Chapter 808

"Senior, don't worry, just listen to me. Xiaoming is poisoned by the control pill. This pill can control the mind and soul of others. Ordinary doctors can't find out the reason. A lot of people got caught."

Ling Yun said in a low voice.He never imagined that Xuanmen's hand had already reached the Dragon Palace.

In fact, this matter is also because of him, who asked him to refine the antidote, so Xuanmen can't wait to start action.

"God Control Pill, you can save the way."

Ziyun asked anxiously.Qinglong Supreme also looked at him.

"Senior Ziyun, don't worry, I have already refined the antidote. As long as Xiaoming smells the antidote, he will take the initiative to take it. But I am more worried now that there may be a major event in the Dragon Palace."

Xuanmen had absolutely no idea that Ling Yun would come to the Dragon Palace at this time.If Xuanmen knew that this time because Jiujun picked up girls and their actions were exposed, it would guarantee that Jiujun would be worse off than dead.

"What big things can happen to the Dragon Palace, even if the most powerful force in your human race, Fengjiemeng, would not dare to provoke our Dragon Palace."

Qinglong Supreme said very confidently.The Dragon Palace has a rich heritage. If you talk about the number of Supreme Realm, the Dongzhou Continent is the first Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace also has the existence of miracles.

Use miracles, below the divine way, don't even think about living.

"I know that the Dragon Palace is powerful, but if the other party has this kind of pill to control other people's minds and souls, it will be different. As far as I know, this pill can't resist even the strong in the divine way. If the other party uses this pill, right You guys from the Dragon Palace, do you still have a chance to resist?"

The existence of the God Control Pill is really terrifying.Even Shinto can't break free, let alone the Supreme Realm below Shinto.


Qinglong Supreme took a breath.

"Then who do you think is going to deal with the Dragon Palace?"

Ziyun's expression is very serious. She usually ignores the affairs of Longgong, but since she is married to Zitian and Longgong is her home, she naturally does not allow others to be detrimental to Longgong.

"God Control Pill came from Xuanmen. In fact, when I came to Dragon Palace this time, in addition to looking for Xiaoming, I also invited Dragon Palace to help deal with Xuanmen. The antidote I refined has been known by Xuanmen, and now Xuanmen Since the smell of those who have been poisoned has been sealed, I need to use Ryugu’s unique sound to open the five senses to decipher the seal of the poisoned person’s sense of smell.”

Ling Yun said.

"Xuanmen is so bold."

When Qinglong Supreme heard that this was what Xuanmen did, he was immediately furious.

"Lingyun, since you have the antidote, hurry up and help Xiaoming detoxify."

Ziyun was in a hurry and looked at Lingyun expectantly.

Ever since she was a child, Zi Python had been abnormal. She didn't know how many times she cried, and her heart was broken.Poor parents in the world!At this time, hearing that Ling Yun had a way to rescue her son, he naturally couldn't wait, and wanted Zi Ming to recover.

"Senior Ziyun, don't worry, the reason why the control pill can control the mind and soul of others is because there is the manipulator's soul in the control pill. Once it is lifted, the other party will find out. If the other party knows about it , and then want to know who is behind the ghosts, it will be difficult."

Ling Yun said.

Xiao Zi Python was attacked, which is enough to show that there is a traitor in the Dragon Palace. If the traitor is not eliminated, the crisis in the Dragon Palace is difficult to solve. Lingyun is willing to help the Dragon Palace, so that the Dragon Palace can help him deal with Xuanmen together.

"Well, you are still thoughtful. I don't know what you can do."

Qinglong Supreme asked.

"According to the plan, this is the antidote to the control pill."

Ling Yun took a bottle of antidote and handed it to Qinglong Supreme.

"Why so stinky"

Qinglong Supreme opened the pill bottle, a stench hit his nostrils, and looked at Ling Yun with disgust.

"As long as the person who takes the control pill smells this pill, it will be fragrant."


Qinglong Supreme was speechless for a while.

"Senior, the antidote must be handed over to the powerhouses of the Dragon Palace every time, so that after getting the control pill, it can be taken before the other party's soul will take effect."

There are ten antidotes in the pill bottle, but Qinglong Supreme has his own plans.As long as the four dragon gods and dragon gods of the dragon palace are not controlled, then no one can control the dragon palace.

"The old man can send the antidote to the other three Dragon Venerables, but the matter still needs to be notified to the Dragon God. This Dragon God's temper is not so easy to discuss, so the Dragon Queen has to come forward."

Qinglong Supreme still has his heart towards his nephew, so wouldn't this give Zitian a chance to make Ziyun forgive him?

"I see."

Although Ziyun is very angry, she also loves Zitian deeply, otherwise she would not have traveled thousands of miles from the North Continent to the East Continent to find him.

"Longlang, that bastard Zitian is there."

Ziyun went to Zitian with the antidote, but Zitian was not in the Dragon Palace, so she could only ask Longlang.

"Hey, sister-in-law. The boss went around the stone."

Dragon Wolf said with a smile.This time Zitian was too sensible. He knew that he had offended Ziyun, so he took the initiative to wrap the stone.That stone still looked like Zitian's demon body that was deliberately carved into Ziyun.

Once Zitian makes Ziyun angry, he will hang around there to make her happy, and over time, it will become the place where Ziyun punishes him.Of course, it has also become a forbidden place, who would dare to watch their dragon god make a fool of himself.

"Yunyun, you're here...Aren't you mad at me?"

Seeing Ziyun, Zitian immediately turned into a human figure and ran to her.

"Go away. Get away from me."

"Well, I didn't mean to."

Zitian likes Ziyun very much, and he has no resistance to her. Every time he sees her, he can always make him drool, and he can't wait to hug her tightly and do whatever he wants.

(End of this chapter)

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