extreme dog days

Chapter 825 Ruthless Zitian

Chapter 825 Ruthless Zitian

"You brat, what do you want the old man to say about you? After the demon beasts reach the tenth rank, their essence has been separated from the demon beasts, and their demon cores will also produce human-like souls, but they are collectively referred to as demon souls. , Star python is unique, and she looks worse than your wives. In the realm, the snake-like witch is the dream partner of many human race powerhouses. Although the human race and the demon race are in opposition, so the human race and the demon race intermarry only It will be contradicted, but Heaven and Earth have not explicitly prohibited that humans and demons cannot be together, right?"

Intermarriage between humans and demons makes it difficult to receive blessings from other humans and demons.However, when the human race and the demon race get married, they will not be punished by heaven. This also shows that the human race and the demon race cannot be together.

The key now is whether Lingyun can accept the star python.

"You Lao, I think you can be a matchmaker."

"Stinky boy, this old man is not all for your own good."

Yu Zifeng said angrily.The star python has a special physique, which is different from ordinary monsters. To be favored by her, it is not too much to say that it is a blessing from Sansheng.

Moreover, if it wasn't for Xing Python reaching the bottleneck now, he would have no choice, and I'm afraid he wouldn't find Ling Yun.

three days later

The madness of Zitian and Ziyun is over. Their madness is incomprehensible to the human race, and at the same time, it is also the yearning and envy of all Dragon Palace powerhouses.

During those three days and three nights, the Dragon Palace where they were all flew up, causing the space to tremble, how crazy it must be.

"Lord Dragon God, the King of Wansheng Bai Eel Hao brought it here."

The two dragon generals dragged King Wansheng, who was seriously injured and wearing a demonic bone, to the Dragon Palace hall, waiting for Zitian's fate.At this time, the Four Great Dragon Venerables and the important members of the Dragon Palace were all present.

"Lord Longshen, spare my life, I was forced, it was the people from Long Mang and Xuanmen who forced me to do this..."

King Wansheng fell to the ground and begged for mercy, this was his only chance to survive.

"Hmph, you think we are all demon cubs who have not yet opened the knowledge. You said that you were forced. At that time, the other three sea kings counterattacked, why didn't you see you from the precipice. Lord Dragon God, you must not tolerate it any more."

Qinglong Supreme said sharply.The reason why Zitian delayed his appearance before was to obey Ziyun's orders and give the six sea kings one last chance.This is also to preserve the strength of the Donghui Demon Race.

"Come here, drain his blood and take out the magic core. Tomorrow we will have a banquet and eat it..."

Zitian is by no means a soft-hearted person.In the past, although Longgong knew that there was a change in the Wansheng Sea Area, but always looking at Longfei Bailing's face, Zitian opened one eye and closed the other.

But now it's different, completely different.

"Dragon God is wise..."

All the senior members of the Dragon Palace present brightened their eyes.Although King Wansheng is not a dragon, but his real body is a [-]th-order monster, his blood is a treasure, his magic core is precious, and his meat not only has high nutritional value, but also contains energy.

Steaming him as a delicacy makes me greedy when I think about it,

And the other three sea kings shivered when they heard the end of King Wansheng.Zitian specially let them see with their own eyes the scene where King Wansheng was drained of his demon blood and the demon core was dug out.

"No... Dragon God spare your life, ah!..."

King Wansheng watched as his demon blood was drained, and his demonic core was dug out of his weakness and died. Bai Ling saw this scene in his eyes.

"Father, father..."

Bai Ling screamed in surprise.

"Bitch! Man, I'm so good to you. You want to kill me, and you also killed my three dragon sons. You are really cruel."

Zi Tian walked up to Bai Ling, stretched out his hand and clasped her neck, and said coldly.

"You are more ruthless than me. Isn't it? Ah!"

Bai Ling said with difficulty.She didn't intend to beg for mercy at all, because she knew Zitian too well, no matter how much she begged for mercy, Zitian couldn't let her go.

Furthermore, when the matter was revealed, she was also ready to die.

"As long as you know!"

Zi Tian was really angry.It's because he trusted her so much, but Bai Ling not only killed his three dragon sons, but also wanted to kill him.If it wasn't for Ziyun to give him the antidote, the Dragon Palace wouldn't know what it would be like now.

Thinking that she once doted on Bai Ling in every possible way, but Bai Ling didn't care about the love of husband and wife at all. She was ruthless, and his heart was even more ruthless.

"Mother concubine, father, please let go of the mother and concubine! The child is willing to suffer on behalf of the mother and concubine."

Zihe heard that today his father was going to formally try the matter of his mother and concubine, so he rushed over to plead for mercy regardless of other people's obstruction.

"Go away..."

"Ah, puff..."

Zitian had already investigated what Bai Ling had done. She not only harmed him, but also made his head glow green, how could she be soft-hearted to her.At this moment, he was angry, stretched out his hand and waved, a powerful force knocked Zihe out and hit the dragon column, causing him to vomit blood immediately.

"Damn, who asked you to release Sanlongzi."

Ziyun shouted loudly, and the fish general who ran along with Zihe was startled, and immediately knelt on the ground.Ziyun had a heart to protect Zihe, so he put him under house arrest and sent eight fish generals to watch over him and advise him.

Unexpectedly, Zihe did not listen to the fish general's advice and injured them and ran over.

"He'er, don't worry about your mother. You, go away."

After all, Bai Ling is overflowing with maternal love.Seeing Zihe injured, my heart aches.

"Ha ha…"


Zi Tian stretched out his hand, and the power of the Demon Soul bound Zi He's neck and lifted him up.

(End of this chapter)

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