extreme dog days

Chapter 835 You Are Here

Chapter 835 You Are Here

The madness of Ling Yun and Xing Python was because Ling Yun was in a state of death at the time, so he didn't feel anything at all, it was all based on instinct.When he woke up at this time, Ling Yun looked at the sleeping star python.

Although he didn't feel the madness before, but in this scene, no matter how stupid he was, he understood what happened to him and Xing Python.

"Huh, the ninth floor of the Great Luojing, and it is still in its peak state. It is only a little short to rush into the tenth floor of the Great Luojing. The breath of the mysterious turtle's spirit is so much stronger than before, what is going on?"

Ling Yun glanced inwardly and checked his status.He is only a little bit closer to stepping into the tenth floor of the Great Luo Realm, and this is the one that is infinitely close.

The most important thing is that the ancient aura of the mysterious turtle qi soul is ten times stronger than before, and it seems that the ancient power will be promoted again.

"Kid Ling, it's a blessing in disguise this time! I'm really worried that this Xing Python won't save you. If she doesn't save you, then you're done."

Yu Zifeng said with a sigh.

"Hey, sometimes it's fate, but that can't be changed. She's destined to be mine, so she can't be lost."

Ling Yun remembered.Among the fruits of his marriage was the star python.It's just that the name above the marriage fruit is Susu.Who Susu is, he has also struggled.

Therefore, when he heard Xing Python's name, Ling Yun had a deja vu.

"you're awake."

After a stick of incense, Ling Yun gently stroked Xing Python's face and said softly.In fact, he knew that the star python had already woken up before Banzhuxiang, but he just pretended to be asleep.

"Well. I'm relieved to see you're all right."

Xing Python lowered her head and said, her face was red and shy.Witch is also a woman, no matter how strong a woman is, she always longs for the right person to conquer them one day.

Let them drink out the old melody called "conquest" boldly.

"It's something, I have something big."

"What's up"


"You're still here!"

"Hey, I didn't have any consciousness before, I didn't know what it was like at all."

"Little villain, your injury is very serious, and now you only recover [-]%, you are dying."

Ling Yun's injuries have not recovered yet.Although that kind of thing is wonderful, but it is very labor-intensive, and at the same time greed will hurt the body, which is the truth.No matter how strong a person is, he must be restrained.

"just one time."

"All right!"

Ling Yun looked pitiful, and Xing Python couldn't bear to refuse after all.This is mainly because of dry wood and fire.This time he has consciousness, so naturally he enjoys it immensely.

He found that at the time when the heaven and the earth were in harmony, he felt like he was in the starry sky, holding the starry sky beauty in his arms, enjoying the dazzling starlight, surrounded by stars, and it seemed that there was a power from the soul constantly infiltrating into his qi soul.

That is the magic soul of the star python.

It is also the magic soul of the star python, so the breath of the mysterious turtle's qi and soul continues to grow stronger.At the same time, he also felt the pressure from the starry sky and the vastness of the starry sky.

This is a close encounter with the stars!The starry sky is a perfect enlightenment map, and getting a star python is equivalent to a map of enlightenment. Unfortunately, no one knows the mystery of the star python.

Unfortunately, just when Ling Yun was about to enter the state of enlightenment, Xing Python was already exhausted.She is also very tired!

After tossing her for three days before, she recovered for one night, and after another round of tossing, she had to get down on the ground, not to mention that Xing Python was also injured before.

"Blame me!"

Seeing Xing Python's tired face, Ling Yun couldn't help feeling distressed.

Shuangxiu with Ling Yun, using Ling Yun's body to suppress her demonic soul, so although Xing Python was very tired at this time, she did not feel the same sleepy feeling as before.

"I don't blame you. I like to do it with you."

A witch is a witch. Perhaps this is the biggest difference between witches and human women. In certain matters, they are very magnanimous and will not wiggle to hide the feelings in their hearts.

Like it, like it, don't like it, don't like it.

"Susu, I love you forever! By the way, have you found the 'Dao'?"

Ling Yun remembered that Xing Mang and Dragon Soul had been desperately trying not only to protect him, but also to pursue her dream, her way.After the battle with Dragon Soul, whether he can find the path of the 'Dao', only Xing Python knows himself.

"Track. I have always believed that there is a 'Tao' trajectory between heaven and earth. The 'Tao' has not disappeared."

Talking about 'Dao', Xing Python suddenly became energetic.This is the biggest gain she got from this adventure to break into the Demon Dragon Forbidden Land, and the most meaningful gain is naturally finding a man she can trust.

Because it was him who protected her.

"Doujie is sealed."

"I know. If the 'Tao' is not sealed, it is just hidden, and it is very, very deep."

Xing Python was someone who once ruled the world. Of course, she also knew about the sealing up of heaven and earth.But because of her special physique, she sensed the trajectory of the 'Dao'.

"It was hidden. Wasn't it sealed?"

Ling Yun frowned, he suddenly felt that the water was much deeper.

"what happened to you?"

"Leave me a sentence before the dragon soul dissipates."

"what did he say?"

Xing Python looked at Ling Yun with great anticipation.The identity of the dragon soul, Xing Python knew that it was the great power of the ancient demons, one of the five masters of the demons in the fighting world, and ordered the characters of the demons in the Dongzhou continent.

(End of this chapter)

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