extreme dog days

Chapter 842 Dark Tower VS Secret Guard

Chapter 842 Dark Tower VS Secret Guard ([-])

A few days later, the northern

"Little Junior Brother, you said how confident we can be when we attack Xuanmen this time."

Hua Yunlong seemed a little worried.Because of this attack on Xuanmen, Fengjiemeng did not participate, but he sent people from Tianya Wanghai Pavilion and Tianjilou to pretend to be people from Fengjiemeng.

Although Tianya Wanghai Pavilion has always been thought to be known as one of the four major forces in the Dongzhou Continent, it is actually incomparable with Xuanmen, Fengjiemeng and Tianluo Empire.He is completely relying on him, the supreme and perfect person, to support the table. There are not many people under his hands, and there are no regular soldiers.

As for the people on the Tianji Building, although there are many people, their nature is different. The people there are of the guard type, and their combat effectiveness is not very good.

Xuanmen has always been in control of the North Realm. In addition to the soldiers trained by their Xuanmen, all the forces in the North Realm are under their orders and controlled by them.

The combat power is far from comparable to Tianya Wanghai Pavilion and Tianjilou.

"If you don't have the help of the Dragon Palace, you can only have a [-]% certainty at most, but now with the help of the Dragon Palace, you have a [-]% to [-]% certainty."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

The Xuanmen is very powerful. Although five Supreme Realm died in the Dragon Palace, it is currently conservatively estimated that at least five to six of them are still in the Supreme Realm, followed by those who are controlled by the Supreme Realm.

Without the help of the Dragon Palace, Lingyun could only destroy Xuanmen with the help of all the power of Fengjiemeng.

"Sixty to ninety percent. Why?"

The gap between [-]% and [-]% is a bit big, causing Hua Yunlong to be curious!Right now, the power they attacked Xuanmen was only him, Ling Yun, Xiao Feng, Lu Qianchuan, Jin Duobao, and Xie He.

Even if you add the two dragon lords from the Dragon Palace, and the four dragon kings come, I am afraid that it will be difficult to compete with Xuanmen.

"If the five senses of the Dragon Palace can't open the controlled sense of smell, then we naturally only need [-]%. If we can open the sense of smell, as long as they take the antidote, even if these people don't help us deal with the mysterious door together, the mysterious door will be lost. These people take advantage of the strength, and the background will naturally be greatly reduced. So we have a [-]% certainty."

Xuanmen comes from the outside world, how strong the real background is, and the hidden door can only get a general information.Secondly, there are more than seven people in the Supreme Realm controlled by Xuanmen alone.

If the control of the seven people cannot be lifted, Ling Yun and the others will have to face the pressure of the seven supreme powerhouses.

"Even if the sound of the five senses can unlock the five senses of those controllers, in the battle, we want them to take the antidote obediently, I'm afraid it is not an easy task."

Xie He said.How to make those who are controlled by Xuanmen take the antidote is a big problem.The previous news has not been leaked. They can send people to lurk around those people. As long as the antidote is delivered to them, they will obediently take it.

But now, once the fight starts.Even if they open their five senses so that they can smell the antidote, they have to have the opportunity to put the antidote in front of them.

"As long as I can open their sense of smell, I have my own way to deliver the antidote to them."

Ling Yun said very confidently.

"I believe in the third brother's ability."

Xiao Feng stepped forward and patted Ling Yun on the shoulder.He knew Ling Yun very well, since Ling Yun dared to speak out, he would definitely have a solution.

Western territory

The secret guards of the Tianluo Empire were ordered to destroy the dark building, but they rushed to the hiding place of the dark building, where there were already empty people.

"Commander, there is no one in the dark hall hell."

One of the twelve commanders of the Secret Guard came to their grand commander to report.

"Uh, what's going on? Could it be that they got the wind in advance? Why didn't our people find out..."

The Great Commander's face darkened.They had previously sent people to monitor the dark building, and if the people in the dark building were to evacuate the valley in large numbers, it would be absolutely impossible for them not to know.

"Report, Commander! All the secret guards in the dark building we arranged to monitor all around were killed."

"What, who was the person who reported to us before."

The Twelve Commander asked sharply.Because he felt as if he had been tricked.When they brought people to the vicinity, they had secret guards to connect with them, and now they say that those secret guards are all dead.

This is not what is the middle plan.

"Commander, those people are gone."

"What, the plan is in, notify the commander, withdraw!"

The twelve commanders immediately ordered the evacuation.Destroying the Dark Tower was a failure.

Dark Towers belonged to killers and assassins. Once they left the headquarters, even if the Tianluo Empire had great abilities, it would not be easy to find them.

Of course, the Secret Guard will not stop there.The existence of the dark building is undoubtedly to compete with them for jobs, and it also poses a certain threat to the Tianluo Empire, so they must get rid of the dark building.

"There may be news from the dark building."

The chief commander sent a secret guard to investigate the whereabouts of the dark building.The dark building is a large force, with more than a thousand people.It is absolutely impossible for such a team to disappear out of thin air.

"Report, we found traces of the dark building in Xiyancheng. It seems to be someone from the killer hall of the dark building."

"Okay, very good, pass the news to the ten commanders, the eleventh commander and the twelfth commander."

The commander said sharply.

Twelve secret guards, the tenth, No.11, and No.12 belong to the killer secret guards.And there is also a killer hall in the dark building. Now that they are found, the killer's secret guard will naturally go out.

(End of this chapter)

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