extreme dog days

Chapter 900 Seeing Suru

Chapter 900 Seeing Suru

It is said that after the demon master got the No. [-] wooden bead, Chungu ignored him and stopped him from looking for Suru.This guy had already been deeply attracted by Suru, following the habits of their demon race, he wanted to push Suru down without waiting for Suru to play the piano for him.

If it wasn't for Suru's outbreak of the fifth-level supreme cultivation, she would have become the woman of the Demon Lord.What annoyed Suru the most was that Shangguan Feiling was there at the time, and he didn't even take action to stop the Demon Lord.

However, when Shangguan Feiling knew that Suru was actually in the Supreme Realm, he was also surprised.

"Shangguan Feiling, you are so brave, why didn't you stop him?"

"My lord, calm down, my subordinates are under the order of the emperor to protect your safety, and since the emperor sent you here, it is natural for you to be close to the Demon Lord Crack. In fact, the lord should not refuse it just now."

Shangguan Fei Ling said righteously.He didn't know that Miss Su, the imperial envoy who was vomiting blood in front of him at this time, was the Emperor Tianluo who once saved his family.

Shangguan Feiling is absolutely loyal to Emperor Tianluo, but he doesn't know the true identity of Emperor Tianluo.

"Damn, Shangguan Feiling, you are so bold, who made you speculate about the emperor's intentions, hateful."

"The emperor's seal, how can it be in your hands."

Shangguan Feiling was dumbfounded. The Emperor Seal was the symbol of the Tianluo Empire, and it was also a possession of the Tianluo Emperor, but it was in Suru's hands at this time.Although Suru knew that Shangguan Feiling was loyal to her, she would not tell him about her true identity.

Emperor Tianluo is a daughter. When this matter spreads, Emperor Tianluo is absolutely messed up, and she will not be able to control the Tianluo Empire in the future and face the ministers.

"Hey, the emperor sent this seat here for a human race. If you dare to speculate about the emperor's will next time, after you go back, this seat will read you a book in front of the emperor and ask you to be expelled from the Tianluo Empire. ."

Suru said angrily.In the past, Shangguan Feiling was by her side. No matter what happened, he would stand up to protect her as soon as possible, but now it's better, even watching a play on the side, it's irritating to think about it.

"Yes, sir, calm down"

Shangguan Feiling was startled and knelt down on one knee.

"Get up... Demon Fox King, this guy, damn it! This seat will definitely not let you go."

Thinking of Ling Yun, Suru almost found him and killed him.

Shangguan Feiling on the side was stunned for a moment, thinking to herself, even if the Demon Fox King came, the outcome would be the same, aren't all the people of the Demon Race a virtue?

Linghu District, Fox Palace

Silent for a night, only singing After conquering, Hu Rou looked at Ling Yun with a happy face, and asked curiously:

"Clan King, why did you refuse that Miss Su's date?"

"Uh, huh"

"She is even more beautiful than the slave family, and her temperament is better than that of the slave family. If the clan king goes, maybe she can...can..."

"You can do anything, you think too much. This king has no interest in her at all."

Ling Yun smiled and hugged Hu Rou into his arms.

"Ling boy, by the way, the old man is also surprised. You actually think that woman is weird, and she obviously invited you, why don't you go and meet her for a while?"

You Zifeng asked through voice transmission.

"Old You, what kind of woman do you think has the aura of an emperor?"

"Uh, Empress!"


"The Empress"

"The temperament of an emperor is not innate, but acquired. The concubine, although the empress accompanies the emperor, but at most is dipped in the spirit of the emperor. But the woman's spirit of the emperor is obviously ninety-five. The honor is definitely not from it. So I guess she may be the honor of the emperor, but there is only the Tianluo Empire on the Dongzhou Continent!"

Lingyun also had some who wondered why Suru had the imperial temperament of the Nine-Five.This is not an imperial concubine, an emperor is comparable.Only after it has always been high above and worshipped by the ministers can it be formed over time.

At the same time, you must have the heart of a king.

"Uh. That woman is an emperor, can't she?"

Yu Zifeng was stunned for a moment.

Two days later, Hu Rou went to various districts of the Magic City to exchange supplies according to Ling Yun's instructions, but was robbed.On the same day, someone sent a letter to Ling Yun, telling him that he wanted to save Hu Rou, so he went to the place designated by the other party, Tian Luo Villa behind the Angel Building.

"Come out... The aura of the human race cannot be hidden in this magic city."

pop, pop

"The Demon Fox King is indeed shrewd."

Suru clapped her hands and walked out with Shangguan Feiling.

"Miss Su, you and I have no grudges and no grudges. I don't know why I came here to capture my demon concubine."

Ling Yun frowned slightly, opened his soul eyes and looked at Suru.The aura of an emperor on Suru's body was almost formed, and even a hundred-year-old emperor could not cultivate it.

Looking at the Dongzhou Continent, there is only one kingdom of the Tianluo Empire, that is to say, the only person who possesses the aura of an emperor is the Tianluo Emperor. He really can't think of how holy this Miss Su is.

Because he didn't associate Suru with the Tianluo Empire at all.Tianluo Dijun has always been a man, and many people know this.

"The Demon Fox King's eye saw that I was arresting someone. Don't tell me Xiong Huang and wronged a good person."

Suru smiled slightly and placed Ling Yun with her.

It's true that she sent someone to arrest her, but if she didn't admit it, Ling Yun had nothing to do with her.

"Then what is this."

In the morning, Suru sent someone to inform him that Hu Rou was in their hands and asked him to come here if he wanted to save people, but he did not sign.

"Oh, Demon Fox King, you won't assume that your Demon Concubine is here with me! It's ridiculous!"

"So, you don't admit it."

(End of this chapter)

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