extreme dog days

Chapter 988 The Lord of the Demon Race

Chapter 988 The Lord of the Demon Race

Lingyun didn't know anything about the Sacred Sword of the Devil's Way, and he was in a coma at the time, let alone the fact that the Sacred Sword of the Devil's Way killed the ancient Tianpeng.

"Clan King, you were really amazing at that time!"

Hu Rou said with great admiration.


Ling Yun cried and laughed, secretly screaming in his heart, what an ass!I don't even know what happened.The Sacred Sword of the Demon Dao beheading the ancient Tianpeng had nothing to do with him at all.

"Okay, Ling Yun just woke up, let him have a good rest."

Xing Python has almost always been by Ling Yun's side these days. Even if she helps Ling Yun wash up, she does it herself, feeding water and the like, and there is nothing to do with Hu Rou.

They were all Ling Yun's women, and Hu Rou certainly had some complaints in her heart, but she didn't dare to say it in the face of Xing Python.

At this time, when she heard Mang Xing's opening, it seemed that she wanted to let her go out and not let her talk to Ling Yun, and she felt aggrieved.

When Ling Yun saw it in his eyes, he smiled bitterly in his heart.Xing Python was obviously jealous. He never imagined that the dignified demon goddess would be jealous because of him, but it was probably because Hu Rou's charm bone was too powerful.

Xing Python is not inferior to Hu Rou in terms of stature or appearance. The problem is that Hu Rou has a charm bone, which is her biggest advantage.

"Wait, then, what's going on?"

Ling Yun looked away from Hu Rou and Xing Python, and suddenly saw a little iron man who was hung up.This little iron man looked very familiar.After careful observation, isn't that the little iron man where Yuzifeng is located?

"The old guy didn't speak, so I hung him up."

Star Python said angrily.

That's right, that little iron man is Yuko Peak.In order to save the star python, Lingyun helped her block the light energy of the ancient Tianpeng. In addition to causing essential damage to Lingyun, the light energy also had a strong impact on the soul, so it hurt Youzifeng and let him Also fell into a deep sleep, in a coma.

After everything was over, Xingmang thought of Youzifeng and wanted Youzifeng to tell her how to save Lingyun, but he couldn't get a response from Youzifeng. came out.

At that time, even weapons were used.

It is estimated that if You Zifeng knew that he would be treated like this at the time, he would 100% regret telling Xing Mang how to open the secret storage ring.

Hearing Xing Python's explanation, Ling Yun felt very happy, and at the same time, he couldn't help but sympathize with You Zifeng.

However, Yuzi Peak is fused with this little iron man. Unless the little iron man is destroyed, or how to rectify it, Yuzifeng will not be killed.

Ling Yun cultivated the ultimate physical body, and the physical body has surpassed the supreme realm and reached the level of transcendence and sanctification, so he has a certain self-healing ability. Although the meridians are almost cut off at this time, after he wakes up, through the operation of "Xiantian Secret Records" and medicine pills, he will not be able to recover. It took three days to regain some mobility.

After half a month, the cultivation base also began to recover.

"Susu, you are so beautiful."

After being speechless with Xing Python all night, he stroked her hair and looked at her body, she just couldn't put it down.

"Really? Then how am I better than Hurou?"

Xing Python looked at Ling Yun with her star-like eyes and asked very seriously.

"Well, ahem. I'm still hurt and can't be stimulated."

It was really difficult for Ling Yun to answer this question. He couldn't mean that Hu Rou was worthless with his conscience!Furthermore, when he heard Xing Python mention Hu Rou, he suddenly made up for the scene that made him extremely excited.

When he came back to his senses, he saw Xing Python staring at him, and immediately opened the topic angrily.

"Bah. You're not here. Why didn't you say that you were hurt last night."

Xing Mang said angrily, what happened last night, without her explanation, Ling Yun knew it.It wasn't that he had to pull her to ask for it.

"That what? It's not my fault."

Ling Yun said innocently.

"That's my fault!"

With a straight face, Xing Python reached out and grabbed Ling Yun's ear.

"Am I wrong?"

"Pfft, count you acquainted."

Star Python said with a smile.She didn't blame Ling Yun for sticking to flowers, she was jealous because Hu Rou's charming bones made her feel a sense of crisis, and she was worried that Ling Yun would leave her after she had Hu Rou.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't see anything."

Hu Rou suddenly broke in. She didn't expect Xing Python to be in Lingyun's room, and she didn't expect that they would have a husband and wife affair last night.

"Oh, it's strange that you didn't see it."

With a wave of Xingmangsu's hand, the door was closed.

"Senior Star Python, I, I really didn't mean it!"

Hu Rou is very afraid of Xing Python.Although she is also a Demon Venerable now, she can't do anything in front of Xing Python, and people don't need to spit out bones after eating her!

"Is it?"

"do not want!"


"Don't you want to?"

Xing Python turned to look at Ling Yun and asked.Ling Yun was stunned for three seconds on the spot, and then looked forward with anticipation, secretly screaming in his heart that there is no one who knows me better than Susu Ye!Isn't the next thing what he just imagined?

Two peerless witches, others can't envy them.

The reason why Hu Rou suddenly came to look for Ling Yun was because she was entrusted by the three-eyed devil wolf to invite Ling Yun to go to the Devil's Palace the next day, but she never thought that she would serve Ling Yun together with Xing Python.

The next day

"See Demon Lord"

"See Demon Lord"

"What's the situation, you are..."

Ling Yun was invited to the Demon Palace but was stunned by the scene in front of him.Whether it was the Earth Clan or the Celestial Clan Demon Venerables, they all respected him as the Demon Lord.

(End of this chapter)

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