extreme dog days

4234 - The Terrible Gate of the Earth

"Uh, kid, you are courting death, and you entered my earth gate by yourself, then you will die!"

Unexpectedly by Tantai Chongyang, Ling Yun stepped forward instead of retreating, and stepped into the gate of the earth, but what Tantai Chongyang didn't know was that Ling Yun had opened the Void Dao Dharma Gate before that, and faced each other door-to-door.But this is not the same family, but Ling Yun wants to borrow Tantai Chongyang's gate of the earth to practice!
Now that he has entered the Tao, although he broke through the human race's orthodoxy at that time, and his cultivation reached the middle stage of entering the Tao, his cultivation limit requires far more strength than others.

Tantai Chongyang opened the door of the earth with the way of heaven, and the proper power of the earth inside is refined into energy.

"what happened!"

Tantai Chongyang thought that Ling Yun would surely die if he entered the gate of the earth, but when he wanted to withdraw from the gate of the earth, he found that there was no way to withdraw.

It seemed to be pulled by a force.

"Damn it, is there something under the ground that can't be done!"

Tantai Chongyang's face changed drastically. At this moment, he hadn't realized that it was Ling Yun who was at the gate of the earth, using the method of the void to steal the power of the gate of the earth.

As a result, the internal forces of the gate of the earth were chaotic, making it difficult to control his way of heaven!
"No! It's him, he's not dead! How is this possible! Space, this is impossible, even if he masters the Dao of Space, with his Dao of Space, how can he be able to block the gate of the earth! Could it be that he dared to borrow the gate of the earth? Practice! Crazy, crazy! If you want to practice, I will let you practice..."

Tantai Chongyang understood it, and fully stimulated the way of heaven, so that the gate of the earth continued to open. The scope of the gate of the earth became larger and larger, and the gravity generated by the gate of the earth became stronger and stronger.

In a blink of an eye, it caused a change in the world!

"Wow, shit! Patriarch Chongyang, stop quickly! Otherwise, it will attract the wrath of heaven and earth!"

"Yes! Now the seals of heaven and earth have appeared!"

Originally, the power of heaven and earth was limited by the seal, once it exceeded the range that heaven and earth could bear, the seal would appear.But with the general trend of the world coming, the seal is gradually opened, allowing the world to reach the level where it can follow the way of the sky.But at this time, Tantai Chongyang used the way of heaven to trigger the power of heaven and earth, which has gradually exceeded the range that heaven and earth can bear, so the seal will appear again, causing the world to change!

This is the behavior of a madman!

Once the wrath of heaven and earth is attracted, even the strongest of heaven and earth will be obliterated.

Otherwise, ordinary heavenly powers would not dare to fight in the sky and earth, but would fly into the air.

"Tantai Chongyang is crazy!"

Tantai Huansheng and Tantai Xuanmen were also taken aback, they hurriedly stopped!

"Don't talk so much nonsense, calm the world, otherwise if the world gets angry, you and I will die!"

Tantai Xuanmen said hastily.

As the Dao of Heaven, they appear here. Once the world is angry, they will be implicated as well!

"What are you doing in a daze, why don't you make a move!"

Tantai Xuanmen then said to Tantai Qianyuan and the others.

Tantai Huansheng was in a bit of a dilemma, he helped calm down the world, didn't he indirectly help Tantai Chongyang deal with Ling Yun?
They suppressed the heaven and the earth, so Tantai Chongyang could open the gate of the earth without hesitation.The bigger the gate of the earth, the stronger the power.

But at this time, he seems to have no choice, the seal of heaven and earth has been revealed, if he does not help to restrain the world at this time, when the wrath of heaven and earth appears, neither Ling Yun nor them can escape.

In the gate of the earth, the Void Dao method seemed to be unable to bear it, and cracks appeared continuously. At this time, Ling Yun also reached the limit of endurance, and his cultivation broke through the eighth level of the Tao.

At the moment when the Void Dao Dharma Gate was about to break, an immortal body appeared to prop up the Earth Gate.

"What! This is... an immortal body!"

Tantai Chongyang also reached the limit, his own strength was exhausted!His Heavenly Dao can no longer control the Gate of Earth at this time, because the power inside the Gate of Earth faintly shows signs of breaking through the shackles of Heavenly Dao.

This point was something that Tantai Chongyang did not expect.

The immortal body forcibly supports the gate of the earth, which is to close the gate of the earth!Because if you let it go, it may cause loopholes in the world!

Then this disaster will be a big one!
"Oops! If you can't close the gate of the earth, it will be out of control! Explosion..."

Ling Yun's face was extremely heavy, and he felt that the immortal body seemed to be unable to bear it. If the gate of the earth still cannot be closed when the immortal body is shattered, then there will be a big problem.

"Chongyang, hurry up and close the gate of the earth, you want to die, don't drag me down!"

Tantai Xuanmen was also anxious and shouted.

"Close, can't close! It's beyond my control now!"

Tantai Chongyang's face turned pale, and he was sweating profusely.At this time, his intestines were also full of regret, because he was eager to compete just now, but now he is out of control.

The gate of the earth is beyond his control, it is no longer controlled by his strength, and now he can't stop the gate of the earth from opening.


Tantai Xuanmen
"You got into trouble!"

Tantai Huansheng couldn't help cursing too!

At this moment, the gate of the earth exploded!

Ling Yun finally chose to abandon his immortal body directly and broke the gate of the earth!Let the gate of the earth no longer work, only in this way can the gate of the earth lose its power and disappear.

"Ah! Pfft..."


"You are charming!"


The gate of the earth exploded, and the powerful power instantly shattered Tantai Chongyang's heavenly way, and at the same time blasted him flying. If his heavenly way hadn't blocked most of the power, he would have been crushed to pieces.

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