extreme dog days

Chapter 850 3 Soldiers

Chapter 850 Three Thousand Soldiers

Hua Yunlong also took the opportunity to give Ge Yunlong a sword.

The three supreme peak powerhouses are fighting, and other people have no chance to intervene.If Ge Yunlong hadn't been a Shinto powerhouse, he wouldn't be able to withstand the alliance between Hua Yunlong and Qinglong Supreme.

"Chilong Supreme, I'll leave it to you here. Brother, let's go..."

After Ling Yun injured a Xuanmen Supreme with a sword, he and Xiao Feng went straight into the Xuanmen.

"Third brother, what are you looking for..."

Xiao Feng asked curiously.

"The altar. The news of the hidden door. The people from the mysterious altar of the earth are all transferred into the fighting world through the altar. Those who want to cut off the mysterious door of the earth and continue to enter the fighting world must destroy that altar. ."

There is an ancient altar in Xuanmen, and it is because of the existence of this ancient altar that people in Xuanmen can enter the world of fighting.And the existence of this altar is precisely that of the peerless Shinto powerhouse from the Xuanmen of the Earth Realm who stayed in the Dou Realm back then.

Because he was also a member of the Dou Jie, he was a disciple of a certain force in the Dou Jie, and the altar that existed in the Dou Jie Xuanmen was also left by that force.

Now it happens to be used by that person.

"Uh, but this mysterious gate is so big, how do you find it?"

Xiao Feng looked around and saw that Xuanmen had three mountains in the range. Without soul power, it would take a month or two to walk.Finding something here is not an easy task.

"Don't worry, the corpse soldiers buried in ancient times have entered the Xuanmen. At present, there are only two places where the corpse cannot enter. One of them is guarded by heavy soldiers, and the other is guarded by a large formation."

Ling Yun said.

The interior of the Xuanmen was already in chaos, and the corpse soldiers raged and swept everything, so Ling Yun and Xiao Feng entered the interior of the Xuanmen as if they were no one.And the place they are going is the place guarded by the formation.

But the ancient funeral let the corpse soldiers attack the place that was heavily guarded.

"Ah, what kind of formation is this..."

Xiao Feng reached out and touched a wall of light, and his fingers were almost cut off.

"Brother, be careful, this is supposed to be the twelfth-order streamer wall in the [-] Arrays. The power of streamer is very powerful, and even the body of the defense system Warcraft Supreme can't resist the damage of streamer. Look..."

Ling Yun kicked a stone into the streamer wall, and the stone shattered instantly.Hundreds of corpse soldiers had broken into this place before, but they all ended up dead.

"Hey, how did this go..."

This light wall is the door to the altar, and only the streamer wall can be opened to enter, and the way to open the streamer wall is the key.

The key was always in Ge Yunlong's hands, and it was impossible to get the key.

"Hey, look at me..."

Ling Yun smiled and took out the four treasures of the divine way, and directly stuck them on the streamer wall with the treasures of the divine way.

"Is that okay?"

Xiao Feng was stunned.

"Come on, I'm afraid the treasures of the divine way won't be stuck for long."

The streamer wall is very powerful.Although the Divine Artifact is powerful, the Divine Artifact on Ling Yun's body has been accumulated for many years. Although it has now fallen into Ling Yun's hands, it has not been nurtured, so its power is limited and its sturdiness is not as strong as before.

"Amazing! Good boy, he was able to come up with such a way to break the streamer wall."

As soon as Ling Yun and the others stepped into the Xuanmen Holy Land, a voice sounded.This is an array master who came from the Xuanmen of the Earth Realm, and his formation skills are close to the ranks of god array masters.

The streamer wall is a twelfth-order defensive killing array, and no one has ever thought of a way to crack it in the records of the array.Of course, just like Ling Yun, who directly stuck the streamer wall with a divine treasure, only Ling Yun has used it since ancient times.

This is equivalent to directly abolishing the four treasures of the divine way, but not everyone can have such a great bearing.

"You are amazing. I'm afraid that the formation path is not below me, otherwise you can't arrange the streamer wall so perfectly."

"It's good to know, non-Xuanmen disciples, there is only one dead end to enter here. You are no exception."

Xuanmen Formation Mage said.

"Third brother, his breath is very strange, be careful..."

Xiao Feng said in a low voice.

"I know that this person should be like Ge Yunlong, and he was also a strong person in the divine way. And his formation path is definitely not inferior to me."

This Xuanmen Formation Mage is also a strong Shinto practitioner in the realm.Although he came to the fighting world, his cultivation base could only reach the supreme, but his formation skills were not affected.

Moreover, he arranged a formation here. As long as he is within this formation, his qi and soul power can be restored to the realm when he was in the realm.

"I'll come first."

Xiao Feng said, picked up the Azure Dragon Sword and went straight to the Xuanmen Formation Master.


The Xuanmen Formation Mage sneered, reaching out and popping out a bead.



Xiao Feng slashed the bead with a knife, and the bead exploded and turned into a person, and his cultivation level turned out to be the supreme realm.

"Could it be that this is the legendary soldier who scatters beans."

Ling Yun screamed in surprise.He learned from the inheritance of the Douhai Formation Soul that there was once a formation that became a soldier.However, this formation has long been lost in the fighting world.

Among the eight hundred formations, there is no record.

The Douhai Formation has only been seen in the records of the ancient books.

"Haha, knowledgeable... boy, you should also be a practitioner of formation, so let's see if you can beat my formation."


The Xuanmen Formation Master laughed, waved and threw out a large amount of beads, and hundreds of formation soldiers immediately appeared around.The cultivation base of the soldiers all reached the Supreme Realm.

hold head high…

"Qinglong against the sky"

Xiao Feng stepped out, turned the Azure Dragon Qi Soul and slashed out with a knife, knocking one soldier into the air, but the soaring Azure Dragon was waiting to show its might, but ten soldiers blocked it.

Of course, Qinglong still has the upper hand.However, twenty or thirty soldiers shot at the same time, and Qinglong was gradually suppressed.


Xiao Feng was taken aback, he thought that these formations were just blindfolds.

"Haha, the little guy just wants to shake the foundation of Xuanmen just because of you. It's just beyond your own power. I have three thousand soldiers here, just so I can play with you."

The Xuanmen Formation Mage sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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