Chapter 967

"Ah! Don't fight, I admit defeat, I don't play anymore... ah"

"No, the dignified Dragon King of the South China Sea needs backbone. I am!"

Ling Yun refused his begging for mercy. If it wasn't for the fact that they came here this time to help the Earth Clan deal with the Heavenly Clan, and dared to make Hurou's idea to make his head glow green, Ling Yun would have killed him long ago.

This crocodile tyrant is exempt from the death penalty, and the living crime cannot escape.

"Damn, I still have a temper, and I don't even beg for mercy."

After playing for another half a stick of incense, Crocodile Bahai didn't dare to beg for mercy, but who knew he didn't ask for mercy, Lingyun kicked him directly.

"Wuwu, uncle, fight if you beg for mercy, fight if you don't ask for mercy, what do you want?"

Crocodile Bahai was beaten and cried.Even though Ling Yun didn't kill him, he didn't take it lightly at all. It was no different from tearing his body apart. ,

"What, you dare to blame me, don't you know that I'm tired to beat you? Is this worthy of me? It's hopeless, you guys come and beat him."

Ling Yun looked at a few venerables of the Earth Race nearby and said.

"Lord Great Demon God, this is not good..."

"Yes! People came to us to deal with the Celestial Clan anyway."

Several venerables of the Earth Race beat and kicked Crocodile Bahai while begging for mercy.But begging is begging, they are not light at all, feeling that begging is just a pretense.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to beat the Dragon King of the South China Sea. There was this opportunity before.

"Boss, I also want to plead for him."

The King of Storm Mountain, Pidianpidian, ran over and said.


Ling Yun waved his hand and said.

"Okay! Boss, please forgive him, the dignified South Sea Dragon King, it's not good to be beaten like this, da"

The King of Storm Mountain ran over and hit the weakest point of Crocodile Bahai's human figure, which was the lifeblood.

"Wow! You..."

Crocodile Bahai fainted.

"Boss, he passed out. I haven't played yet?"

The King of Dogs ran over, only to see Crocodile Bahai knocked out.

"never mind."

Ling Yun glanced at Zi Tian.Zitian didn't speak, it was already considered to give him face, if he didn't know interest, it would not be very good.Of course, if Ling Yun knew that Zi Tian had already guessed that Hu Rou was his magic concubine, he just wanted to see him laugh.

That Lingyun would never let the Crocodile Bahai go.

"Stinky boy, I didn't expect to see you for a while, and your strength has increased a lot."

Zi Tian said with a sneer.

"See you next time, it's definitely you who got beat up."

The last time Lingyun was not the enemy of Zitian, and now he is still not the opponent of Zitian.However, as long as Lingyun breaks through the supreme realm and masters the magic of light and dark, he will be able to surpass Zitian.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to it. Haha"

Zi Tian said indifferently.

"This guy seems to have a prejudice against me."

The relationship between Ling Yun and Zitian is not very good. Although they have a dual relationship, Ling Yun always feels that this guy seems to have always had an opinion on him.As for why, Ling Yun couldn't figure it out.

The last time Zitian shot him and injured him, it can be said that it was because of the dragon queen Ziyun, but it was explained later.

"It's probably because you became his adoptive father?"

You Zifeng's gloating voice entered Ling Yun's ears.

"It's possible."

Ling Yun smiled bitterly.He really couldn't blame him for the matter between him and Xingmang. Of course, Ling Yun was happy to accept this fact now.


Angel Building Courtyard

"Master Su"

"What happened last night, you can pretend it never happened."

Shangguan Feiling was seriously injured, and the kidney meridian was injured. The best way is to repair it with the same level of supreme double repair.He is the most trusted person around Suru, if she doesn't devote herself to saving her, Shangguan Feiling will be useless.

After much consideration, Suru only wronged herself.

"Sir Su's great kindness, Fei Ling will never forget it in this life."

Shangguan Feiling was very grateful to Suru, and at the same time fell in love with her silently in her heart, but she did not dare to express it.Because he thinks he deserves her.Of course, what happened last night was the best memory in his life.

"I hope so"

Suru stood up and said, her voice was so low that she could barely hear herself.She devoted herself to helping Shangguan Feiling, perhaps this was her revenge against Zhou Shaohao, or perhaps she was giving herself a way out.

Even if her identity is revealed in the future, and other people betray her, at least Shangguan Feiling can protect her.

Looking at the back of Suru leaving, because he looked very carefully this time, a figure that could be compared suddenly appeared in his mind. When the image just flashed by, he slapped himself fiercely.

Devil's Temple

Because of knowing that the East China Sea Dragon Palace was supporting the Earth Clan, the Heavenly Clan of the Demon Palace was in full swing.With the help of the East China Sea Dragon Palace, the Earth Clan is afraid that it won't be long before a full-scale Demon Clan war will break out.

"Demon Lord, the Tianluo Empire has sent five Luo Kings and ten Supreme Realm guards to come, and they have been arranged in the magic city. Secondly, all the land races in the magic city have been controlled."

Magic Star said.

Previously, Suru learned that the Earth Clan wanted to rebel, so she rushed back to the Tianluo Empire to transfer troops.Originally, she wanted to send Taishi Yin Guang and others to come, but Zhou Shaohao was not in the palace, and she asked Yin Guang personally, but Yin Guang declined her.

The Demon Temple is also the trump card of the Tianluo Empire. In order to protect the Demon Temple, Suru had to transfer the team of the Tianluo Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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