extreme dog days

4199--Andrew Chen Yuanshu's decision

4199--Andrew Chen Yuanshu's decision
"you say!"

Chen Yuanshu said lightly.

"If the palace master appears, king, will you worship, or not?"

Mr. Wuwei was silent for a while, then said in a low voice.

"Uh, why do you ask that?"

Chen Yuanshu became energetic.

"The reason why our Temple of Fighting God has been able to pass down from ancient times to the present, standing upright in the world and ordering the heroes of the world to deal with the soul race, is precisely because our Temple of Fighting God is united as one! But although the owner of the temple is beheading the Dao, the Temple of Fighting God is torn apart! He It is difficult to lead the Temple of Gods to fight against the soul race! But the master of the temple has the human race's orthodox lineage, and he has the power of heaven and earth in one body. If you follow him, you will naturally enjoy the luck of the gods, which is the root of the temple's prosperity."

Mr. Wuwei said in a deep voice.

"You're right! But now we don't even know who the Lord of the Battle God is! Moreover, the Lord of this generation appeared too late! Even if he cut the Dao, can he clean up the current mess?"

Chen Yuanshu said helplessly.

He is very clear about the current situation in the world!The Great Chaos of the Five States is a mess, not only the past soul race, but also the outside soul race, the world is full of heroes, and the Dou Temple is even more torn apart.

How to deal with such a situation.

"What if we start from the mainland of Beizhou?"

Mr. Gomi continued.

"Mr. Wuwei, do you want to persuade this king to submit to the palace master?"

Chen Yuanshu frowned and looked at Mr. Wuwei.

"Exactly, but I have pursued you, King Bei for many years. No matter what decision Bei Wang makes, Wuwei will follow you to the death!"

Mr. Wuwei said solemnly.

He was originally just a monk who was good at strategy, although he had high potential, limited talent, and bad luck at the same time, until he met Chen Yuanshu, who helped him make plans to control the Northern King Hall. After that, he was brought by Chen Yuanshu's side, With the help of Chen Yuanshu, he finally achieved the Dao of Heaven.

So no matter what, he will not betray Chen Yuanshu.But he hoped that Chen Yuanshu could make the right choice.

"Hey! In fact, this time when I return to heaven and earth, this king also thought about looking for the palace master, but the crowd is so vast, where can I find it!"

Chen Yuanshu took a deep breath and said.

"Far in the sky, right in front of you!"

Mr. Wuwei said in a deep voice.

"Uh, Mr. Wuwei, don't be kidding. Could it be that you know where the Palace Master is?"

Chen Yuanshu asked in a daze.

"The hostess has reminded Bei Wang twice before."

"Oh, the hostess reminded me! Does the hostess know where the palace master is?"

Chen Yuanshu hasn't reacted yet!

"It's that Heavenly Dao Sword Cultivator!"

Mr. Wuwei said in a low voice again.

"What, that's impossible? How could a swordsman be the master of the hall? According to records, the five realms of swordsmanship can replace the soul of Qi! It can't be the host of the soul path."

The way of the sword is special. When the way of the sword enters the fifth level, the general way of the sword suppresses the soul and replaces it. Therefore, those who are at the fifth level of the sword level will be called sword gods!

Another point is that the way of the sword cannot enter the illusion of heaven and earth, so the way of the sword cannot help cut the way!
"What about the space?"

Mr. Wuwei reminded.

"Uh, yes, when he saved the heroine, he seemed to use the way of space! Could it be that he is really the palace master?"

Chen Yuanshu suddenly realized, but he was also dubious.

"No mistake! The heroine is the reincarnation of the Moon God, and the person whom the Moon God loved in the past was Lord Fighting God, but unfortunately they failed to get together in the end. Now that the heroine is marrying the current Palace Master, it actually makes up Regrets from previous lives!"

Mr. Wuwei said with a slight smile.

"Ugh! They..."

Chen Yuanshu was taken aback for a moment!In his impression, Yue Ningxue had fused the soul of the Moon God in her previous life, and that was a character that did not eat fireworks.

How can it be so easy to fall in love with someone!
"According to the astrology, the heroine was already his wife before merging with the soul of the previous life!"

Before coming to see Chen Yuanshu, Mr. Wuwei specifically asked Yue Xingxiang about the relationship between Lingyun and Yue Ningxue.


"Bei Wang, are you going there..."

"If he is really the palace master, I worship!"

Chen Yuanshu is very satisfied with Ling Yun's strength!So when he learned that he was the Palace Master, he couldn't sit still.

"Wait, King Bei, now is not the time to go, and your injury can't delay!"

Mr. Wuwei said quickly.

At this moment, under Qin Yuyan's coercion, Yue Ningxue obediently stayed alone with Ling Yun.Qin Yuyan understood that Yue Ningxue loved Ling Yun in her heart, but the subconscious of Moon God's soul was resisting.

That's why Yue Ningxue kept running away!

At the same time, whether it was Yue Ningxue or Luna, they all hoped that Ling Yun could successfully lead the Dou Shen Temple, so they were helping him intentionally or unintentionally, and only reminded Chen Yuanshu twice before.

It's just that Yue Ningxue doesn't know whether Ling Yun can subdue Beiwang Palace or not, she is the key!

"Don't talk!"


Ling Yun and Yue Ningxue stayed in Yueluo Mountain all the time. At this time, they walked to the edge of the cliff. It was a date, but neither of them spoke.

Just as Ling Yun was about to speak, Yue Ningxue interrupted, it's impossible to chat!

Ling Yun sighed.He didn't know how to break the tranquility with Yue Ningxue, it was fine if he didn't speak, so he sat by the side to accompany her.

Yue Ningxue glanced at him, secretly cursing in her heart that this is an idiot!Tell him not to speak, and he will really not speak.Suddenly, the memories of the Moon God came flooding back. The Moon God and the Battle God had also been here before.

Fighting God's personality is similar to Ling Yun's. Back then, Fighting God made Moon God unhappy, so when he came here, Fighting God wanted to speak, but Moon God also told him not to speak. That day they stood together all day and night.

There will be no more after that.

(End of this chapter)

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