Chapter 869

Phoenix girl, famous all over the world.Possess the reputation of the beauties in the world coming out of the phoenix.

It's just that the Suru sisters are still of high use value to him, so he still has to comfort them on the surface.


Suru knew Zhou Shaohao very well. Although she knew that Zhou Shaohao was just comforting her, she was already very satisfied.

The turmoil in Dongzhou Continent ended with the collapse of Xuanmen and the withdrawal of the Tianluo Empire. As for the Donghai Dragon Palace, when the Demon Lord of the Demon Palace personally led the group of demons to the Dragon Palace, when the Demon Lord saw Zitian Immediately changed his attitude and even proposed to the Dragon Palace.

Said to be married to the East China Sea Dragon Palace.Let the Donghai Dragon Palace marry a dragon girl to their magic exhibition, and they can choose three from the magic palace. This kind of marriage is really rare.

Originally, Zitian wanted to go to the Devil's Palace to pick another devil concubine for himself, but unfortunately Ziyun didn't let him.

Zitian had to give up the idea.

"Yun'er, what do you think of the marriage between the Dragon Palace and the Demon Palace?"

After Lingyun settled the matter of Xuanmen, he returned to the Dragon Palace with Xiao Ziman.In addition to looking for his Xingmang when he came to the Dragon Palace, of course, he also learned that the East China Sea Dragon Palace was going to marry the Demon Palace.

This marriage is of great significance, and it may be a conspiracy on the side of the Tianluo Empire.Therefore, the Dragon Palace had to be cautious.

"Aunt Yun, what is Dragon Palace going to do? Agree or disagree."

Ling Yun asked back.This is the matter of the Dragon Palace, and he can't make the decision.

"Zi Tian means of course he agrees. He said that the marriage is not a disadvantage for the Dragon Palace. Because this time, the marriage between the Demon Palace and our Dragon Palace, the rule set is to let the Dragon Palace Longzi go to the Demon Palace to select three witches as Wife, our Dragon Palace can just take this opportunity to absorb the blood of the Demon Race of the advanced bloodline in order to strengthen the Demon Dragon Race."

Demons attach great importance to bloodline. Generally speaking, once low-level bloodline monsters have the opportunity to grow up, in order to prosper their descendants, they will choose to marry high-level bloodline demons.

High-level bloodline beasts will also marry each other to ensure the prosperity of their bloodline, and even cultivate a mutant bloodline that is more noble than high-level bloodline, just like a small purple python.

This is the consensus of the subconscious existence of the demon race, not only in the fighting world, but also in the earth and heaven.

"Isn't the Dragon Palace not afraid, and the Demon Palace will take this to detain the Dragon Son?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Zitian is also worried about this. So I want to ask you for help. I will escort Balongzi to the devil's palace. But the most important thing is to let you help Xiaoming find a witch."

Ziyun said with a smile.

"Uh, that's not right! You have to help Xiao Zi choose a wife. Xiao Zi is the Purple Lightning Profound Dragon, its best companion, shouldn't it be a demon like a snake dragon. Besides, Xiao Zi can't change shape at the moment, and only Only demons like snakes and dragons can match it.”

Ling Yun was stunned for a moment.As far as he knew, most of the demons on the demons belonged to the land demons, such as tigers, scorpions, wolves and the like.

"You're wrong, flying monsters are Xiao Ming's most suitable companion."

Zitian came out and said.

In fact, before the demons are in shape, their partners usually look for a similar body shape.But after the transformation, it doesn't matter.At the same time, the demons, like the human race, choose the right demon companion, which is of great help to their growth.

For example, Zitian, his marriage to Zidian Silver Python was his greatest blessing.Not only because Ziyun is beautiful, but most importantly, because Ziyun is of great help to him.

The reason why he was able to grow up back then had a great relationship with Ziyun.


Ling Yun looked very curious.He always thought that the best demon couple between demons should be the one that is close to the real beast.But according to what Zitian said, it would subvert his cognition a bit.

"It's the fit that matters. Don't forget, what's the difference between you and me now."

Zitian said.

Monsters can be transformed into demons, and once they become monsters, they are no different from humans.Naturally, there is no need to care about differences in race.Lingyun can understand this.

"The problem is that Xiaozi is not yet a demon, and it doesn't change shape at all. You give it a flying beast, you are planning to take it to fly!"

Ling Yun said weakly.

"Idiot. As long as the little guy becomes a demon, wouldn't it be enough?"

Xing Python came over and happened to hear their conversation.

She came to find him only after learning that Ling Yun had come to the Dragon Palace.

"Uh. Susu, you mean that Xiao Zi can change shape."

Small purple python can't change shape, this is a big problem, although it has been understood by people, but strictly speaking, it can't be regarded as a demon.

"Yes! According to the magical tome, there was also a purple electric mysterious dragon in ancient times, but the purple electric mysterious dragon's mutant bloodline is too high, so it can only be transformed by stepping into the divine way. However, there are restrictions between heaven and earth, and the divine way cannot be at all. Appear."

Star Python explained.

"It's also a pain in my heart."

Ziyun gritted his teeth and said.When she learned that her son's blood was too bloody, and he could only transform if he reached the divine way, she was not happy at all.

Because the Divine Dao is not allowed in the fighting world at all, this means that the little purple python will never be able to become a real demon, and it will never be able to transform into a human form.


Ling Yun was also drunk and looked at Xing Python in confusion.

"Purple Electric Profound Dragon is transformed when it encounters a hundred spirits! This is what I saw in another magic tome. The master of the demon race who wrote down that magic tome is the ancient Zidian Profound Dragon Demon God. As far as I know I know, there were demons who saw a hundred spirit beasts in the southern realm, so this time to go to the devil temple to marry, and also take the opportunity to enter the southern realm to find the whereabouts of the hundreds of spirit demons."

When Xingmang said that, he was already hugging with Lingyunlou.

(End of this chapter)

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