extreme dog days

Chapter 980 Demon Hunter Appears

Chapter 980 Demon Hunter Appears

Ling Yun crossed his hands and blocked the power of his body.

"Pfft...! Ah"

"Haha, Demon Fox King, even though you are a human race, your flesh body is not much better than our Demon Race real body. If you devour your flesh body, I won't be afraid of Panshan after that. Haha..."

When Snake Tongtian saw that Ling Yun couldn't stop him even with a palm, he was relieved now.He was really worried that Ling Yun had spare power, so he didn't dare to approach him at first, so he could only test it out.

After all, he has also heard that although the Demon Fox King is a human race, his physical body is very terrifying.


"To you..."

"Wow, ah! What did you eat for me..."

Snake Tongtian displayed the real body of the beast, he wanted to swallow Lingyun alive, refine Lingyun in his body, and gain the power of his fleshly body.Unexpectedly, when his real body opened, Ling Yun suddenly lost a strange energy into his body.

That mass of energy entered his body, he suddenly felt bad, and asked in surprise.

"Isn't this the Meridian Devil Devouring Vine that you lied to the Panshan Rock Snake? I took it out of his body with great difficulty. Now I just return it to you. How about it? It's delicious!"

Ling Yun smiled!

Because the Meridian Devil Devouring Vine is special, Ling Yun kept it after he took it out of the Panshanyan Snake.Unexpectedly, it will come in handy today.

Let the snake go to the sky and become a cocoon.

"The Meridian Devil Devouring Vine, no! Help me take it out, vomit, vomit"

Snake Tongtian was startled.The Meridian Devil Devouring Vine was created by him with all his might.It belongs to the highly poisonous creature that restrains the Demon Snake Clan, and at the same time it is a spiritual creature that can detoxify the venom of snakes in the world.Once the Demon Snake Clan was poisoned, the result would be assimilated by the Meridian Devouring Demon Vine.

After death, a new Meridian Devil Devouring Vine will grow on the corpse.In other words, it was raised using the demon body of the Demon Snake Clan.

Snake Tongtian wants to spit out the swallowed Meridian Devil Devouring Vine, which is impossible.

"Oh, even if I am willing to help you. Do you dare?"

Ling Yun asked with a smile?

She Tongtian wanted to swallow him raw just now, but now he asks him to detoxify him, is this possible?Even if Ling Yun is willing, Snake Tongtian doesn't believe him

"Roar. Demon Fox King, even if you die, I will pull you back."

"Ha! The fist hits the heavens and the earth"

Ling Yun was ready to go!He is indeed a strong bow, and he will definitely not be able to defeat Snake Tongtian in a head-to-head confrontation, but he still has [-]% of his physical strength, but his physical strength is limited to melee combat.

So he didn't dare to make a move just now.At this time, Snake Tongtian rushed towards him directly, which was exactly what he wanted!

A punch slammed into the sky and the earth, although only [-]% of the physical strength was enough to injure Snake Tongtian, knock it out, and trigger the Meridian Devil Devouring Vine in Snake Tongtian's body to attack.

"Wow, roar, Demon Fox King, I won't make you feel better if I die. Roar... Demon Fox King!"

The Meridian Devil Devouring Vine in Snake Tongtian's body attacked, and he knew that he would die.But don't expect him to have a heart of repentance. What does it mean to die without repentance refers to a guy like him.

He let out a loud roar, called out Ling Yun's title, and then blew himself up.

"Damn! Poof"

Ling Yun's whole body was sent flying hundreds of feet under Snake Tongtian's self-destruction, hit a tree and spurted out a mouthful of blood.And Snake Tongtian called his name when he was dying, which was equivalent to revealing his position.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​the magic city was already in chaos, and all the battles were finally transferred here.At this time, in addition to the three-eyed devil wolf and the giant Tai ape who were fighting with the three-legged golden crow, the other earth clan devils and the devils who came to help the earth tribe all rushed to the magic city.

The magic city that has stood in the southern border for countless years is now fragmented.Of course, the biggest damage is the void opened by the previous crack.

So far in this battle, I don't know how many earth clans and celestial clan's venerables have perished.The Demon Lord level is that the Earth Race has two dead, one is the Wild Lord, and the other is the Deer Lord.

As for the King of Storm Mountain who seriously injured two Celestial Clan Demon Venerables in a row, he was so scarred that he fell to the ground.And the Emperor Dog took the opportunity to kill a Heavenly Clan Demon Venerable who was seriously injured by him.

The Panshan Rock Snake showed great power and overwhelmed the two-headed dove and the thunder eagle, and at the same time seriously injured another Heavenly Clan Demon Venerable, so that the Heavenly Clan Demon Venerable died under the siege of several Earth Race Venerables.

"No, that demon hunter is here, kid Ling, hurry up, or you'll be finished."

Yuzifeng sensed that the magic hunter was coming towards them, and immediately urged Lingyun.In order to recover as soon as possible, Ling Yun had already taken the first rank, the second rank and the third rank of the first generation into the Soul Gold Pill.

As long as he takes these three kinds of golden pills at the same time, he will have the opportunity to restore the power of the mysterious turtle's qi and soul in a short time.

"Damn old man, what are you urging, do you think the first generation of Jindan is so easy to refine? If you don't want me to get into trouble, then shut up!"

Ling Yun was also anxious.But is it useful to be in a hurry?If it wasn't for the Snake Tongtian guy who appeared just now, it is estimated that he has successfully refined the first-generation third-rank golden pill.

"Human child, you are indeed here! Haha"

Hearing the sound, the magic hunter found Ling Yun, and when he saw Ling Yun, he was very happy.He was a dignified demon nemesis, but the ancient demon gods suffered a big loss in Ling Yun's hands twice in a row.

Originally, he participated in this battle to deal with Zitian, but after hearing Snake Tongtian's voice, he immediately changed his mind and ran directly to Ling Yun to settle the account.

He didn't put Zitian in his eyes at all. In his eyes, the biggest threat at the moment was Ling Yun.

"What a strong soul power fluctuation, boy, what did you eat?"

The magic hunter Tianpeng found that Ling Yun exuded a rootless soul power, which immediately made his eyes shine.

(End of this chapter)

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