extreme dog days

Chapter 880 Fox Head

Chapter 880 Fox Head

Hurou really couldn't imagine that the jade-tailed demon fox would betray the demon fox clan. If it wasn't for her betrayal, she would not have fallen into the hands of the demon king, because the demon king couldn't find the Qingqiu Mountains at all, even if he found Qingqiu. Qiu Shanshan, he absolutely could not find the territory of the Demon Fox clan.

"Cut off her fox tail and expel her from the Demon Fox Clan."

"No, Sister Rou, you can't do that."

Losing the fox tail, the realm of the jade tail magic fox will drop to the tenth order, and at the same time, she will no longer be able to display the real body of the beast in this life, which means that she can only become half devil and half human in the future, and it will be difficult for her to break through in her life.

And after leaving here, with the appearance of the jade-tailed demon fox, her end must be very bad. This is the best punishment for her, and it is more relieved than killing her.

"Why are you here again?"

"Pfft. Wang, aren't you afraid that the slave family will eat you?"

Seeing Ling Yun's embarrassed look, Hu Rou couldn't help but laugh.


Ling Yun's face became bitter.He ate the red pearl crystal flower to stimulate the blood pool in his body. If he was too tempted, he could not guarantee that he would be able to control himself.

"King, do you despise the unclean body of the slave family? Both the human race and the demon race say that our demon fox witches are dissolute. That's because our demon fox clan's talent is seduction. ,I…"

Hu Rou gritted her teeth and lowered her head.

The witches of the Demon Fox tribe are born with seductive skills. This is their talent, so they are misunderstood by the world, not because they are unbearable and do not love themselves.

"You misunderstood. I have my wives, although there are more than one, but I love them very much, regardless of each other."

"Ah, yes, as a hero like the king, there will naturally be many witches who like you. Although there are infatuated people in both the human race and the demon race, the king is the first one I have ever seen. Please come with me, king. …”

Hu Rou opened the door, because she had already prepared before entering the door. If Ling Yun wanted it, she would not hesitate to give it to him, but since Ling Yun said this, she had nothing to say.

But she actually came tonight to tell Ling Yun the biggest secret of their Demon Fox clan.

"You Gu, what did you bring me here for?"

Ling Yun followed Hu Rou to the secluded valley where he had previously encountered the seven-tailed demon fox.

"Hehe, Wang, what do you think the slave family brought you here?"

Hu Rou turned around, she thought Ling Yun was very interesting.This secluded valley is very beautiful, like a sea of ​​​​flowers.Ling Yun came here in the middle of the night with Hu Rou, the magic fox and magic beauty.

It is inevitable to think crooked.


"King, if you want, you can do it at any time. King, if you don't want to be a slave, don't force it. Yougu is the Holy Land of the Demon Fox Clan. There is the biggest secret of our Demon Fox Clan here. Besides me, only Mei'er knows it."

Hu Rou didn't bring Ling Yun here to talk about love, but wanted to tell him the secret of the Demon Fox Clan.

When she stretched out her hand and pressed it on the stone wall of the secluded valley, the stone wall immediately moved away. This was just an opportunity, and the magic power of the Demon Fox Clan was needed to open the mechanism.The secret of the Demon Fox clan is within the mountain.

There are stone statues in the shape of magic foxes everywhere here, and it is conceivable that this should be the ancestral land of the magic fox clan.

The Demon Fox Clan has also been brilliant, but unfortunately it has fallen to the point where there is not even a Supreme Realm Demon Venerable.

The seven-tailed demon fox Hu Mei'er had already brought a small purple python into it before them, and there was a huge fox head in the ancestral land of the demon fox clan.

It seems to be made of jade.

"Grandma, Mei'er is here to see you."

Hu Meier said.

The fox head that the jade turned into atomized, opened his eyes, and at the same time exuded a powerful momentum to oppress Hu Meier.Of course, the target of the fox head is not Hu Meier, but the clingy little purple python.

Ang ro

The little purple python felt the pressure brought by the fox head and immediately turned into a purple electric mysterious dragon.

"Purple Electric Profound Dragon, there is actually a Purple Electric Profound Dragon in the world."

Fox Head was shocked.She wanted to test the little purple python further, but just as she was about to start, Hu Meier blocked her way.

"Grandma, don't hurt Xiao Zi. It's my friend."

"Purple Electric Xuanlong, what is your origin, and why are you here?"

Zidian Xuanlong is a legend of the Demon Race. As for how it was formed, it is a mystery to the Demon Race.Of course, there have always been rumors that the Purple Electric Xuanlong is a variation of the Purple Electric Silver Python, but unfortunately there are too few Purple Electric Silver Pythons in the world.

The Dongzhou Continent has never appeared before?

"I came with the boss. If you dare to do it, you will die."

Little Zi Python is not afraid of the fox head, because it is not far from Ling Yun, it is in danger, Ling Yun can certainly sense it.

"Is it?"

"It's right, if it wasn't for the seven-tailed demon fox blocking you, you'd be dead now. I don't care who you are, if you really dare to do something to Xiao Zi, you'll have to die."

Not long after Ling Yun walked into the ancestral land of the Demon Fox clan, he sensed that the little purple python was in danger, so after locking its position, he rushed over as quickly as possible.

If Hu Meier hadn't come forward, Ling Yun would have taken action.

"What, who are you?"

Fox Head was startled, because she sensed danger and death from Ling Yun.Because Ling Yun had murdered her just now.

"Grandma, he is the new king of our Demon Fox Clan. It was the king who saved us and helped us kill the Demon King."

Hu Meier noticed that the atmosphere was not right, and hurriedly said.


Fox Head was stunned.Ling Yun is not their demon fox clan, she can sense this.

(End of this chapter)

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