extreme dog days

Chapter 4368 Fight Cloud Bodhisattva Again

Chapter 4368 Fight Cloud Bodhisattva Again

Until Yun Bodhisattva made a move and opened the Ninth Five-Year Game.A group of clan members learned from the older generation of the family that the existence of the Earth Center City was arranged by their great elders to invite the king into the Weng Bureau just in case, so they were relieved.

Originally, the Dilong family and the Tantai family belonged together, and they had always been in Nanyue City, and there were only nine cities near Nanyue City.

But after Tantai Zhenyue became the head of the family, Yun Bodhisattva was invited back, but Yun Bodhisattva was asked to arrange a feng shui formation for the Tantai family, so as to keep the Tantai family undefeated forever.

So Yun Bodhisattva asked Tantai Zhenyue to build a city in the center of the earth according to his method, and at the same time turned the nine cities into eighteen cities.

This is one of the strongest Fengshui formations of Yun Bodhisattva, please take the throne, the ninth five-year situation!

This array uses the eighteen cities as the guide, borrowing the power of the earth and attracting the power of the sky.In this way, the image of the unity of heaven and earth is achieved, and the ninety-five supreme beings are created!

The Eighteenth City of Panlong borrowed the power of the earth to turn into eighteen pillars and soared into the sky. The sky within the Eighteenth City of Panlong changed suddenly. The sky was covered with dark clouds, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. .

"Everything has a spirit, the earth is the king, the emperor has a call, the ninety-five supreme!"


Yun Bodhisattva walked out of Nanyue City, clasped the formation seal with his hands, and shouted loudly, a huge black dragon flew out of the sky.The black dragon gathers the power of the earth and preserves the power of the sky!

The unity of heaven and earth is comparable to the unity of heaven and man.

Although the current strength can only be regarded as the ranks of low-rank and supreme powerhouses, as time goes by, this formation will become stronger and stronger, and the strength of the Nine-Five Supreme will not rise!
When the black dragon came, Yun Bodhisattva flew and stood on the dragon's head, carrying the power of heaven and earth, directly to the center of the earth. The strong sense of oppression made everyone in the city kneel down!

Ling Yun looked at the sky and said something lightly.He stomped the ground with his right leg, and the three major reincarnations appeared at the same time, and the center of the earth was foggy, and everything in the city seemed to be normal, but if he entered from outside the city at this time, it was no longer the inner city of the earth, but Lingyun's nether world!
Because at this moment above the gate of the center of the earth, the word "city of the center of the earth" has changed into a nether world!

The city gate opened, Ling Yun walked out, and Yun Bodhisattva also came outside the city.


Seeing that the original earth-centered city had turned into a nether world, Bodhisattva Yun frowned, and instantly understood that there was a master of good fortune in the city.

"This battle came so fast!"

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"It's you!"

Bodhisattva Yun really didn't pay much attention to Ling Yun just now, but when Ling Yun opened his mouth, he immediately reacted.Knowing that Ling Yun is the good luck master who blocked him in Dimucheng before.

"I said before, you and I will have a battle! It's just that time doesn't wait for me..."

Ling Yun said lightly.

He also wanted to fight Yun Bodhisattva when he was fully confident in the future!But today's situation in the world cannot be controlled by him, he can wait, but if others don't let him wait, he can't help it!

So we can only fight with our backs and come to the center of the earth on our own initiative!
"With a dead city like yours, how can you compete with the Ninth Five-Year Supreme! Don't forget, although the world is big, all the guests who lead the land are the king's ministers! Even if you are the lord of a city, you have to bow your head in front of the emperor! "

Yun Bodhisattva said domineeringly.

Does Ling Yun want to fight him because he only uses this city?

In the Ninth Five-Year Bureau, he is the emperor!Everything belongs to him. Is it possible to set up a formation here and want to break it with a formation?

"Respectfully invite the emperor to enter the city!"

Ling Yun bowed his hands and saluted, and the city gate opened!


Yun Bodhisattva was stunned for a moment, and his face involuntarily became heavy.Because Lingyun is a netherworld, he doesn't understand it.I really don't know what's so special about it.

Originally, he wanted to directly restrain Ling Yun and let him bow his head, but Ling Yun opened the gate of the city and invited him to enter the city. How can he restrain him this day.

If you don't enter, the momentum will be lost!And he is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, if he does not enter the city, it is equivalent to bowing his head.The emperor bows his head, loses all his power, and his power will be greatly reduced!
Yun Bodhisattva pondered for a while, stretched his hand back, and the huge black dragon turned into a black light and fell into his body. He was like a god in an instant, shining brightly, and stepped into the nether world.

Inside the nether world, there is no one there, it is as quiet as a cicada, but it is full of vitality!
"Endless vitality, the soul returns to heaven and earth! Wonderful, wonderful! What is the origin?"

Yun Bodhisattva couldn't help asking.


Ling Yun said lightly.

"Samsara, you are actually in charge of reincarnation! Then I want to see what kind of state your reincarnation has reached!"

Yun Bodhisattva waved his hand, and a powerful force erupted instantly, like a thousand troops attacking a city, causing the Netherworld to buzz endlessly, and at the same time, there were bursts of howling ghosts and wolves.

This voice Yun Bodhisattva is also a little confused!
Nether Underworld, this is a world of its own!Almost like the underworld.It's just that compared to the underworld, the Netherworld is still worse.

"You want reincarnation!"

Ling Yun understands that reincarnation is different from the general way of heaven.Although it is not among the top ten strongest heavens, it is not weaker than these ten strongest heavens.

In addition, for good fortune masters, reincarnation is a treasure!
It is equivalent to an infinite Feng Shui secret treasure!

"Right on my mind!"

"That depends on your ability!"

Ling Yun said lightly, the reincarnation of hungry ghosts appeared, and countless evil ghosts appeared in the blink of an eye in the originally empty Netherworld!They are where the hungry ghosts reincarnate.

"Hungry ghost reincarnation! Before the emperor, kneel!"

Yun Bodhisattva frowned, then shouted loudly.The power manifests as a real dragon, and forcibly suppresses the reincarnation of hungry ghosts. Countless evil spirits feel the aura of the real dragon and kneel down one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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