extreme dog days

Chapter 948 The Ancient Demon Wolf

Chapter 948 The Ancient Demon Wolf ([-])

"I just heard Mother Fox mention it. She said that this place is the Jedi in the Southern Territory, and it is rarely discovered, and even if a Demon Venerable enters here, it may not be able to get out. Senior Three Eyes, let's go in like this. Is it really good?"

Hu Rou knew that such a place existed.After being confirmed by the three-eyed wolf, she couldn't help but leaned towards Ling Yun with a startled expression.

"Haha, don't worry. This place belonged to our Demon Wolf Clan in ancient times. The treasure of the Demon Palace was never found by the Celestial Clan because it was kept here."

The dark place, because this place is too strange, it can't be found in the air, so the Celestial Clan searched the entire southern border and couldn't find it.Moreover, even if you enter here, it is impossible to find the treasure of the magic palace.

This place is like a dark labyrinth, except for darkness, it is still darkness.Soul consciousness plays little role here, and the sight of the naked eye is also very limited.

The Celestial Clan is good at flying. If they enter here, they will lose a sense of security that belongs to them. Therefore, even if some Celestial Clan monsters discover this place, they probably will not enter here.

And it's very dangerous here.In the darkness, a pair of eyes were staring at Ling Yun and the others.If there is light at this time, they can see the bones one by one on the ground.

In addition to demons, there are also humans.It's just that these corpses have already been corrupted beyond appearance.

"How in the world is there such a place?"

Ling Yun muttered.He had seen many dark places, but it was the first time he had seen it so dark.It was fine in the forest before. Although there was no light, it was only the kind of day and night.

But right now where they are is the real darkness.

"King, what's the matter with you?"

Hu Rou found that Ling Yun beside her was hesitant, and asked curiously.

"It's okay, I'm just curious, let's go!"

Ling Yun said, pulling Hu Rou's hand tightly.It was so dark here that no figure could be seen in the darkness at a distance of ten feet.Even if they are doing something shameful here, they can only hear voices and see no one when they stand within ten meters.

At the same time, it is impossible to tell the direction.

"Everyone follow closely. If you get separated, you will be lost here and will never be able to get out."

The three-eyed wolf said loudly.The Demon Fox clansmen behind them all had a bell tied to their bodies, and they all held hands to prevent them from getting separated.

"Senior Three Eyes, why is it so dark here, do you know?"

Ling Yun used his soul eyes to look around, only to realize that this place seemed to be an ancient battlefield.But even the ancient battlefield is not so dark.

"Isn't the old man said that this place was the land of our Demon Wolf clan in ancient times. As for why it is so dark, it is related to a world-shattering war in ancient times. I heard that the battle was fought in darkness, and because of our Demon Wolf clan A strong man in the magic way performed a very strange magic art, and since then this place has become like this, even if countless years have passed, it has not recovered."

The three-eyed demon wolf also has pupils. He can see that this is an ancient battlefield. As for the things that were left in this ancient battlefield, they have already been collected by their demon wolf clan, and they are all stored in the darkness. the depths of the earth.

It is precisely because the three-eyed magic wolf has eyes and pupils that it will not lose its direction, so Xiaoyue Tianlang, who was the master of the magic temple back then, would let him bring the people of the magic wolf clan to send the treasure here.

"Listen, listen to whoever said that."

Ling Yun heard something and immediately asked.

"Uh, haha, the big devil will naturally know as long as he enters the interior."

Since the Three-Eyed Demon Wolf brought Ling Yun and the others here, he naturally wouldn't hide it from them.This exists in the dark place, but there is an ancient demon wolf god.But it's just a remnant.


"Be careful... the ancient demon soul..."


Ling Yun found out, and Hu Rou felt terror from the bottom of her heart when she heard the sound, so she hugged Ling Yun tightly.As for the hundred Demon Fox people, more than [-]% were scared to pee.


"Ancestor, it's me."

The three-eyed magic wolf heard the sound and immediately released the true body of the magic wolf.

"Little wolf, how did you become like this. If Benzu still remembers your smell, I probably wouldn't recognize you."

An astonishing giant wolf came out of the darkness, with a faint light shining on his body, otherwise he wouldn't be able to see him. As for those two eyes, they were bigger than lanterns.

It is ten times the size of the three-eyed wolf.Of course, as long as the three-eyed demon wolf is willing, his size can reach that level, but at that level, it will consume the power of the demon soul.

"Old Ancestor, the Demon Temple of Earth Clan no longer exists. The disciples take back the things that were stored here and revive the Demon Temple."

The three-eyed demon wolf put things here, and also told the giant wolf the suffering that the demon wolf clan might suffer.But this giant wolf can't leave here.

This demon soul can only survive here, and once it leaves here, it will disappear.Otherwise, if he walked out, even the Demon Hunter Tianpeng would tremble.

"Why are they all demon foxes, what about demon wolves?"

The giant wolf glanced at it, obviously angry.This tone is obviously to blame the three-eyed demon wolf for not bringing the demon wolf cub to him, but instead ran into this ancestral land with other demons.

(End of this chapter)

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