extreme dog days

Chapter 982 Six Doors

Chapter 982 A Door

Under the flash of space, once Zitian takes the lead, then there is no chance of turning over if the speed is above the magic hunt.

It was completely beaten by Zitian all the way, and in less than half a column of incense, Mohun's face that was comparable to beautiful jade turned into a pig's head.

"Wow! Howl..."

Demon Hunter Tianpeng has been suppressed by Zitian's use of speed, so no matter what means he has, it is impossible for him to fight against Zitian in his physical form, and he only needs to be beaten.


The real body of Tianpeng

"That's the truth! Is it Tianpeng? Then try... Ang"

The Tianpeng Demons like to eat dragons, so they are known as the nightmares of the dragons on the land.In ancient times, the Demon Dragon Clan was in charge of the Sea Clan, Earth Clan, and Heaven Clan.But because of the existence of the Tianpeng Mozu.As a result, the Demon Dragon Clan had to retreat to the sea.

Because Tianpeng avoids water.

"Magic dragon race alien purple dragon... No wonder it masters space"

The Demon Hunter Tianpeng was surprised again.

"That's right, it is rumored that Tianpeng is the nemesis of the Demon Dragon Race. I wonder if you can restrain me. Roar"

The Tianpeng Demon Clan restrained the Demon Dragon Clan and often hunted and killed the Demon Dragon for food.It is rumored that only Zilong, who masters space, can compete with Tianpeng.

Zitian and Demon Hunter Tianpeng were a pair of natural enemies. They released their true bodies at the same time, and they naturally went straight to the sky to fight.After they left for almost half an hour, Ling Yun also successfully refined the first-generation third-rank golden elixir.

The mysterious turtle's qi soul has completely recovered, and it seems to have become stronger than before. This strength is not the increase of soul power, but the awakening of ancient power.

"Damn, there is no breakthrough"

Ling Yun thought that taking the first-generation third-rank golden pill, plus one second, the cooperation of the second-rank golden pill could help him hit the supreme realm.Unexpectedly, it stopped just after reaching the top tenth floor of Daluo Realm.

The limit is not so easy to break through.

Now that he has reached the tenth floor of the Great Luo Realm, it seems that he is restricted to break through to the Supreme Realm.In the past, as long as a certain pressure is reached, it can be broken through.However, when he faced the fissure and opened the void before, he did not sense any sign of a breakthrough.

"Kid Ling, haven't you made a breakthrough?"

You Zifeng also thought that Ling Yun could use the rootless soul power of this first-generation third-rank golden pill to attack the Supreme Realm after eating the first-generation third-rank golden pill.But at this time, he still didn't sense Ling Yun's cultivation, which meant that Ling Yun was still in the tenth floor of the Great Luo Realm.

"No, it seems to be restricted."

Ling Yun said helplessly.

"Restriction, no, is it the seal of the fighting world?"

Yu Zifeng guessed in surprise.Although Ling Yun has never entered the Supreme Realm at present, his strength is comparable to the ninth floor of the Supreme Realm, or even worse.

If he can break through and step into the supreme realm, his strength will be even more terrifying. Will he break the seal of the fighting world? That is a problem?

"I'm not sure about this, I feel like I've encountered a door."

Ling Yun said with a bitter face.

It is no longer a matter of one step for Ling Yun to step into the Supreme Realm from the Great Luo Realm.Instead, he was blocked by something. The only way he wanted to break through was to push the thing away.

And this so-called thing, Ling Yun feels like a door!As for whether it has something to do with the Doujie seal, he can't say for sure.

"Uh! Hiss! If it is really related to the seal of the fighting world, then you are in trouble! But you don't have to worry, maybe it's just that the threshold of your cultivation limit is not necessarily the same."

Although Yu Zifeng used to be a Shinto person, he was unable to give any useful advice in the face of someone like Ling Yun who was at the limit of cultivation.It was even said that in the world, apart from the late old Douluo, no one could help Ling Yun find the answer.

As for being affected by the Dou Jie seal because of his strength, this is only possible, not qualitative.After all, there is still the power of Divine Dao in the fighting world.

The seal of the fighting world is only limited to the cultivation base and cannot break through the divine way, but it does not limit the existence of the power of the divine way.

"Hey! It seems that only one step counts."

Ling Yun took a deep breath and said.Can't break through, he can't help either.Now that he has chosen the limit of cultivation, he has to accept this fact.Besides, for him, he still has a lot of time.

After all, it took less than ten years for him to cultivate from the Qi and Soul Realm to his current cultivation base.

Looking around the world, there is absolutely no one who can stand out.

"That's really the only way! Maybe you should walk more and see more. The world is so big, you will always find a way."

Yuzifeng suggested.

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent.It is not uncommon for some people to travel the world because they reach the bottleneck of cultivation, and finally find a breakthrough opportunity.

For Ling Yun, although he has an excellent understanding, he is still young, and what he has seen and heard is limited.

This is not time, the practice can make up for it, you need to experience it yourself and experience it yourself.

"That's exactly what I mean. By the way, Zitian, and what about Demon Hunter?"

When he came back to his senses, Ling Yun asked immediately.He was in the state of refining the first-generation three-turn Jindan just now, and he didn't have time to pay attention to the movements around him.After Zitian resisted the demon hunter's forbidden eyes, he entered the realm of ecstasy.

"They used the real body of Warcraft, so it shouldn't be difficult to find."

Yu Zifeng said.

"I can't think of a Demon Venerable as proud as Zitian, who would coexist with the human race. I don't know who the person who coexists with him. Phew. Since Zitian is not affected by the demon eye of the demon hunter, I believe his strength is enough to deal with it. Demon Hunting Tianpeng. Should I go to the Demon City to see it?"

Knowing that Zitian has a symbiotic person, Ling Yun is naturally very curious about who the person who symbiotically lives with Zitian is.

(End of this chapter)

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