extreme dog days

Chapter 4330

Chapter 4330
Back then, in order to seize cultivation resources, they ransacked the two major families of Liufeng City, broke the rules of seclusion, and were hunted down by monks from the four cities near Liufeng City, and their whereabouts were unknown in the end.

"Since you know it's not easy, you Baiyemeng still dare to come! Are you courting death?"

When Zhao Hui heard the code name and knew his identity, murderous intent appeared in his eyes!Back then they broke the rules and were chased and killed by monks from the four cities. If Feiyunzhuang hadn't taken them in, they would have nowhere to escape!
After all, if the rules are broken, the whole world will punish them. This is the rule set by the Wuzhou Palace and the Fighting God Palace!
"You are the one who is looking for death! Back then, it was the order of the Temple of the God of Fighting! You broke the rules and created a massacre. The Temple of the God of Fighting issued an order to kill..."

The code name said solemnly.

"The Temple of Fighting God?"

When Zhao Hui heard this, his expression changed again!

If it's Baiyemeng, he really doesn't care about it.Because relying on the Baiye League, they really can't do anything to Feiyunzhuang.But the Temple of Dou is different, at least it is also the Temple of Nanzhou!
It's just that on the Nanzhou mainland at the moment, the Nanzhou Palace seems to be dispensable, and it doesn't have much appeal!Moreover, the Nanzhou Palace cannot represent the Fighting God Palace!

"Haha! Don't be bluffing! The Nanzhou Palace can't represent the Battle God Palace, but it's like the Battle God Palace doesn't appear! Who are you scaring?"

After Zhao Hui reacted, he said disdainfully.

"Heh! Is it scaring you, just try it..."

There is no need to talk nonsense now, so the code name will be done directly.His cultivation level is comparable to that of Zhao Hui. As for strength, Zhao Hui is known as the Shuangsha, and his strength is naturally not weak.

It's just that the code name learned swordsmanship from Ling Yun for a while, not just for fun!Originally, he was trained as an assassin, if the assassination misses, the best choice is how far, how far to run!
But what he learned from Ling Yun was the swordsmanship of facing the enemy head-on!
"Assassin, Baiyemeng. You guys are really brave! You are Shangguan Jiuyao!"

Yang Tianwang, owner of Feiyun Villa, looked at Shangguan Jiuyao and said.

"That's right, who would have thought that the owner of a small Feiyun Village would be a powerful man of the Dao of Heaven, and also a big boss who controls one-tenth of the chamber of commerce industry in Yunshuiyu."

For a long time, Baiyemeng thought that they knew Yunshuiyu well, but they never imagined that there was such a terrifying force as Feiyunzhuang hidden in Yunshuiyu.

Before that, she couldn't believe that in such a small villa, there were actually three Tiandao sitting in charge, and they were also big crocodiles who controlled one-tenth of the chamber of commerce industry in Yunshuiyu!
"Haha! Shangguan Jiuyao, I think your ancestors are the direct descendants of the Tantai family. If you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened! But I also advise you, those who know the current affairs are heroes! The witch clan is gone. You want to take advantage of the power of the Wu Clan to fight against the Earth Dragon Clan, that is wishful thinking!"

Yang Tianwang knew the identity of Shangguan Jiuyao a long time ago. Since Shangguan Jiuyao found this place, it means that she also knows the background of Feiyunzhuang, so there is no need to hide her clumsiness.

"Hehe, the Earth Dragon Clan is going against the law, disregarding the moral lineage of the human race, and the common people in the world. Not only colluding with the outside soul clan, but also disrupting the general situation of the world! But you come to talk to me about current affairs, are you worthy?"

Shangguan Jiuyao mocked.

"Hmph, it seems that you are determined to fight against the Dilong family, then I will take you down and hand it over to the Tantai family!"

Yang Tianwang didn't care about that much.The ancestor of his family is the ancestor of the Dilong family, he has no choice!And he firmly believed that his ancestor was right.

After all, according to the current situation in the Nanzhou mainland, the Dilong family is in full swing.And as a member of the Earth Dragon Clan, he naturally knows how powerful the Dragon Clan is.

If he betrayed the Dilong family, there would be no place for him in the Nanzhou Continent!

"Well, a Daoist, how dare you attack me! You are tired of working!"

Just as Yang Tianwang was about to make a move, a sword slashed towards him.The person who shot was the god who had been standing beside Shangguan Jiuyao.

Heavenly Kill didn't reply, and cut over with another sword.He made a move like drawing a sword, and his momentum was constantly rising. He wanted to take the opportunity to attack the realm of heaven!

Tiansha has already reached the peak of the ninth level of Taoism for many years, but he has been stuck in this level and has been unable to step into the way of heaven for a long time.

It's not because his talent potential is insufficient, nor is his comprehension too poor, but because he failed to find his way.But after he got married to Shangguan Jiuyao, he gradually understood where his own path lies.

He cultivates the way of killing, and the way of killing also has an ultimate purpose.

To kill is not to kill, but to protect something, to kill!
There is a way in your heart, drawing the sword is drawing the sword, drawing the sword is only to kill, and killing is to protect!

"Damn it! This guy cultivated the way of killing! Don't let him kill! Otherwise, he will break through the way of heaven, and then he will really have the ability to fight me!"

Yang Tianwang was horrified!God kill shot, fast, ruthless, accurate!At the same time, every time he makes a move, his aura rises to a higher level. According to this posture, Heavenly Killer has a great possibility to break through the way of heaven.

But under the premise, it is undefeated and undefeated!
Yang Tianwang was in a hurry, Tiansha had been instructed by Tantai Huansheng, and his strength was strong enough to compete with the ordinary Heavenly Dao.Although Yang Tianwang is the third level of heaven, his strength is not weak.

But for a while, he really can't do anything!If you can't interrupt Tiansha's aura before it climbs to the top, and when Tiansha ascends to the heaven, then you will have absolute strength to fight him.

"The way of heaven is rampant, and the mountain is collapsing!"

Yang Tianwang held the long saber in his hand, concentrated the power of heaven on the long saber, and swung the strongest blow.

(End of this chapter)

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