3 years have passed, and the Juehuang has reappeared, but the ancestor of the Qin family died in battle while guarding Tianwaitian, and the Northern King is not there at this time.

He can't beat Juehuang.

"Haha, boy, I didn't expect you to recognize this old man! But when this old man ran across Beizhou, you must be a brat!"

Jue Huang said proudly.

"Master Goddess! This old thing is not ordinary. If the King of the North doesn't come out, I'm afraid he won't be able to stop him. Why don't you enter the Heaven Beyond Heaven!"

Yue Xingxiang said in a deep voice.Lin Yimu colluded with Juehuang, and his purpose must be to come to the passage.If he wanted to control Beiwang Palace, besides sealing the passage, he had to get rid of Yue Ningxue and him.

In the current situation, they can't beat it at all. The best way is to retreat into the outer sky, because there is no other way out.

In front of the Juehuang, if you run away, you can't escape at all.

"No matter who you are, Beiwangdian will not allow you to be presumptuous!"

Yue Ningxue took a step forward and scolded!If they retreated into Tianwaitian, the Beiwang Palace would be over, and there would be a bloody storm in the Beizhou Continent.

But at this time, as long as she delays time, as soon as Tianwaitian's reinforcements arrive, she will be able to fight.

"Haha, you are the reincarnation of that moon god! If you regain the peak of your previous life, you may still be qualified to be arrogant in front of this old man! But are you worthy of the current you?"

Jue Huang sneered and said.

"I am indeed not as good as you now! But do you know why I am waiting for you!"

Yue Ningxue said very frankly.


Jue Huang frowned.

She thought that Yue Ningxue seemed to have guessed that they would come, otherwise she would not have set a trap in her residence, it seemed that she deliberately lured them here.

"Could she set up an ambush here!"

Jue Huang guessed.

"Old Ancestor, she is bluffing and trying to delay the time! Let's do it!"

Lin Chenshuang saw Yue Ningxue's strategy and immediately reminded her.Her IQ is still online, but Jue Huang finally takes care of her!

"Do it? I'm afraid you will come and go!"

Yue Ningxue said domineeringly.

"Haha, even if the Northern King Chen Yuanshu is here, the Northern King Hall will have to change hands after today!"

Jue Huang also responded domineeringly.

"Really? Juehuang, I haven't seen you for many years, your bragging skills have gradually improved."

A voice came from the depths of Yueluo Mountain.

"Hmm! Chen Yuanshu!"

Juehuang frowned, and he sensed a familiar aura, which was the Northern King Chen Yuanshu!
call out!
Four heavenly paths soared into the sky, one of which was the Heavenly Path of the Northern King Chen Yuanshu.After Bei Wang received the news from Xie Yue, he immediately returned to heaven and earth with three Tian Dao.

It finally came in time!
(End of this chapter)

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