extreme dog days

Chapter 961 Retreat

Chapter 961 Retreat

"Then it depends on your ability."

Ling Yun put away the magic core in his hand and rushed out like a cannonball from the ground. The sword in his hand disappeared, replaced by his fist. He avoided the air-splitting weapon at the fastest speed and smashed his fist into his abdomen. superior.

Kaikong's face changed in shock, and he cast teleportation to avoid the attack.

"Broken Sky Bow."

Ling Yun stepped out and immediately opened his bow.Using the three-layered art of breaking the air, he smashed out the mysterious turtle and hit Shangguan Feiling, who was flying up.

"Ah! Poof"

Shangguan Feiling never imagined that Ling Yun would have this trick, but he was hit in the waist by the mysterious turtle, and his body hit the stone wall, and he vomited blood immediately.

The mysterious turtle immediately rose when it landed, and opened its mouth to spit out red gold flames.

"What's the situation! Perfect defense... crust! Pfft..."

Yu An reacted, otherwise his life would be over.He used the qi soul defense to block the red gold flame, the defense was broken by the red gold flame, and he was also swept away by a powerful heat wave.

Qi and soul can be used in this way, whether it is Yu An or Shangguan Feiling, there are some things that can't be reacted.

A Demon Venerable as strong as Crack Kong was also taken aback.

At this time, the Demon Monkey Clan, the Giant Tai Ape-Man, and the Monkey Force also all exited the valley safely.

"Hey, I want you to die."

Fission found that the giant Tai ape-man and the others had all escaped from the valley, and immediately stopped fighting. He became mad and performed magic, and the surrounding space was shaking.

It feels like glass is broken.

"I'll accompany you next time... fist bump into the world"

Ling Yun laughed, his mission had been completed.At this time, he is desperately fighting against the cracking air here, and he has no chance.This cracking sky is not simple. If he fights with cracking air, he will definitely not be able to escape for a while.

fist bump

Ling Yun smashed his fist directly on the ground, a powerful force collided with the sky and the earth, and even generated a huge explosive force to drown the magic power of the cracking sky, which should be the reason for the absolute valley.

The burst of this force directly caused the valley to burst and collapse.Worse than a super earthquake, even a Demon Venerable as strong as Fissure Kung has been unstable, not to mention other people.

"Wow, Xiangdu was scared out."

Yu An shouted.The embarrassment behind him made him feel the urge to cry.It's just that the valley collapsed at this time. If you don't escape, it is estimated that you will be buried here alive.

Hundreds of Celestial Clan Venerables and Demons who entered the Absolute Valley with Fission Kong and the others, few escaped the Absolute Valley alive.

"Master Demon Lord, the Demon Fox King ran away."

After Ling Yun slammed into the heaven and earth with his fist, he immediately pulled away from Juegu, and when Crack Kong and the others came out of Peerage, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Damn, Demon Fox King, this master swears to be at odds with you"

Crack Kong came out of the valley in a state of embarrassment, his face ashen, as if he had eaten a dead mouse.

"The Demon Lord of Splitting the Sky, I am injured, I will leave first."

Shangguan Feiling's face was very pale. He was hit by Ling Yun's mysterious turtle, and two of his ribs were directly broken.

"That, Demon Lord, I have something to do, so I'll go first."

Yu An suffered from fecal incontinence, but there was a stench on his body. How could he see people after it spread.


The moment Crack Kong Yu'an turned around, his face darkened. He saw it and smelled it.Although Ling Yun's previous punch was very powerful, it belonged to the kind of attack with heavy thunder and rain.

Those demons below the Supreme were frightened to pee, and even if they were stunned, the dignified Supreme was so frightened that he became incontinent. Isn't this too outrageous.

Qingqiu Mountains

The Panshan Rock Snake was under the conspiracy of the Tongtian King, and he was hit by the corresponding restraint poison of the demon body, the Meridian Devil Devouring Vine. At this time, he was unable to move.Tongtian Wang wants to take out his magic core.

The dog emperor stopped him, but the magic star shot and severely injured the dog emperor.

"Grandpa, don't look at me like that. I'm also thinking of our Panlong Mountain Demon Clan. It's been six thousand years, and the Celestial Clan has been in charge of the Demon Temple for six thousand years. The heritage accumulated during this period is not something that our Earth Clan can compete with. To be an enemy of the Celestial Clan is to seek death."

King Tongtian knew that the current background of the Celestial Clan was no less than that of the Earth Clan's heyday.The Demon Eagle Clan of Crack Kong currently has twelve Demon Venerables, which are more powerful than the Demon Wolf Clan of the past.

In addition, there are other Celestial Clan Demon Venerables, all of which add up to no less than thirty.It's just that these Demon Venerables rarely appear in front of these Earth Race Demon Venerables.

"Grandpa, your deadline is approaching, you might as well give me your magic core, so that I can become stronger and better protect the Panlong Mountain Demon Race."

"You bastard. You must die"

The voice of the Panshan Rock Snake trembled, not because of fear, nor because of poisoning, but because of anger.I think he has always escorted Snake Tongtian, and he was also the one who helped Snake Tongtian find a twelfth-order magic core, which helped him successfully advance to the twelfth rank, became the devil of the Snake Clan, and handed over the power of Panlong Mountain to the in his hands.

I didn't expect him to repay him like this, thinking about his magic core, it's just too hateful.

Although the demons are ferocious by nature, they fool me and deceive me.But also know how to reciprocate gratitude, and integrity.Especially the trust and help between the same clan.

"Haha, grandfather, rest in peace!"

Tongtian Wang laughed.If you want to oppose the Heavenly Clan, that's what you have to do.No, it's like the Coiling Rock Snake in front of you.

(End of this chapter)

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