extreme dog days

Chapter 941 Brothers Reunion

Chapter 941 Brothers Reunion

"Patriarch Panshan is right. The Demon Fox King is insidious and cunning. He kills his own kind. He cannot be punished. We are willing to follow the Panshan Patriarch to defeat the Demon Fox King.

"I would also like to honor the ancestor of Panshan as the Great Demon God of the Earth Race"

"I would too"

"I have no opinion either"

The four Demon Venerables expressed their views.

Don't mention how excited the Tongtian King on the side is. His grandfather became the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan, doesn't that mean that he is the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan?

"The old man really never thought about being the Great Demon God of this Earth Race."

Panshanyan Snake said with a sigh, at this moment he thought of his old friend, the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf.He didn't know that the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf was still alive, but even if he knew, he was afraid it would be even more uncomfortable in his heart.

"Patriarch Panshan, the Earth Clan is now torn apart. To put it bluntly, whoever is between us does not obey the other. In order to prevent anyone from being used to kill each other in the future, you must come out and preside over the overall situation."

Zun said.

"Grandfather, what Zun said is right. Now our Earth Race really can't stand the toss. You see, because of the appearance of a Demon Fox King, our Earth Race has lost three Demon Venerables one after another. If there is another one If so, I really don’t know who will be next.”

On top of this matter, Tongtian Wang naturally vigorously contributed to the flames.As long as his grandfather took over the position of the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan, he would have the final say in that Earth Clan, and he also had a certain amount of weight in the Demon Temple.

After all, it is impossible for the Panshan Rock Snake to have any intersection with the Demon Temple, and at the same time he often retreats, so he became the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan, which naturally means that he is the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan.

"This... Old Master Rong, think about it. But dealing with the Demon Fox King is urgent. I am worried that if it drags on for too long, the Demon Temple Heavenly Clan will take action."

This time, the Panshan Rock Snake went out of the customs in order to help the Earth people get rid of a major scourge.

Originally, he was worried that the Celestial Clan would interfere, but he also got the news that something major happened to the Celestial Clan recently, so now is the best time for them to take action against the Demon Fox King.

"We listen to our ancestors. We swear to kill the Demon Fox King"

"Swear to Kill the Demon Fox King"


A group of local demons shouted.

A few days later, the Qingqiu Mountains were surrounded by demons and venerables from all major demons.The entire Qingqiu Mountains was shrouded in a heavy atmosphere, and it was also murderous.

Outside the Qingqiu Mountains, the tenth-order and below shivered in this atmosphere, and they didn't dare to let out one of the atmosphere. They even held back their farts, for fear that the demons around here would stare at them and give them to them. slaughtered and eaten.

"Fox King, come out."

In the crusade against the Demon Fox King, the Tongtian King will take the lead.He was the first to appear in front of the phantom formation in the Qingqiu Mountains.This phantom formation had already been repaired by Ling Yun, and Ling Yun had changed this natural phantom formation into an attack and kill phantom formation based on the previous natural phantom formation.

"King Tongtian, you came to the Demon Fox Clan today, do you want to overtake the blister?"

Lingyun's voice came from the Qingqiu Mountains.Lingyun had already returned to the Qingqiu Mountains three days ago, and Lingyun had already expected this day. He knew very well that this time, it was not just the Tongtian King who came here.

While he was speaking, Zun Zun, Zun Ma, Zun Lu, and Zun Ye also appeared one after another.

"Hmph, Demon Fox King, you bastard, as a Demon Lord of the Earth Clan, but the executioner of the Heaven Clan, do you think you have the qualifications to be the Great Demon God of our Earth Clan?"

It was Ma Zun who spoke, this guy has a big temper and a straight temperament.Although he had always been at odds with the Demon Mouse Clan, but when he heard that the Demon Fox King had actually wiped out the Demon Mouse Clan, he immediately became angry.

If Ling Yun only killed the oil rat, he would probably clap his hands, and even come to him to support Ling Yun as the Great Demon God of the Earth Clan.But exterminating the clan, this is the taboo of their demon clan.

"I'm not qualified, and I've never said that I have this qualification. But do you have this qualification? If so, why didn't you stand up before?"

Ling Yun asked back.

The position of Great Demon God of the Earth Clan has been idle for a full 6000 years. For 6000 years, no matter if it is the Tongtian King, the Evil Tiger, or the Oil Rat, they all want to be the Great Demon God of the local clan, but no one dares to take this step.

Because whoever takes this step is the common enemy of all the Earth Race Demon Venerables.So they have been waiting for an early bird, and now this early bird has it, so the oil rat jumped out first.

It's a pity that he got himself into it.

"Then this deity has this qualification."

The Coiling Rock Snake also appeared.

"You used to have, but now you don't."

A huge magic wolf came out of the phantom array.


"How can there be a wolf king?"


The Four Demon Venerables and the King Tongtian were all startled.After the Demon Wolf Clan was occupied by the Heavenly Clan from the Demon Temple, the Demon Wolf Clan was almost wiped out. They had never heard of the Demon Lord appearing in the Demon Wolf Clan again.

This wolf lord is undoubtedly the three-eyed devil wolf. Although his injuries have not recovered and his strength is less than [-]%, his aura is still powerful.

It's just that the Four Demon Venerables, Tongtian Wang couldn't recognize him, because his demon body was covered in scars, and at the same time, he was very thin.

"It's you, it's you..."

Perhaps the Panshan Rock Snake could not recognize the appearance of the three-eyed wolf at this time, but he could still hear the sound.

(End of this chapter)

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