extreme dog days

Chapter 888 The Demon Lord Is Still Satisfied

Chapter 888 The Demon Lord Is Still Satisfied

The anger of the Fire Bird Demon Venerable was naturally soaring to the sky. The powerful aura instantly covered the surrounding of the Demon Temple, and the temperature rose rapidly, reaching hundreds of degrees in less than ten breaths.

All the plants in the magic hall that were averse to fire were turned into coke.

"Damn, Firebird is crazy."

The faces of the three demon masters changed slightly, and they activated the aura to protect the temple, otherwise the temple would probably be burnt to pieces by the fire.

Fire essence is not comparable to ordinary fire, and even the true fire of Samadhi is not as powerful as one-tenth of this fire essence.

"I said, don't release your real body in front of me."

I don't know when, Ling Yun has already held the sword in his hand.And step by step closer to the Fire Bird Demon Venerable.

"Is this guy looking for death? He dared to approach Firebird Bi Fang without using his real body."

"No, he didn't even release his aura, what did he want to do?"


The three demon masters were stunned.

To know Bi Fang's aura, the closer he is to the firebird Bi Fang, the higher the temperature.The power of fire essence can melt even black iron.How can the body of flesh and blood be able to withstand the power of the fire essence.

The fire element in Ling Yun's body started to operate, and the mysterious turtle's qi soul was constantly swallowing the fire poison that entered Ling Yun's body. For Ling Yun, this fire essence was nothing at all.

Playing with fire in front of him, he doesn't even need to defend.

"You are courting death. The deity will fulfill you. Chiyang Fire Spirit"


The fire bird hissed, and opened its mouth to spit out fire essence to attack Ling Yun.But a shocking scene appeared. After the fire essence was burned, Ling Yun was still strolling around the courtyard, and he had already reached the fire bird hundred feet.

"Damn it! How is this possible!"

The Fire Bird Demon Venerable stared straight at him. He knew how powerful his fire essence was.In the face of his Chiyang fire essence, even if the demon took the initiative to use the real body of the beast, he would be injured.

But Ling Yun didn't have any shit.

"What's so strange about this, I'm also a fire. ... Extreme Astral Qi."

Ling Yun said with a sneer, with a look of contempt on his lips, and with a swipe of the sword in his hand, the qi of the sword was instantly transformed.


The Fire Bird Demon Venerable didn't come back to his senses, but he felt that his center of gravity was unsteady, and he turned his head and saw that a wing had fallen off.

"my hand!"

After the Fire Bird Demon Venerable transformed into a human form, he clutched his arms and screamed.It's over, the Firebird Demon is completely defeated.


The three demon masters all looked at each other.At the same time, he took a breath of cold air.

"I said, don't use your real body in front of me, you just don't listen. In the face of the devil, you will cut off your arm. The devil's ending is satisfactory."

Ling Yun did not continue to pursue the victory.Just now, Firebird Demonic Venerable didn't expect his sword qi to be so powerful, so he was able to hit him.If the Fire Bird Demon Venerable had protected his body with the power of his demon soul just now, even if Ling Yun's extreme qi could penetrate into his demon body, it would be impossible to cut off his wings directly.

If he continues to shoot at this time, I am afraid that the devil and the others will not stand by.

Li Wei, that sword just now was enough.

The so-called satisfaction, of course, also refers to his strength.

"It's really eye-opening for this deity. This deity welcomes the Demon Fox King on behalf of the Demon Palace. However, the Demon Palace has the rules of the Demon Palace. You should know this before you enter my Demon Palace and enter the Demon Gate!"

The Demon Lord was very satisfied when he heard that Ling Yun did not kill the Fire Bird Demon Venerable for his face.If Ling Yun's sword just slashed on the head of the Fire Bird Demon Venerable, now the Fire Bird Demon Venerable is dead.

It's not about giving him face,

Those who know the times are Junjie!

If Ling Yun really killed the Fire Bird Demon Venerable, it would mean that he was too sharp to control.It's hard to say what will happen next.Only one arm of the Fire Bird Demon Venerable was broken. Although the Fire Bird Demon Venerable was greatly injured, it was still enough to connect the arm at this time.

Therefore, the Demon Lord does not intend to pursue it, and Demon Star and Lei Ying obviously agree.

"Naturally, I have heard of it for a long time. Since it is the rules of the Devil's Temple, I am willing to break into it."

Of course Ling Yun had no opinion.

Breaking through the magic gate and entering the magic palace is the rule left by the magic palace.Any Demon Venerable who joins the Demon Temple must pass through the Demon Gate, which has long since become a ritual.

As long as you break into the Demon Gate, you can be recognized by the people of the Demon Race.

Of course, in fact, the world is still respected by strength, but the Demon Gate is the symbol of the Demon Temple.Every time a new Demon Venerable appears in the Southern Territory, as long as he wants to join the Demon Temple, he will come to the Demon Gate.

After passing through the Demon Gate, the Demon Lord will naturally summon him in person.

"Okay. Breaking through the magic gate is just a ritual of the magic palace. As long as you pass through the magic gate, you are the right guardian of the magic palace. Come on, take the right guardian to rest!"

The Demon Lord was very satisfied with Ling Yun.

Now it has been considered that he is the right protector. As long as he has broken through the magic door, no matter what the results are, he will be the protector.

"Are you blaming me for betting on the Demon Fox clan earlier?"

When heading to the residence, Ling Yun suddenly asked.

Who made Hu Rou look resentful, as if she was wronged.

"I know the clan king will definitely win!"

Hu Rou said very firmly.In fact, she was only worried about Ling Yun's safety. As for winning or losing, she really didn't pay attention.At this time, he said something against his heart, and his head naturally lowered.

The once arrogant master of the Demon Fox clan had turned into a little woman in front of Ling Yun, and she didn't even realize it.

"What if I lose?"

Ling Yun didn't know when he actually liked to tease Hu Rou.Although Hu Rou's beauty was not as good as Xing Python, Qin Yuyan and the others, but she gave Ling Yun a different feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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