extreme dog days

Chapter 885 Blame the Demon Lord

Chapter 885 Blame the Demon Lord

in a few days

Ling Yun set off for the Demon Temple.There is a certain distance between the Qingqiu Mountains and the Demon Temple. If you walk, you won't be able to get there for a few days.However, at Lingyun's speed, he could arrive on the same day, but this time he represented the Demon Fox Clan to the Demon Temple, and naturally he had to be accompanied by the Demon Fox Clan, but for safety's sake, he let Xiao Zi Python stay in the Qingqiu Mountains, only bringing Hurou goes. ,

Of course, the black crow messenger also went back with him.

The Devil's Temple is located in the center of the Southern Territory, and the power of heaven and earth here is of course the strongest in the entire Southern Territory.At the same time, the only magic city in the South is also standing here.

Because there is only one demon city in the entire southern demon clan, it is very lively here, and the people who enter here are all demons above the tenth order, and there are no monsters below the tenth order within a hundred miles of the summoning of the demon hall. dare to approach.

"Magic City is really unique"

Standing outside the magic city, Ling Yun couldn't help but sigh.The buildings of the magic city are extremely special and can be described as grand.

"The clan king doesn't know that the Demon City is the only city of the Demon Race and the only Demon City in the South, covering an area of ​​[-] miles. According to the rules of the Demon Palace, no Demon Race is allowed to display his true body in the Demon City. At the same time, only the venerable and above can live in the Demon City. Secondly, there are partitions in the Demon City corresponding to the major Demon Regions in the South. It is like our Demon Fox Territory belongs to Demon Mountain, and there is a Demon Mountain in the city. If the king can get the approval of the magic palace, he can live in the magic city."

Hu Rou said, saying that in the past, the demons of their demon fox clan could also live there.Because the Demon Zone used to be called the Linghu District, which belonged to the Demon Fox Clan, and the symbol there was still the Demon Fox symbol.

However, since the fall of the Demon Fox Clan, it has been taken over by the Demon King.

"Why do you want to live in the magic city. I think the Qingqiu Mountains are pretty good."

Lingyun is a human race, and is naturally incompatible with the demon race.Life here must be very different from that of the human race.It is better to live in the Qingqiu Mountains, at least he is familiar with the Demon Fox Clan there, and no one will disturb his cultivation.

Hearing that Lingyun likes the Qingqiu Mountains, Hu Rou is happy.

In fact, the demons have always imitated the life of the human race, so in this demon city, it is almost the same as the human race. There are chambers of commerce, tea houses, and restaurants.

The difference is that the Chamber of Commerce here is very complicated.Because there is no currency between demons, they can only barter.If you want something, you can only come up with something of the same value to trade, and the two parties will make a deal directly when they meet their eyes.

Lingyun came here to gain the approval of the Devil's Temple, so as to break into the Devil's Temple so that he could disturb the Devil's Temple.So naturally there is no time to hang out in this magic city.

The Demon Palace learned that Ling Yun, the Demon Fox King, was coming. In order to show their attention to him, even the Demon Lord Kai Kong appeared in person, and there were also three Demon Lords, Demon Xing, Fire Bird Demon and Thunder Eagle. .

"The Demon Fox King welcomes you to the Demon Palace."

Crack Kong opened his mouth and said, deliberately secretly using his soul power to spread his voice out, this is to show that he, the devil, attaches great importance to Lingyun, the king of the devil fox clan.

"I have seen the Demon Lord, and it is a great honor to have the Lao Demon Lord personally greet you, Yun."

Courtesy, who wouldn't.

"Ancestor, save me, save me..."

Just when Crack Kong was about to say a few more polite words, the discordant voice of the black crow suddenly sounded.

"Uh... Black Crow, what's the matter, who beat you like this."

The Fire Bird Demonic Venerable saw Black Crow's broken arm, and his face darkened.Although the black crow is not of his Zhili bloodline, it is considered one of the few promising ones among his younger generations.

Although being able to take the position of an envoy in the Devil's Temple is also the face of his old man, but if he does not reach the level of a venerable person, even his face is useless.


Before the black crow could speak, Ling Yun took the initiative to speak.When Hu Rou, who was beside him, heard the Fire Bird Demon Venerable's question, she was already pale with fright.

"Bold, you are blatantly provoking the Devil's Temple. Black Crow is the envoy of the Devil's Temple, and you actually beat him like this. Do you want to be the enemy of the Devil's Temple?"

Firebird Demon Venerable was furious.The demon star on the side wanted to stop it too late, and could only show a wry smile, and the demon master cracked the sky and frowned.Because the black crow went to the legend of the magic fox tribe on behalf of the magic palace.

Ling Yun broke his arm, which was equivalent to ignoring him, ignoring the Demon Temple.

"I want to ask the Demon Lord, why did you send someone to the Demon Fox Clan to do something wrong and harm my Demon Fox Clan people?"

Ling Yun asked back.

Judging from the previous attitude of the Demon Lord Crack, the actions of the Black Crow Messenger did not represent him.

"Well, there is such a thing."

The Demon Lord's face changed slightly, and he glared at the black crow messenger.

"The Devil Lord has to ask him about this, but he personally told me that this is the will of the Devil Lord. But I didn't believe it, so I cut off his arm first. If this is really the Devil Lord's will, then I have nothing to do with it. It can be said that the Demon Fox Clan is willing to dedicate it to the Demon Lord."

Ling Yun's tone was very serious, and it had a strong smell of gunpowder.This is not really wanting to dedicate the Demon Fox Clan to Crack Kong, but threatening him.Once Ling Yun, the Demon Venerable, handed over the Demon Fox Clan, he would be a lonely man, and there would be no ties at that time, so the Demon Temple had to be careful.


The Demon Lord frowned, Ling Yun's threat could be heard no matter how stupid he was, but he didn't expect Ling Yun to be so bold.However, after he glanced at Hu Rou, his eyes lit up and he didn't take it to heart.

(End of this chapter)

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