Chapter 871

But she was so beautiful after her transformation. If it wasn't for Ziyun's appearance, the number one demon beauty in Dongzhou Continent would be Star Python.That's because there are too many suitors, and there are many who want to occupy her, but it has brought endless trouble to the previous generation of the Lord of the Demon Palace, so Xing Python chose to leave.

Until she became stronger and stronger, no demons or humans dared to attack her again.But her talent is so good that she has cultivated the soul of the devil.

As a last resort, he could only go into a deep sleep to avoid being obliterated by the seal of the fighting world.Later, she learned that the Demon Temple had appeared, but unfortunately she was powerless.

This time, the marriage between the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea and the Demon Palace was actually recommended by Xing Python to Ling Yun, so that Ling Yun could help her find out the cause of death of the previous Demon Lord.

southern border

This is the territory of the Demon Race. It is not too much to say that there are monsters everywhere. As long as you open your soul, you will sense not only monsters but monsters.Of course there are also a few people here.

There are only two kinds of human races here, one is the food raised by the demons, and the other is the people who live in symbiosis with the demons.The former has no capital to resist, because they live here is life, and other local human race monks know that the human race suffers here, but they can't control it.Unless you can destroy the Demon Temple.

Otherwise, you won't be able to take the human race here.The most important thing is that the human race here speaks animal language, cannot communicate at all, and is very barbaric.

Their staple food here is monsters, and even if someone enters the southern border, if they are caught, they may be eaten by [-]%.

However, the latter, because they symbiotically coexist with demon beasts, if the symbiotic demons are strong enough, then they naturally have enough identity and status here.

The best way for foreigners to enter the southern border is to coexist with the demons.Only then will you be able to stand in the South.

"There are so many monsters here!"

Ling Yun couldn't help but complain.This time, Ling Yun came as a marriage ambassador of the Dragon Palace, and the Demon Palace only knew that the Dragon Palace had sent an envoy, but they didn't know who it was.

As long as the envoy of the Dragon Palace has selected the witch, the Dragon Palace will send the dragon son to welcome the bride.The reason why Dragon Palace did this was to facilitate Ling Yun's actions.

"At that time, it felt more miles than the sea monsters of our East China Sea."

The little purple python was very nervous at the moment. It had long wanted to go to the southern border to play, but the southern border was too dangerous.If you let the Demon Temple know that it is Zilong's son, they are afraid that they will all come out to catch him.

And this time, it also knew that Lingyun, as the envoy of the Dragon Palace, came to the magic palace to select the witch, and seemed to be helping it find a wife, so the little purple python was very interested.

Of course, the three witches won't belong to him, and what about its starling?

"That's not necessarily the case. The three major types of demons have always been the sea clan, not only because of the strong dragon palace, but also because of the number of them. Secondly, the sea clan was born in the sea and has exclusive access to the ocean space. According to the southern border, no matter how big the southern border is, it is still this big. In fact, there is not even one thousandth of the ocean field."

No matter how big the southern border is, it is no bigger than the ocean.Even the ground of the entire Dongzhou Continent cannot compare to the East China Sea, which connects the world's oceans.Looking at the human race on the entire Dongzhou Continent, don't think that there are as many human races as ants, but the number is not as good as the monsters in the sea.

If it weren't for the fact that the growth cycle of Warcraft was too long, would the righteous master between heaven and earth get the human race?


There was a commotion in the forest.After Ling Yun let go of his soul consciousness, he immediately retracted it, his face turning red.After a while he was surrounded by a large group of people.

There are men and women in this large group, and because they live in the virgin forests of the southern border, it is normal to have no clothes to cover their bodies. It can be said that this is a major feature of living in the southern border.

Those who don't know will inevitably blush when they see it. Who makes this the most primitive way of life?

At the beginning of the human race, it wasn't like that.

The human races living on the land of the southern border do not know how to cultivate, but there are countless treasures of heaven and earth, such as spiritual things.Therefore, most of these people are above the Soul King Realm, and there are three Heaven Realm headed by them.

The three Heaven-level savages whispered, Ling Yun couldn't understand what they said, but now Xiao Zi can speak, and the animal language spoken by these savages can also be understood.

"Xiao Zi, do you know what they said?"

Ling Yun felt that what these people said was very similar to animal language, but unfortunately he couldn't understand it at all, so he could only ask Little Zi Python.

"Boss, that woman said she wanted to play with you for a few days before eating you. The other two agreed and seemed to be interested in you too. Boss, you are miserable."

Little Zi Python said gloatingly.

The three Heaven-level Realm headed by them, one of them is a woman, and the other two are men, but the three of them look at Ling Yun with the same eyes, as if a hungry man sees a big girl, but in reality In their eyes, Ling Yun is just food.

"I'll go with you. Can't afford to offend..."

Watching those savages crowd around, there are men and women.The man can start directly, how can the woman start!After a few moves, I encountered a soft thing, which was really difficult to fight, so I immediately used my body technique to get away.

"I'm going, there are too many savages here, so don't you care about the beasts?"

Lingyun ran for a stick of incense, and as the savage found the signal, there were savages coming out to intercept him.In fact, the area he entered was one of the largest savage areas in the South.

(End of this chapter)

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