extreme dog days

Chapter 893 The Inheritance of the Ancestor of Demon Dao

Chapter 893 The Inheritance of the Ancestor of Demon Dao

"That's good... But Susu's demon soul seems to be unable to withstand the pressure of the demon soul of the ten thousand-order demon order. Is this demon contract okay?"

Ling Yun hesitated.Even the demon soul can't stand the test of the ten thousand-step magic ladder. The demon contract between him and the little purple python could be stronger than the demon soul of the star python.

"That's right! But it seems that your demon contract can really withstand the ten thousand-step magic ladder!"

Yu Zifeng was also very surprised, very surprised.

Relying on the Mozu contract, Ling Yun successfully walked through the ten thousand-step magic ladder to the Mozu Palace, and the door of the Mozu Palace opened immediately when he arrived.


In the Demon Palace, there are countless wall paintings of Demons, and there are all kinds of Warcraft. There is a very strange Warcraft skeleton at the front of the palace, and it is impossible to tell what type of Warcraft it is.

The red-gold color of the skeleton represented a demonic skeleton, and there was a faint aura on it that Ling Yun was familiar with.

"Ancient Breath"

After regaining his senses, Ling Yun exclaimed in shock.The skeleton of the demon beast in front of him belongs to the ancient demon beast.

When Ling Yun approached the skeleton, the red-gold skeleton actually moved.


Ling Yun was startled and quickly took a few steps back.


The mysterious turtle qi soul was stimulated, and at the same time it exuded a powerful ancient qi.

"I can't believe that for millions of years, the person who walked into my palace turned out to be a demon contractor, and he was also an ancient inheritor. Wonderful, wonderful!"

The red gold skeleton said.

"Who are you."

Ling Yun's face changed in shock, and he frowned.This is definitely a super old monster in the Demon Race.And like him, he also has the power of the ancient times, which is terrifying.

He had a feeling that the other party's casual movement could make him shattered to pieces.

"I am the ancestor of the devil's way: Kong. Little baby, don't worry, this devil's ancestor has been transformed for many years, and I only leave this breath to wait for the arrival of the destined person and pass on my magic way. I will return to heaven and earth in the future to wake up the ancients. !"

The red gold skeleton said, and then spit out an ancient book with the words light and darkness printed on the ancient book.This is exactly what the ancestors of the magic way said about the magic way of mind.

"Ah, what's the matter, senior, I don't understand what you mean. What is returning to heaven and earth, why do you want to wake up the ancients?"

Ling Yun was at a loss, he couldn't understand the meaning of the words of the ancestor of the magic way.But this magic way is very precious.The skeletons of the demon race he saw under the palace died just to compete for this set of magic ways.

Among them, there are even fifth-order and even sixth-order magic paths.

"Little baby, you are the inheritor of the ancient times, and you will know it in the future. You are the contractor of the demon race. I hope you can distinguish between each other. Unfortunately, your ancient power is different from mine, and you cannot receive my ancient power. I can only leave you with the Holy Sword of the Devil's Way, cherish it and be careful."

After the red gold skeleton said the last sentence, the whole body glowed with red gold light and then converged into the main bone. The other bones dimmed instantly and then fell apart.

The main bone cracked to reveal a strange red gold sword.This is what the ancestor of the magic path called the magic path holy sword.


Ling Yun rubbed his eyes, there was something like a dream, should it be said that happiness came too suddenly.He actually got the inheritance of the ancestor of the ancient demons.

Secondly, he also got an important piece of information, that is, he is not the only one who has ancient power in the world.It's just that what is going on with this ancient power, he still hasn't figured it out.

"Magic Way..."

Ling Yun walked over and picked up the holy sword of the devil's way. When he touched the holy sword of the devil's way, the holy sword emitted a burst of red-gold light and manifested the word devil's way. Then the holy sword was digested in his hand. Two strange words appeared on the arm.

Ling Yun just recognized these two strange words, referring to the word "Magic Dao".

"What the hell is going on here! You Lao, You Lao! No, the palace is going to collapse!"

Lingyun originally wanted to ask You Zifeng about the ancestor of the Demon Dao, but after calling several times, he did not get a response from You Zifeng. At this time, the palace kept collapsing and he could only leave.

On his side, the palace and the ten thousand-step magic ladder also kept collapsing.

"Kid Ling, what happened just now. Why is the palace gone?"

You Zifeng fell asleep when Ling Yun walked into the Demon Palace, and only woke up after Ling Yun left the palace.

"How do I know? I saw the skeleton of a demon strong man in the palace. After he gave me a book, the palace collapsed. By the way, You Lao, do you know who Kong is?"

"Sora, haven't heard of it? Is it the name of the magician you met in the palace?"

"Yes, he claims to be the ancestor of the devil's way! And he has the same ancient power as me. He also said that I am an ancient inheritor? Forget it, you don't know, I'll leave here first..."

You Zifeng didn't even know who Kong was, so naturally he couldn't give him an answer when he asked him.This is a strong demon in the ancient times, and he also calls himself the ancestor of demons.

I'm afraid that no one in the Dou World knows what kind of existence he is.

The time limit for him to enter the Demon Gate has come, just one day.When he walked out of the magic door through the magic stone, it was already dark, but the magic city square was still full of demons.

"Clan King, you are amazing!"

When Hu Rou saw Ling Yun walk out of the magic door, the big stone in her heart was put down.

"Sister Rou, you have become beautiful."


(End of this chapter)

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