Chapter 859

The terrifying power of the mysterious turtle's qi and soul burst out to help Ling Yun kill He Qing, but Ling Yun couldn't remember the voice that sounded in Ling Yun's mind at that time.

Naturally, I couldn't understand the meaning of that sentence!

"Cough! The ancient mysterious turtle, what kind of existence is it? Cough! But it seems that my strength is exhausted. Ah!"

Ling Yun knelt down on one knee, on the verge of collapse.If his mental strength is abnormal, then he will naturally not be able to continue fighting.Lao Yi saw Ling Yun kill He Qing with his own eyes, and naturally he didn't dare to continue to care for him, let alone the issue of face.

Because if Ling Yun didn't die, he wouldn't be able to keep this Xuanmen Holy Land, and if he didn't escape from here, he would have to die.

"go to hell"

Lao Yi slashed at Ling Yun with a knife.

"Third brother... Qinglong cuts the sky"

Xiao Feng recovered some resting strength. After taking the next turn of Jindan, his combat power recovered by [-] to [-]%. Seeing Lao Yi's shot, he immediately attacked with a knife, and helped Ling Yun block Lao Yi's attack with the Qinglong Heaven Slaying Saber.

The Qinglong Heaven Slaying Sabre was shot and flew out, and Xiao Feng was also overturned several feet and fell to the ground.

"Pfft... Qinglong is possessed"


Xiao Fengyue stood up, ignoring the injury, and immediately cast the Azure Dragon Anti-Sky Art. As long as he is possessed by the Azure Dragon, he is qualified to face the supreme peak.


Lao Yi shouted loudly, his soul power attacked Xiao Feng, then jumped high, raised his sword and slashed at Ling Yun.He must kill Ling Yun.Because he knew very well that if Ling Yun didn't die, once he grew up, even the Xuanmen of the Earth Realm would tremble.

"Three Brothers"

Xiao Feng wanted to rescue, but it was too late.

click, click, click

Under the crisis, Ling Yun's whole body collapsed. After the previous battle strength, the gap between the ninth floor of the Daluo Realm and the tenth floor of the Daluo Realm was only one foot away. The most important thing in this kick was mental power.

Spiritual power is the most difficult to cultivate.However, when Ling Yun sensed death, the moment when death came, the full state of the limit broke out, and the spiritual power was completely concentrated at this moment, and it was raised to the limit.

The tenth floor of the Daluo Realm, the realm of no realm.

"No, third brother"

Xiao Feng screamed.A ten-zhang-deep crack appeared in the place where Ling Yun was. The dust disappeared but Ling Yun was standing a thousand feet away. The breath disappeared, and the momentum disappeared.

Between life and death, the explosive limit not only allowed him to break through to the tenth floor of the Great Luo Realm, but also allowed Ling Yun to gain insight into the way of swordsmanship once again when he entered the Wujing Realm, and returned to the truth.

"What... I avoided it. The earth is up and down."

When Lao Yi was surprised, he melted his qi and soul into the ground to control the earth and dominate the earth.Let it make waves like the sea, this is also the aura.

"Third brother... Qinglong carries the sword... come back"

Xiao Feng felt excited when he saw that Ling Yun was still alive.Then, he used the Qinglong Anti-sky Art to summon the Qinglong Heavenly Slashing Sabre that had been beaten out. He held the Qinglong Heavenly Severing Sabre in his hand again, and went straight to work for righteousness.

Swinging the Azure Dragon Slashing Heaven Sword, the Azure Dragon leaped out of the waves.

"Well... the god of the earth"

Lao Yi used the strongest spirit ability, this kind of spirit ability, like He Qing's spirit ability before, was a kind of existence beyond the seal law of the fighting world.The difference between his soul ability and He Qing is that the speed at which his power is locked, once concentrated, can make people unable to move.

And his qi soul can directly kill the opponent.

click, click

"No, my knife can't move"

Xiao Feng exclaimed, and the Qinglong, who was like a broken bamboo, stopped at this time, and Xiao Feng felt that he could not wield the Qinglong Heaven Slaying Saber in his hand.

"Oops, the speed is locked."

Ling Yun was also startled, his speed became slower and slower.It is impossible to get close to Laoyi at all.

"Soul Soul Stele... Suppress me."

Lingyun summoned the Soul-Suppressing Monument. At this moment, he broke through the tenth floor of Da Luojing. Although his combat power had not fully recovered, his soul power was still in a full state. The power to suppress Laoyi's aura.

After absorbing Ling Yun's soul power, the Soul-Suppressing Monument continued to grow, and in a blink of an eye, it became a thousand-zhang stone monument, and the originally undulating earth gradually came to a standstill.

"Can move."

Lao Yi's aura was suppressed by the soul-suppressing tablet, and Xiao Feng could naturally move. He was less than a hundred feet away from Lao Yi at this time, so as long as he could move, he could attack Lao Yi.

"Brother, hurry up"

Ling Yun roared.

"Opening the sky 27 styles..."


Xiao Feng swung his sword and fell, and the Qinglong roared up and went straight to the God of the Earth.The God of the Earth reached out and slashed down on behalf of the knife, and an earth knife collided with Qinglong.The Qinglong was broken, and the soil knife was naturally disintegrated.

"It was blocked."

Ling Yun was horrified, the power of the Divine Dao Qi Soul was too strong.Before, if he hadn't erupted with ancient power, it would have been impossible to kill He Qing.Although Xiao Feng was possessed by a blue dragon at this time and was in the form of a primary war god, his soul power was too weak. If he could reach the ninth level of the supreme, perhaps he would still have a chance to confront him.

"Haha, ants, all people below the divine way are ants. Today, I will let you understand what ants should do... Soul monument? Give me a blast."

Lao Yi punched out, and the god of the earth smashed his fist at the soul monument.

There was a humming sound from the Soul Requiem Tablet, and there was a sense of crumbling.


Ling Yun couldn't hold back a mouthful of blood, and sprayed it directly on the soul-suppressing tablet.The soul-suppressing tablet emitted a blood-colored light, but unfortunately it flashed by, and even Ling Yun didn't notice anything.

"Uh, what is this thing, in addition to suppressing my aura, it can actually block the attack of the god of the earth. But dead things are not just dead things after all, broken..."

Lao Yi was very shocked. He smashed his fists several times on the Soul Relief Monument. Although the Soul Rejuvenation Monument was defeated, it still had a lot of cracks and was damaged.

(End of this chapter)

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