extreme dog days

Chapter 923 Demon Hunt

Chapter 923 Demon Hunt

"You can see the three-eyed wolf."

Ling Yun asked.

"No, I don't dare approach. It's too dangerous."

The Canine Emperor recalled the sense of danger he felt when he approached the place where the three-eyed demon wolf was imprisoned, and couldn't help swallowing.

"Isn't it? You are so scared without even seeing it. Could it be that the demon hunter is there."

The King of Storm Mountain couldn't help but said when he saw the dog emperor so cowardly.

"Who is the witcher?"

Ling Yun asked.

"Boss, this demon hunter is not easy to deal with. It is said that the previous temple master died in his hands. As long as our demons see his eyes, the demon soul will tremble, and the strength will be greatly reduced."

When the King of Storm Mountain mentioned Demon Hunt, he obviously trembled a little.

"What, there is such a thing. It's okay!"

The dog emperor was trembling with fear.Fortunately, he didn't rush over out of curiosity before, otherwise he would be dead now.

"Magic hunter, I seem to have heard Mother Fox say it."

Hu Mei'er, who happened to be here with Little Zi Python, said softly.

"The fox mother knows him too."


"Then let me ask her."

Ling Yun hurried to the Fox Cave in Yougu.About Demon Hunting, the King of the Mountains knows very little, but he has heard that there is such a terrifying Demon Venerable in the Celestial Clan.

It's just that he has never seen this Demon Hunter, let alone what kind of Demon Race the Demon Hunter is.

"Magic hunt?"

The fox head trembled when he heard the word "magic hunt".

"Who is this devil hunter. As for being scared like this?"

"Lao Shen remembers that the hall master said that the hall master was killed by the devil hunter, and the queen hall heard the legend about the devil hunter mentioned by the hall master. He is an old monster in the Celestial Clan that should not exist. Demon God. He has a pair of demon-suppressing eyes, specially designed to restrain the world's demon souls. As long as you see him below the Supreme Being, you can't even move."

The fox head even trembled in his voice.Ling Yun was now puzzled.However, Ling Yun was a little surprised when he heard her talk about the ability of the demon hunter.

The Venerable does have a sense of powerlessness in front of the Supreme Realm, but it is not that he can't even move.The so-called ants eat more elephants, if ten people from the peak of the Daluo Realm gather together, they will even dare to challenge an early Supreme Realm.

Therefore, the ability of this demon hunting is very terrifying.

"What about the Supreme Realm?"

"I don't know. At that time, the queen guessed that this demon hunt could make the demons lose the power of the demon soul."

"Uh, isn't this equivalent to the soul magic pupil? It seems that I really have to meet him for a while."

Ling Yun frowned, then showed a sneer.

"What, you must not go to him. If something happens to you, what will the Demon Fox Clan do?"

Fox Head said anxiously.Now their Demon Fox clan is entirely up to Ling Yun.Once Ling Yun had an accident, the Demon Fox Clan would lose their support.

"Don't worry about me. The witcher may not be able to restrain me."

Ling Yun smiled and turned to leave the fox cave.

He asked the dog emperor to lead the way, and the dog emperor went to rescue the three-eyed demon wolf, and he naturally led the demon hunter away.Now he has almost no way out, unless he leaves the southern land with the Demon Fox Clan now.

Otherwise, he would have to go and rescue the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf.

As long as he rescues the three-eyed demon wolf, he can stop the chaos of the Earth Race.

The strength of the three-eyed magic wolf is very powerful, and he also has a pair of magic pupils. At the same time, he is also the only person in the earth tribe who knows where the treasures of the former magic palace are located.

When he took office as the master of the Demon Temple, when he learned about the existence of the Demon Hunt, he realized that a disaster would happen to the Earth Clan, so he asked the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf to transfer all the treasures of the Demon Temple in advance, so that the Earth Clan could make a comeback in the future.

Forbidden Mountain

"Boss, it's too late for you to regret it now."

The dog emperor trembled, and even his voice trembled.His sense of danger reappeared.

"What are you afraid of, I didn't let you deal with that demon hunter. Besides, do we still have a way out now? If the Earth Clan fights, it will be doomed."

Ling Yun glanced at him.This can't be said that the dog emperor is cowardly, but that the demon hunter is too scary for the demons.

"But, boss, you can beat him! He is an old monster who restrains our demons!"

When the dog emperor learned of the existence of the Demon Hunter, he felt a sense of fear from the bottom of his heart.In this case, even if the other party didn't use the magic eye for him, he could easily kill him.

The dignified Demon Venerable was so frightened that if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Ling Yun would not have believed it.

"Have I heard of symbiosis?"


"Actually, the symbiosis between demons and humans is beneficial. It's like facing a guy who has the ability to restrain demons and demons."

Ling Yun explained.Demon hunters have always existed among the demons. In ancient times, there was more than one demon hunter. They were the biggest natural enemies of the demons, the nemesis.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Demon Hunt that the symbiotic contract exists.

Demons and humans coexist, and they naturally have human souls in their bodies. When they encounter demon hunters, the demons' souls are affected, and the symbiosis contract will naturally take the initiative to protect the master.

A powerful symbiosis contract can ignore the existence of demon hunters, which mainly depends on how powerful the human race is.

"Uh, really? That boss, who do you live with! The human race that can live with you, boss, must be amazing!"

The dog emperor asked curiously.

"Why are you asking so much. Remember, there's no need to talk about it."

The reason why Ling Yun told Dog Emperor that symbiosis can resist the devil hunter is because if he fights with the devil hunter, he may use Qi and Soul.Letting him know about the symbiosis is also to block his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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