extreme dog days

Chapter 832 Demon Dragon Soul

Chapter 832 Demon Dragon Soul

"I don't even know what the treasure of my master is. When I come to the Dragon Palace, it is completely a treasure hunt in the Dragon Palace. Since it is a treasure hunt, naturally I can't give up the most likely places."

The Demon Dragon Forbidden Land is the most mysterious place in the Dragon Palace, and it is also the most dangerous place in the Dragon Palace.

Ling Yun guessed that the treasure of the old man Douluo was in this Demon Dragon Forbidden Land in all likelihood, because only in this Demon Dragon Forbidden Land, the treasure would not be lost, and it would not have gone through so many years without it. the present.

So whether it was for the star python or for treasure hunting, he had to break into the forbidden land of the dragon.

"She said it very well. There is a knife on the head of the color, and it hangs very much."

Yu Zifeng said helplessly.

Following Ling Yun for so long, he was very aware of Ling Yun's temper.The decision Ling Yun made was beyond his control, unless Ling Yun could figure it out himself,

Even if the Demon Dragon Forbidden Land is opened, you can enter it at will, but when you enter the Demon Dragon Forbidden Land when it starts, you will never die.It's too hard to figure out.


A huge black dragon soul appeared out of thin air, and the dragon soul stared at the star python with an aura of destruction.

"An ant, a tiny ant. Look up to your unreachable demon god!"

This is the ancient magic dragon soul, and the first owner of this dragon palace in the past.Even after countless years away, his demon soul is still extremely powerful, and it can be resisted by those who are not in the divine way.

"Looking up, that's not necessarily... Tell me how to advance to the magic path."

Although Xing Python was surprised by the power of Dragon Soul, she did not show any fear.She came to the Demon Dragon Forbidden Land to seek this powerful path.

"The road to the devil's way has been sealed, and no one can advance. No one can escape..."

Dragon Soul said.

"Impossible, there is still the path of the divine way between heaven and earth, and you will definitely be able to advance. You ancient devil, your understanding of heaven and earth is far better than me, you must know the way, you must know."

This is not the first time that the star python has sought the way.Otherwise, she wouldn't be able to cultivate a demon soul.

Although Doujie Tiandi has been sealed, it still has the path of Shinto, otherwise, how could Lingyun be able to use the Thunder of Shinto.There are also people in the fighting world who have always used magic weapons, and secondly, there are people who can cultivate qi souls, demon souls, and souls that exceed the supreme realm.

This is the so-called Shinto trajectory.

It is precisely because of the existence of the path of the Shinto that it attracts the top powerhouses of the fighting world to pursue this ethereal and ethereal way.


In order to confirm the existence of the path of the Shinto that she said, Xing Python released her demon soul, the gigantic star python, whose head was no smaller than the dragon soul.

"Wow, the third-order magic way. I'll go, this young wife, Ling Xiaozi, has cultivated the soul of the third-order magic way in this fighting world, cattle, absolutely cattle!"

Ling Yun had already entered the Demon Dragon Forbidden Area, and he could see a dragon and a snake in the forbidden area from a distance.

"The third-order magic way, what do you mean,"

"You are stupid, I won't talk about you. Demon Dao is equal to Divine Dao. The third-order Demon Dao refers to the third-order Divine Dao. The realm of the Divine Dao is not so easy. Reaching the third-order Divine Dao, whether it is in the realm of the earth or in the heavenly realm , can be regarded as the powerhouse of the Divine Dao.”

Yuzi Peak voice transmission commentary.

"Old You, I have always forgotten to ask you, how many realms are there above the Divine Dao?"

Lingyun's understanding so far is that the supreme realm is the strongest realm in the fighting world. As for the supreme realm and above, he only knows that it is called the divine way, but he does not know that the divine way is divided into several realms.

"The ninth level of the divine way, the first level and the third level. It's just that there are very few people who have reached the ninth level of the divine way, or maybe they don't exist at all. It is said that the gods of the heaven and the earth have only reached the eighth level of the gods, and it may even be only seven. Rank Divine Dao."

In the ninth order of the divine way, every time one breaks through the first order, the strength increases by more than ten times.

Just like Ge Yunlong, Buck and the others, they are all second-order Divine Dao in the realm. With the strength of their Divine Dao cultivation, if they are in the realm, whether it is Muqianshan or Zitian, they will be easily taken by them. Squeeze to death.

There is almost no suspense.

"Then tell me, what rank is that dragon soul?"

Dragon Soul and Xing Python have already fought, and one dragon and one snake are inextricably fighting in the secret realm, but it seems that Xing Python is completely at a disadvantage.

"It should be the third-order magic way, no, maybe stronger."

At the beginning, Youzi Peak was only the third rank of Shinto, so his vision was limited.And the reason why he was able to judge that the demon soul of the star python had reached the third rank of the divine way was because the star python was not yet a master of the magic way.

It can only be said that he is walking on the edge of the magic path.

bang, bang


The dragon soul unleashed its demonic might, and a dragon claw opened a huge hole in the demon soul of the star python. If it hit the body, it would be terrible.

"Ling boy, what do you want to do?"

You Zifeng sensed that Ling Yun was gathering strength, ready to go, and said anxiously.


Now that he has entered the Demon Dragon Forbidden Land, he is also trapped in the secret realm, so let's not say that the star python is his, if the star python is defeated, it will be his turn next time.So he ignored it.

At this time, he can cooperate with Star Python to fight with Dragon Soul, which may still have a trace of vitality.

But just as he gathered his strength, a nearby dragon skeleton moved.

click, click

When Ling Yun re-entered the Demon Dragon Forbidden Land, the Dragon Soul had already discovered him, and it was only because he was weak that he was ignored by the Demon Dragon.But since he is ready to take action, Dragon Soul will not let him go.

(End of this chapter)

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