extreme dog days

Chapter 926 Rescue the 3-eyed Demon Wolf

Chapter 926 Rescue the Three-eyed Demon Wolf

These two giant chains are specially made. They are exactly what locks his demon soul. His body is full of scars. Only left, there are some places where bones are even more visible!That's horrible!The dog emperor shuddered when he saw it.

The magic hunter wanted to find the treasure of the magic palace, so he tortured him every other month, forcing him to tell the whereabouts of the treasure.

"Senior Three Eyes."

"you, who are you"

The voice of the three-eyed demon wolf was very weak, and the demon soul was imprisoned. He was no different from an ordinary demon wolf. He had been tortured continuously for 6000 years, with old wounds not healed, and new wounds added.

But this old guy never surrendered.

"I am the current king of the dog clan, the descendant of the dog king, my name is Xiaotian. You have seen me when I was young,"

The dog emperor said excitedly.At that time, he was just a third-order magic dog.However, he is the young master of the dog clan, and his father, the dog king and the three-eyed devil wolf, are good friends.

In addition, the mother of the dog emperor is also a demon wolf clan.

"Well! What are you doing here?"

The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf recalled it, and he remembered it.This is after the old friend, but in this situation, he guards against all the demons.Even if the dog emperor is his old friend, the same is true.

He is guarding the treasures of the magic palace, and the magic hunter will naturally try his best to deal with it, both soft and hard.All the tricks that can be used are used.

"I'm here to save you."

"You save me. Haha, get out"

fraud?Totally a liar.This Forbidden Mountain is guarded by a demon hunter. Even if the dog king of the year was alive, even the rebirth of the previous temple master, Xiaoyue Tianlang, would not be able to save him from here.

"Really, I'm not lying to you. I came with my boss, the Great Demon God of the Earth Race. Now my boss is fighting outside the Demon Hunter?"

The dog emperor said, picked up the dagger and began to cut the chain that locked the three-eyed wolf.This iron chain is not made of ordinary black iron, and the Dog Emperor took a lot of effort to break half of it.

"Haha, the Demon Hunter wants to lie to me again. Do you think I'm a three-year-old wolf? Don't say anything about the Great Demon God of the Earth Race, even if all the Earth Race Demon Lords are at this level, they can't beat the Demon Hunter, bah."

The three-eyed magic wolf couldn't help but spit out the dog emperor's face.

How powerful the magic hunter is, he knows better than anyone.As soon as the magic pupil came out, who among the demons would compete with each other.Just because the current Great Demon God of the Earth Race wants to deal with him, he wants to believe it, is it possible?

"It's true, my boss. Maybe my boss can defeat the Demon Hunter?"

If others spit the dog emperor's face, the consequences will be very serious, but the three-eyed devil is different.And now he has to try his best to persuade him to cooperate and escape from the Forbidden Mountain with him.

"Haha. Go away. If you want to know the whereabouts of the treasure in the Devil's Palace, don't be delusional. Go away, or I will drown you with saliva."

The three-eyed wolf said angrily.You can't say that when he's an idiot!Demon hunt, that is a demon hunt, an existence that can make all demons tremble.

Although he also has pupils, his pupils are a joke compared to other people's demon pupils.

"Senior Three Eyes, what I said is true. Maybe my boss can't defeat the Demon Hunter, but he is really fighting the Demon Hunter now. If you don't believe me, listen to it, there is a lot of noise outside."

At this moment, Ling Yun and the Demon Hunter are fighting each other. Although Ling Yun is not in the Supreme Realm, his strength is more terrifying than the Supreme Peak.The damage caused by the battle between the two supreme powerhouses is inestimable, and the movement is naturally not small.

"Well, there is a real voice. Could this be another trick of the demon hunter? I never imagined that the Queen of Dogs would also become the lackeys of the Celestial Clan. It's ridiculous that the Earth Clan has not fallen to such a level, the devil hunters of the gods, why in the world want to There is a witch hunt, why. Why!"

The weak three-eyed demon wolf couldn't help roaring. This was a roar that came from his heart, with a sense of despair.

The existence of magic hunters is too terrifying.This is simply a demon's nightmare.

"By the way, Senior Three Eyes, my boss said that there is a way to restrain the devil hunter."

The Dog Emperor thought of the symbiosis, and he also knew that for a while, he would want to convince the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf that he was here to save him, and it was not easy.So we can only talk about the symbiotic contract restraining the devil hunter.

"any solution"

The three-eyed wolf asked suspiciously.

"The symbiotic contract of the demons."

"Symbiosis contract, is this, really?"

Although the three-eyed devil wolf has never symbiotic with the human race, as a devil, he naturally knows the existence of the symbiotic contract.The symbiotic contract is something that the demons exist in the demon soul.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has been inherited from generation to generation.In the past, he only knew that a symbiotic contract could share life and death with the human race, share the same fate and common virtue.It's like finding yourself a partner you can always trust.

However, he did not know the true meaning of the existence of the Demon Race Symbiosis Contract.

"It should be true. Anyway, I just saw that demon hunter cast that terrifying demon pupil. I was a hundred miles away, and the demon soul couldn't move, but my boss didn't do anything."

The Dog Emperor recalled the scene when Ling Yun faced the Demon Hunt just now, and secretly admired it in his heart.

"That's right, the demon eye of the demon hunter restrains the demon soul, but it has no influence on the human soul. The demons coexist with the human race, and the human race soul is on top of the symbiotic contract. That's great! Come on, open it for me."

The three-eyed demon wolf wanted to understand the function of the symbiotic contract, and naturally believed that the dog emperor was not sent by the demon hunter to deceive him.In a hurry to let the King of Dogs help him untie the chains on his body, he must escape from here, and then join forces with the Earth Clan to fight against the Heavenly Clan and revive the Demon Temple.

(End of this chapter)

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