extreme dog days

Chapter 934: Ransack All Races

Chapter 934: Ransack All Races

"It's over, our Firebird Demon Race is over. Woohoo, why is this happening, what kind of sin is this?"

It doesn't matter if the Firebird Demon's clan is gone, just find another place to rebuild it.After all, the territory of the Fire Bird Demon Race is millions of miles.But if the powerhouse of the Fire Bird Demon Clan dies, it cannot be cultivated in a short period of time.

Ten years, not even a hundred years.Of course, the most important thing right now is the Fire Bird Demon Venerable, the clan king of the Fire Bird Demon Clan. As long as he is still alive, then the Fire Bird Demon Clan still has hope.

"Look, we must find the clan king. I hope that nothing will happen to the clan king. Otherwise, our Fire Bird Demon Clan will really be finished."

The competition between the Demon Races is very fierce, not only the Heavenly Race and the Earth Race, but also the Warcraft Race between the Heavenly Race and the Heavenly Race will also fight.

This is exactly what the phrase "birds eat for food" means.

"It's so hot, this Demon Fox King is so crazy, how did he do it."

The Three-Eyed Demon Wolf could not help screaming when he saw the blazing fire from the Fire Bird Demon Clan from a distance.Lingyun told them to find a way to attract the attention of the Firebird Demons, so that they could have a chance to pass through the Firebird Demons' territory.

But they never thought that Ling Yun not only killed the Fire Bird Demon Lord, but also caused the terrifying rage of the earth. This not only attracted the attention of the Fire Bird Demon Clan, but the entire Demon Temple Heaven Clan was alarmed.

"I said, Senior Three Eyes, you are still a fart, and if you don't run away, when other Celestial Clan Demon Venerables come, we won't be able to run away."

The dog emperor said angrily.In order not to attract the attention of the Celestial Warcraft.At this time, the dog emperor did not use the real body of Warcraft, so the three-eyed demon wolf could only walk by himself.

Fortunately, after resting for a few days, and taking a few healing pills that Ling Yun refined for him, his magic energy also recovered a little. 6000 years of injury, if you want to recover in a short time, even if the God of Medicine is alive, there is no way.

"I'll go, you puppy, how can you run faster than your father."

The three-eyed demon wolf is speechless, even if the dog emperor does not use the power of the demon soul to run away with the instinct of the human body, it is still a scud!

"Do you understand this? If you were hunted down for thousands of years, you would definitely run faster than me."

The dog emperor said proudly.When he had never stepped into the realm of Demon Venerable, this little life was really hard!But he has developed a good skill.

Lingyun knew that such a big thing had happened to the Firebird Demon Clan, and the other Heavenly Clan Demon Venerables would definitely come here. Isn't this the best chance for him to loot the other Demon Clan's treasure houses?

Nothing beats this once in a lifetime!

Lingyun hurriedly rushed to Lei Ying, Double-headed Dove, Yuhe and other demon clan lands, looting their treasure house, even the clan land of Demon Star was no exception.

"Hey, this guy Mo Xing is really fat. I didn't expect him to have so many good things."

After looting the treasure house of Demon Star, Ling Yun couldn't help but get excited.As the second-in-command of the Demon Temple, the good things harvested by this demon star are really piled up into mountains.

Many spirit herbs, spirit medicines, and even Yuzifeng were surprised.Because these things are not limited to the southern border, many of them were collected by these Demon Race Venerables from other places in the Dongzhou Continent.

Especially the Celestial Clan Demon Venerable, their speed is fast, so they often visit the major mountains of Dongzhou Continent to find suitable spiritual herbs and elixir for them.At the same time, I used to participate in the search for historical sites from time to time, so the treasures of these Celestial Clan Demon Lords are more abundant than that of Earth Clan Demon Lords. The treasure house of these Celestial Clan Demon Lords is even more remarkable than that of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

Because there are even Divine Artifacts, Ling Yun has obtained more than a dozen Divine Artifacts this time, and two or three defensive treasures, which is absolutely remarkable.

To Ling Yun, these Celestial Clan Demon Venerables are all big fat sheep!They have collected things for thousands of years, and now they are all cheaper for Lingyun.

"Hey, boy Ling, you really made it this time. Now you have collected spirit herbs and medicines. This old man conservatively estimates that refining the rank five golden pills will do. It's a pity, you must become stronger as soon as possible and eliminate the five dragons. That hell messenger in the Xuantian furnace will do."

Yu Zifeng said in amazement.

Lingyun has only cultivated the second rank golden elixir, and he already has the ability to refine the third rank golden elixir, but he has only collected a few of the medicinal materials for the third rank golden elixir before that.But now he has even collected hundreds of materials for Rank [-] Golden Core.

"It's a pity that the messenger of hell is too perverted. There is no reason for heaven! Didn't it say that there is a seal in the fighting world, why is he not affected at all."

Lingyun had tried several times before to destroy the messenger of hell in the Wulong Xuantian Furnace, but that guy was too terrifying.It's the real Shinto.

If it weren't for the heaven-defying pill furnace like Wulong Xuantian Furnace, he would not be able to shut him up at all.

"Alas, this should be called sin! You forgot, the soul can grow to the level of Shinto, magic, and this hell messenger! You can also think of him as a soul or something. Maybe it is because of this, so he does not It will be affected by the seal of the fighting world. Especially if you lock him in the Wulong Xuantian Furnace!"

Yu Zifeng said with a sigh.

"Do you think I dare to let him out?"

Ling Yun smiled bitterly.Once the messenger of hell escapes from the Wulong Xuantian Furnace, it is estimated that he can kill him in seconds.


Yu Zifeng let out a long sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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