extreme dog days

4282 - No cloth available

4282 - No cloth available
As one of the top forces of the human race in the Nanzhou mainland, the Wu tribe is of course very particular about their clothes.Most of the priests and above wear clothes from the Wanling Clothes Workshop.

And Wanling Clothing Workshop has always been very mysterious, because in addition to making high-end clothes, there are also some special clothes.

Compared with clothes with certain attributes, although this kind of clothes can't be regarded as defensive armor at all for those who enter the Tao.But wearing this kind of clothes has a lot of face.

For example, with the ice attribute, as long as ordinary people touch you, their hands will freeze into ice, which can further demonstrate the arrogance and majesty of the strong.

And this kind of clothes, each piece is worth hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions!
"Haha, that's not it!"

Shi En also admitted it without any concealment, and then led them into the Wanling Clothes Workshop!In addition to making clothes, Wanling Clothes Factory, in order to prevent people from discovering the existence of this clothing factory, can make clothes, produce silk, weave cloth, and dye cloth through a one-stop process.

So this workshop is very large.

"Shi En, you can! No wonder no one has been able to find the whereabouts of the Lingyi Workshop! Even the workers in this workshop don't know that the clothes they make are the famous Wanling Brand Yishan outside! "

Gui Muya couldn't help admiring.

"Master Shi, you are here!"

The person in charge of Wanling Clothes Shop came out to greet him!
"Miaoshou Liu Ba! You are the master of Miaoshou!"

Gui Muya looked at the person in charge of Wanling Clothes Workshop with admiration.This person is none other than Liu Ba, the number one garment-making master in the mainland of Nanzhou!

I don't know how many people wanted to ask him to make a piece of clothing, but they were all rejected by him.I don't know how many garment factories wanted to invite him to sit in town, but he refused them all.

But he also offended a lot of people.But it suddenly disappeared more than 2000 years ago!
"Exactly, I dare to ask this girl is..."

Miaoshou Liu Ba saw that the clothes Gui Muya was wearing were made by him, so he asked her name.

"Witch palm!"

Shi En said lightly.

"What, it turned out to be Lord Zhangling of the Witch Clan. I didn't know that Master Zhangling was here, so the little one would be far away to welcome him!"

The master Liu Ba couldn't help being startled when he heard Gui Muya's name.

"Uh, Mr. Liu doesn't know the identity of your master Shi, right?"

Seeing that Liu Ba was so surprised to hear her name, Gui Muya was also drunk!


"Old Liu, I am the former High Priest of the Wu Clan, and now I am considered a sinner of the Wu Clan. This is our Lord Witch Lord! Don't bow out!"

Shi En introduced!
Although the Wu Clan is domineering, they never bully the weak. On the contrary, they often help the poor. Therefore, the Wu Clan has a high reputation and is loved.

This is also the reason why Liu Ba was excited when he heard Gui Muya's identity.

"Ah! Witch, Witch Lord! Liu Ba pays homage to the Witch Lord!"

Liu Ba almost didn't slow down!

"Old Liu, you're welcome, you don't need to see outsiders!"

Ling Yun stepped forward to help him up.Although Liu Ba's cultivation base and strength are not good, he can only be regarded as an ordinary monk, but because he can make good clothes, it is enough to make people pay attention.

At the same time, over the years, he has also helped Shi En manage the Wanling Clothes Shop in an orderly manner.

"Master Wu, there are more than 300 large and small cloth-making workshops of our Wu tribe, although they only account for [-]% of the Nanzhou mainland. But the best cloth workshops are all owned by our Wu tribe. But the garment workers There are not many workshops, but if the witch master wants to develop a garment workshop, I am sure that I can occupy [-]% of the share in a short period of time."

Shi En said solemnly.

"[-]% cloth, [-]% clothing, that's enough! I want to increase the price of luxury clothes in the entire Nanzhou mainland by ten times within three months! Within half a year, there will be no cloth available in the entire Nanzhou mainland!"

Ling Yun nodded and said.

"Ah! Lord Witch Master, why is this! If there is no cloth in the world, what should everyone wear? Isn't this..."

Liu Ba didn't know Ling Yun's purpose yet, so he couldn't help asking when he heard that Ling Yun wanted to make the world unusable.

"Return the world to a bright world!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Old Liu, there is no doubt that the shaman will act, just do your job well!"

Shi En said quickly.

The Wu clan wants to use the power of the chamber of commerce to deal with the Dilong family, and this matter cannot be revealed yet.At least not let the people of the Dilong family know until he has mastered [-]% of the garment workshop.

Otherwise, the Dilong family would prevent them from purchasing the garment workshop, so that they would not be able to consume the fabrics on the market in a short time!

At the same time, the Dilong family will also take the opportunity to secretly arrange cloth, so as to preemptively raise the price of clothes.Let them fall into a passive state here!
There is no cloth in this world, if it lasts for too long, the problem will be serious!

Ling Yun wants to make the world clean, the purpose is to attack the Chamber of Commerce of the Dilong family and make them lose money!Then he used spirit herbs and spirit medicines to enter the arena, cutting off the medicine pill market of the Dilong family.

As a result, the interests of the Dilong family were damaged, causing civil strife, and further dividing them.So that the Dilong family can be brought out of chaos anyway.

The richest person among the witch clan is Shi En. With his Wanling Clothes Workshop, the annual net profit is one billion spirit stones. What an astonishing existence this is.

Secondly, all the cloth-making workshops of the Wu people are in charge of him, and besides the share, he also reaps a lot of benefits from it.

And before he occupied the Wu Clan, one of the two treasure houses of the Wu Clan fell into his hands.Even if he returned it later, he only returned [-] to [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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