extreme dog days

Chapter 902 You wash, I see

Chapter 902 You wash, I see

Suru learned that the Demon Lord had made Lingyun the Great Demon God of the Earth Race, so she could naturally guess the Demon Lord's intentions.This is the best time for her to pull the Longdi Clan and secretly check and balance the Tian Clan.

"Since it is the will of the devil, it doesn't matter."

"You idiot!"

Ling Yun played cards completely out of common sense, and Suru's original idea of ​​convincing Ling Yun to cooperate with her was completely scrapped.

"As smart as you are, so what! Miss Su, you are really beautiful. I think whether it's a demon or a human, there should be a lot of people who want to attack you! It doesn't matter if I'm stupid, but if you become stupid, That would be bad. Not only will it become his plaything, but also someone else's goods. It smells so good! Haha!"

Ling Yun approached Suru's side, these words came to Suru's heart, and seemed to make her think of something.


Suru placed her palm on the stone table, and the stone table immediately fell apart.

Ling Yun was right, if she became stupid, she would be hopeless.Because with her beauty, she will inevitably be occupied by others, and at the same time, she will become the goods for the other party to achieve their goals at any time.

This is just a real portrait of her!

Right now, she is deeply in love with Zhou Shaohao and can't extricate herself, but what about Zhou Shaohao?Is it as a plaything for her?Suru knew very well that as long as her body could be used to its maximum value, she might be sent out.

Didn't I almost send it out when I faced the commander of the Secret Guard earlier?At that time, as long as the commander of Miwei nodded, she would suffer.

"Thank you, sir, for healing your subordinates."

Shangguan Feiling was seriously injured by Ling Yun, but Ling Yun only injured his meridians, not his internal organs, so he only needed medicinal pills and external spirit power to recover in a short time.

Shangguan Feiling was Suru's most loyal subordinate, and Suru naturally wouldn't allow him to do anything, so she personally healed his wounds.

"It's fine!"

Suru's voice seemed a little low.

"The subordinate is incompetent..."

Shangguan Feiling lowered her head and said.He failed to defeat Ling Yun, so he felt ashamed.This was obviously a disgrace to Suru.

"It's not your fault, there are days outside the sky, and there are people outside people. Fei Ling, I have a question for you."

"Speak, please"

"If the emperor is in trouble, will you not hesitate to protect him? Even if the emperor is not what you imagined."

Suru asked in a deep voice.Although she is the Emperor Tianluo, once the people of the Tianluo Empire know her true identity, how many others will be truly loyal to her?

Perhaps most of her courtiers are loyal only to that magical jade mask?It is also possible that they were only loyal to Zhou Shaohao and would not take her seriously at all.

"The life of the subordinates is given by the emperor, and the family members of the subordinates are also saved by the emperor. No matter what the emperor becomes, the subordinates will follow him to the death. No matter who wants to hurt the emperor, he has to step on the corpse of his subordinates. "

Shangguan Feiling said solemnly.

"Remember you said well today."

Suru nodded and turned to leave.

After all, the magic city is not a place to stay for a long time, and if Ling Yun has been in the magic city, it is impossible for him to set off any storms.Therefore, after purchasing some rare spirit herbs and spirit medicines in the magic city.Ling Yun took Hu Rou out of the magic city.

"Wang, we have already inquired. The Demon Fox King took Hu Rou out of the Demon City early this morning."

A Demon Bear Venerable came to the King of Storm Mountain and said respectfully.

"Finally came out, this king thought that guy was going to hide in the magic city for the rest of his life. Haha!"

The King of Storm Mountain left Mocheng after the fair in the Angel Building. After seeing Hu Rou, he had no interest in other witches at all.

At this moment, when she thought that as long as Ling Yun was killed, Hu Rou would become his magic concubine, and she immediately became excited.

"Go, lock his position for this king and report at any time."


Several Venerable Demon Bears responded at the same time.

It is impossible to follow the Demon Venerable level and use the Warcraft Venerable. It is best to let those Warcraft Demons who have just opened their intelligence go out, because they are the best spies on the southern land.

As for the appearance of the Venerable level, you can naturally find out the news from those low-level monsters, and you can also order them. No matter what type of monsters, they will only obey orders.

Because they have no choice, this is one of the survival laws of the demons.

"King of the clan, how can you have such a leisurely and elegant way to accompany me on a tour of the mountains and waters!"

Hu Rou found that Ling Yun took her to detour at will, and went all the way to those remote places, and sometimes even deliberately stopped to cook for her to eat.

"Wait! You are the baby I hate."

Ling Yun said with a smile.

"Huh? What does that mean?"

Hurou frowned!

"Haha, you still don't know that with your current appearance, there are many people among the demons who want to attack you. I'm afraid there are many people who want to kill me and take you away!"

"The slave family will always belong to the clan king. There is a pool there, clan king, I want to take a bath, do you want to take a bath?"

Seeing a waterfall in front of them, Rou Hu cried happily.It's been two days since I came out of the magic city, and I've been rushing to eat and sleep on the road, and my body will inevitably get dirty.

Demon witches, like human women, not only love beauty, but also love cleanliness.

"You wash it, I think... it's not right. I'll help you guard"

Ling Yun realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and his face was embarrassed for a while, and his face was slightly red.

(End of this chapter)

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