extreme dog days

Chapter 812 The Dragon God's Suffocation

Chapter 812 The Dragon God's Suffocation

Of course, except for things like husband and wife, he is very authoritative, and no matter how Ziyun resists, it will be ineffective.When such a big thing happened in the Dragon Palace, Zitian was in a very bad mood.

So he thought of looking for Ziyun to have a good time, but Ziyun refused to let it go.Of course, the matter of Zitian's temper is not negotiable, but this time Lingyun helped Ziyun to set up a super defensive formation.

The reason why it is called super is because Zitian can't open the defense formation with all his efforts.Dragon Palace Barrier, unless Shinto makes a move, and ordinary Shinto masters can't shake it.

"Zitian, look, does it look good? Come on, let's make you arrogant... Can't you see below..."

Standing in the defensive barrier, Ziyun really dares to do it!Luo Chang was relieved, and the immaculate jade body appeared in front of Zi Tian, ​​and Zi Tian was smoking from the seven apertures.

"Damn it, God damn it. How did you do it? You can come out for me, and see if I won't let you give me another [-] little dragons, ah!"

Zitian is going crazy.

For the first time, Ziyun successfully prevented Zitian from doing whatever he wanted, and he was in a good mood.

Wansheng Island

Bai Lingzheng and Jiujun are turning the clouds over the rain. If Zitian knows about this, it is estimated that he will vomit blood with anger.

An hour later, Bai Ling pushed Jiujun away.

"Didn't you say there is something important? What is it?"

The reason why Bai Ling came here from the Dragon Palace is because Jiujun used a secret method to summon him,

"Our Taishang has already come to the East China Sea in person, and we have also successfully united the six kings of the sea, and we will do it in seven days. The people your father bought in the Dragon Palace have been targeted recently because of your troubles, so only Let your people do it. And don't forget to feed that God Control Pill to Zitian to eat, that was condensed by our sect master consuming thousands of years of Qi and Soul True Essence."

This time, Ge Yunlong did not come to the East China Sea with Buck, precisely because of the excessive consumption of Qi, Soul, and True Qi.

"It's not easy to get Zitian to eat the control pill. The people at the Dragon Queen's side are responsible for his diet, and even when he comes to me, he brings his own drinks. What do you want me to do? …”

Bai Ling said bitterly.

Zitian likes to eat the food arranged by Ziyun, and the wine is also brewed for him by Ziyun himself. No matter where he goes, he will always drink Ziyun's wine.

Therefore, it is very difficult to fight against Zitianxia.

Moreover, the strongest people in the Supreme Realm only eat one meal a day at most, and sometimes they will not eat for ten days and a half months.If you want to start with the Supreme Realm, you can only wait for the opportunity.

"You are stupid! Don't you need to talk?"

Jiujun said with a sneer, and then greedily kissed Bai Ling's small mouth.

After another cloud and rain, Bai Ling returned to the Dragon Palace.When she left, Buck appeared. Looking at Bai Ling's back, Buck also had evil thoughts in his heart.

"Ajiu, you really have the ability to lure the witch. When will you lend her to the old man to enjoy."

Buck said with a smile.

Most of the witches are ugly, like a beautiful witch like Bai Ling, and their body proportions are charming, and you can't find many in the world.The same is true on the other side of the boundary.

For example, most witches of Bai Ling's level will be occupied by demons and Shinto powerhouses.There are very few humans who can be favored by witches of the beauty level.

"Hehe, Hall Master Zuo. It is said that the most beautiful person in the Dragon Palace is not my Bai Ling, but the Dragon Queen. I heard Bai Ling say that Zitian is very fond of her, sometimes for her, she can be absent for ten days and a half months. What about the palace gate?"

Jiujun is trying to please Buck.Of course, it was also to prevent Buck from stealing Bai Ling from him.Because he also planned to have a symbiosis with Bai Ling immediately after the Dragon Palace was resolved.

In this way, Bai Ling belongs to him.

But Buck, he dared not offend.Originally, he planned to have Ziyun as well, but Buck was also interested in the witch, so he could only reluctantly give up his love.

Of course, if Buck had to switch with him, he could.

"If there is such a thing, it's still your kid who has a heart, haha"

Buck was overjoyed, showing an expectant smile.But he didn't know that if something happened to Zitian and Ziyun became a witch without a master, it would be a mess.

Because the kings of beasts in the six seas are all thinking of her, and even said that there are demons in the temple who want to beat her.

Ziyun is definitely the most sought-after witch of the Demon Race.Otherwise, could Zitian love her so much?

Dragon Palace

Whether it is Azure Dragon Supreme, Black Dragon, Red Dragon, and Blood Dragon, they have all encountered poisoning. Except for Qinglong Supreme who discovered the poisoner in time, the other three Dragon Lords were all recruited. Fortunately, they are all free Medicine, after being in the control pill, he took the initiative to take the antidote again, and he had not waited for the soul in the control pill to take effect, but he had already released the control pill.

They will also be able to seal the soul thoughts that exist in the body in time.

"Lingyun, Xuanmen is about to start."

Qinglong Supreme came to Lingyun with a control pill.

"God Control Pill... How about the other three Dragon Venerables?"

Ling Yun asked immediately.The four dragons are the backbone of the Dragon Palace. If the four dragons are in trouble, even if Zitian is fine, he will be in trouble.

"The deity has already sent someone to ask. They all have antidote on them. As long as your antidote works, they should be fine. Now let's talk about how to deal with it."

Qinglong Supreme said.

Xuanmen is very powerful, and he is very clear about this. Now that Xuanmen wants to attack their Dragon Palace, how can he dare to neglect them.

(End of this chapter)

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