Chapter 839

"You have some knowledge. You are indeed one of the four masters of Xuanmen."

A man in his thirties walked into the hall. At this time, his breath was looming, and his footsteps were very strong, giving people the feeling that he was floating.

"You know me, who are you?"

Ge Yunlong understood that the four masters of the Xuanmen were not referring to the Xuanmen in the Dou Realm, but the Xuanmen in their realm.In addition to their sect masters, there are four great masters under the seat.

Ge Yunlong is one of them, and Buck is one of them.

"Haha... 呔"


The man laughed and made a handprint to Ge Yunlong.

The people around Ge Yunlong immediately greeted him with their palms, but the palms of that person were instantly evacuated to both sides, and the force of the platoon attacked Ge Yunlong, forcing Ge Yunlong to use his soul power to resist.


Ge Yunlong's man was injured by a palm, and he took three steps back and spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Kaiyun in Yunshan Tower is in charge of Guan Zhongyue. You are Guan Zhongyue."

Ge Yunlong screamed in surprise.Kaiyun Palm is the unique skill of Yunshan Tower. Although there are not a few people who practice Kaiyun Palm in Yunshan Tower, Guan Zhongyue, the deputy master of Yunshan Tower, is the only one who has reached the realm of Dacheng.

If it is in the realm, only two of the four masters of Xuanmen dare to challenge Guan Zhongyue.

"Tang Master Ge, you might as well guess who I am."

A big monk with a mixed iron rod came out and touched his big bald head, feeling that something was showing off.He took a step forward with his right foot.

A fierce tiger made of soul power pounced on Ge Yunlong's men.

"Why it's always me who gets hurt. Mud horse"

Ge Yunlong cursed in his hands. Although the opponent's kick was not done with all his strength, his momentum was really strong, so he did not dare to be slighted at all. Although the shot was only used for authentication, he was slaughtered carelessly. say you are stupid.


The hunting qi soul pounced on the tiger, and after two breaths, the hunting qi soul flew out backwards, Ge Yunlong's subordinate vomited blood again, and his heart was extremely depressed.

"Huanyunzong Wanhua Divine Art, Tai Yuwei. Heh... I can't believe that Yunyunzong and Yunshanlou actually sent these two old monsters here."

Whether it's Guan Zhongyue or Tai Yuwei, they are the powerful Shinto experts on the other side of the world, and they are also the top dyeing pillars of Yunyunzong and Yunshan Tower.As for the Cloud Sect and Yunshan Tower, they all belong to the forces of Tianxia Peak.

That means that the status of the Tianluo Emperor sitting in front of him is extraordinary.Otherwise, how to make these two old monsters willing to be under him.

"Ge Yunlong, the reason why the emperor didn't do anything to your Xuanmen is just to use your attention to disperse the Fengjie League."

Guan Shanyue was disdainful for a while, and looked at Ge Yunlong with irony.In fact, if it wasn't for the strength of Yunshan Tower belonging to the peak of the world, Guan Shanyue would not be able to be proud in front of Ge Yunlong.

Because Yunshan Tower and Xuanmen are both second-rate forces, but the foundation of Xuanmen is above Yunshan Tower, and Xuanmen has a big man to back it up. In the realm, he can be called a big man, and the cultivation base is the least. Fifth-order Shinto.

The fifth-order Shinto powerhouse is not something that ordinary forces can afford to offend, even if the Heavenly Peak has to consider the strength of the fifth-order Shinto.

"Hmph... Maybe in the realm, our Xuanmen is not as good as Tianxia Peak, but here is the Dou Realm... Our Xuanmen has it, and we have a lot of confidence."

In the face of the terrorist forces behind the Tianluo Empire, if Ge Yunlong didn't come up with something powerful, then when he came to the Tianluo Empire to discuss cooperation, he would become surrender.

"God Control Pill."

"God Control Pill..."


Emperor Tianluo, Guan Shanyue, and others recognized the God Control Pill at a glance.Because the control pill is different from ordinary pills, it is crystalline, colorless and odorless, and the flow of soul power can be seen with the naked eye.

"You Xuanmen actually keep the pill recipe that controls the pill."

Guan Shanyue exclaimed.

God-controlling pills are taboo in the realm.Even if someone gets the pill, they don't dare to refine it, and even destroy it directly.But in the fighting world, it is different, because there is no force that has stood up to prohibit the appearance of the control pill.

"Haha. I'm afraid that among the Three Realms, only our Xuanmen has mastered the pill recipe, right?"

Ge Yunlong said proudly.

"That's right, there used to be an elixir recipe in Tianxia Peak, but it has already been destroyed. Ge Yunlong, you want this elixir recipe, and the North Territory belongs to your Xuanmen at any time."

Emperor Tianluo said.

With the control of the gods, then their Tianluo Empire can easily do it.

"Okay, deal."

Ge Yunlong did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

He knew very well in his heart that their Xuanmen was in a very critical situation and had to make an alliance with the Heavenly Luo Empire.Of course, it would be impossible to exchange the divine control pill for an equal share of the world with the Heavenly Luo Empire.

As long as you can keep the northern land, this is already very good.

Ge Yunlong handed the pill formula to Emperor Tianluo, and exchanged a copy of the imperial edict of Tianluo Empire from him. He just wrote down the words 'World Peak' as a guarantee.

Afterwards, he discussed with Emperor Tianluo about dealing with Fengjiemeng and Dragon Palace.It's just that Ge Yunlong didn't tell Emperor Tianluo that Fengjiemeng had mastered the antidote of the God Control Pill.

Because he was selfish, the idea was that they wanted to get the antidote from the Fengjie League.As long as their Xuanmen can grasp the antidote, then they are equivalent to holding the sharp arrow of the future Tianluo Empire.

Imperial study room



"How did you come…"

A man in white robe walked into the study. At this time, besides him, there was only one person in the imperial study, and that was Emperor Tianluo.The 'ya' in his mouth naturally has no other person besides Tianluo Dijun.

(End of this chapter)

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