extreme dog days

Chapter 855 The Last Chance

Chapter 855 The Last Chance

"Isn't it? Even if the two of us join forces to face the mysterious master's three thousand troops. I'm afraid that if one person can't kill a thousand soldiers, they will be consumed alive. These two must not stay! Let's do it!"

"Hold on. Mysterious Master's formation only recognizes Mysterious Masters. Except for Mysterious Masters, as long as other people encounter them, they will not recognize their six relatives. Let them fight and consume some of their physical strength."

Lao Yi stopped He Qing.Array soldiers are guys who don't recognize their six relatives. As long as they enter the array, no matter who they encounter, except the profound master, they will never die.At this moment, Ling Yun and Xiao Feng's situation, they are all watching.

Although their remaining strength was enough to destroy the last [-] formations, but killing these [-] formations, both Ling Yun and Xiao Feng would have to pay the price again.

"Big brother, you lost. I killed three more than you"

Ling Yun took the lead, once again bursting out the ultimate sword energy, beheading the last three soldiers.

"Damn, you are cruel."

Xiao Feng already had a feeling of being tired. If he hadn't supported him with the Azure Dragon Sword, he would have fallen down at this time.

"Cough, the trouble is big, there are two more nearby, and they are very strong."

Lingyun originally planned to sit down and take a rest, but he killed the last three formation soldiers and opened the formation, but You Zifeng sensed two powerful soul powers.

Ling Yun immediately told Xiao Feng in a low voice, telling him not to take it lightly.Although they were very tired at this time, with less than [-]% of their soul power remaining, as long as they still had the strength to fight again, they would never sit still.


Xiao Feng was like a frightened bird after hearing this.This can't blame him, after all, the two of them have just killed [-] soldiers, which is equivalent to [-] Supreme Realm.

Here came two more.People who can make Lingyun evaluate a very strong person, the cultivation base strength is naturally not comparable to those of the previous formations.

If it was just a formation, even if there were another [-], the two of them would still be able to kill them.

"It's amazing, it's really amazing. Even in the realm of the strong, I have never seen a character with fighting power like yours. It really is a hero."

Lao Yi, He Qing appeared and looked at Ling Yun and Xiao Feng very seriously.If Mu Qianshan and Hua Yunlong killed the three thousand soldiers here, they would be surprised at most.

However, Xiao Feng was only on the fourth floor of Supreme Supreme, while Ling Yun was only on the ninth floor of Da Luojing. Such a combination actually killed [-] soldiers. This was not only surprising, but also frightening.

If the people in front of Ling Yun and the others were people, it is estimated that many people would be scared to pee by them.

"You two have little fighting power left. If you fight with us again, you think you have a good chance of surviving."

He Qing asked.

It is not difficult to understand the meaning of his words, this is waiting for Ling Yun and the two to reply, and wants to further persuade them to join Xuanmen.If Xuanmen can get the two of them to join, it will be even more powerful.

As Lao Yi said, if the fighting power of Ling Yun and Xiao Feng is placed in the boundary, it will also cause a commotion, and it is estimated that there will be more than [-] people who want to kill them.

There are many people who want to recruit them.

"One percent"

Ling Yun said very frankly.

"Haha, [-]%, arrogant. With your current situation, I can squeeze you to death with a single move of a finger. I dare to say that there is a [-]% chance of escaping in our hands."

Lao Yi said disdainfully.

The cultivation of Ling Yun and the others could not be compared with them at all.Not to mention the realm, they used to be real masters of the divine way. Although they came to the fighting world and their cultivation was limited, their spirits still retained the realm of the divine way.

Even if Ge Yunlong entered here, it was not the enemy of the two of them joining forces.

"you misunderstood!"

Ling Yun responded.


"Yes, when I said [-]%, I didn't mean to escape, but to kill you."

Escape, how is it possible.In this situation, neither he nor Xiao Feng had a chance to escape.

"court death."

"Brother Lao, don't be angry. The boy will count you [-]% for the time being. But you still have [-]% to die. This is a life-and-death situation. It's better to join my Xuanmen and become my Xuanmen disciple. I can make you the right and left guardian of the Xuanmen. , I can also help you two become gods in the future."

He Qing said.

He is the heart of love!

"Third brother, it seems that we are going to fight to the death."

Xiao Feng would never submit to Xuanmen, and he believed that Ling Yun would definitely not submit.

"Yes, but unfortunately there is a streamer wall blocking it. Otherwise, I can summon Shenlongma to help in the battle. In that case, even if we can't beat it, it will not be a problem for us to leave. But now? Brother, how much do you still have fighting power?"

Ling Yun asked in a low voice.Both of them were injured, but the real reason for their decline in combat effectiveness was the overloaded battle.And combat power refers not only to soul power, but also to physical power.

"My injury doesn't matter, but my physical strength is too great, and my combat power is only [-]% at most."

"So few, I only have [-]%."

Ling Yun had a bitter look on his face. As long as he had [-]% of his combat power, he would be defeated or even killed if he fought against a powerhouse like He Qing and the others.

Right now, they have already swallowed the pills, as long as they are given more time, they may be able to regain some fighting power.But medicine pills are not a panacea. If you want to recover completely in a short time, you can only rest and adjust your breath.

"Kid Ling, you only have one chance left now."

You Zifeng said through voice transmission.

(End of this chapter)

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