extreme dog days

Chapter 990 Yin Guang's Mutiny

Chapter 990 Yin Guang's Mutiny

"To tell you the truth, I can't control it at all, and I don't know why it ran into my body. Before the magic sword killed the ancient Tianpeng, it has nothing to do with me. I also want to take the magic sword out of the body. , Brother Three Eyes, I don't know what you can do."

Ling Yun asked back.If he can take out the Holy Sword of Demon Dao, then why would he spend all his efforts on learning the artifact refining.As for returning the Demonic Sword, that is impossible.

What's in his hands is his.Let you go back, unless he is flooded.

"Fate, I can't take it out, then Young Master Ling is destined to be the devil in the world. Meet the devil..."

"Meet the Demon Lord."


How could the three-eyed magic wolf know how to take the magic sword from Lingyun's body.Maybe kill him and take it out, but after thinking about it carefully, Ling Yun has the magic sword to protect the body, and even the powerful ancient Tianpeng was killed by the magic sword.

Why are they?

Ling Yun is not only the middleman of the human race and the demon race, he not only married two witches as his wives, but he is also the descendant of the magic sword.Then, who has any opinion on him as the Lord of the Demon Temple.

According to the records of the Demon Temple, whoever finds the Holy Sword of the Demon Dao in the Demon Gate is the master of the Demon Temple.It is a pity that the Demon Sect has existed for countless years. Even in the ancient years, no one of the Demon Race has finally been recognized by the Demon Sect and obtained the Demon Dao Sacred Sword.

Therefore, Ling Yun, the lord of the demon clan, was destined to be destiny, and he couldn't push him away even if he wanted to.

The Demon Temple was broken and stood up, the original Demon Lord Qikong fell, the Demon Hunter Tianpeng was dead, and the Tianluo Empire's control over the Demon Race was completely shattered.This time, the Tianluo Empire sent five great Luo kings and ten supreme guards to come, but only Tan Li left the southern border alive and returned to the Tianluo Empire.

It is a pity that the Tianluo Empire has undergone great changes, and Tan Li was hunted down as soon as he stepped into the Tianluo Empire.Those who had been loyal to the Tianluo Emperor Suru were ostracized and assassinated.

Originally, Suru was supposed to go to the southern border as Emperor Tianluo to help Fissure Sky to defend against the Earth Clan, but she was attacked and placed under house arrest by the people around her.

"Sure enough, it's you, Yin Guang, you are so bold, you want to rebel."

Suru wears the mask of the emperor, and her voice is naturally male, and at the same time full of energy.Previously, she was restrained and placed under house arrest. Although the person behind the scene never appeared, she had already guessed who it was.

"Haha, if I wear a mask, then I will be Emperor Tianluo, to put it bluntly. The mask on your face is Emperor Tianluo, so you can talk about rebellion."

Yin Guang laughed.He belonged to the outside world, and belonged to the people of Tianxia Peak in the mainland of Zhongzhou, and he had no loyalty to Emperor Tianluo at all.Yin Guang has always had ambitions, he wants to control Zhou Shaohao and use him to control the peak of the world.

The current Peak Master of the World, Shou Yuan, was approaching, and he could not leave the Dou World. In the end, it was only dust to dust and dust to dust.

As soon as the current Peak Master of the World dies, whoever will fall to the Master of the Peak of the World will naturally be born from among his many sons.Although Zhou Shaohao didn't have any background on the Tianxia Peak, he was also the son of the Peak Master.

Therefore, he also has the opportunity to become the peak master of the world.If Yin Guang can help him become the world's peak master, then he will control the world's peak master, and in the fighting world, he can become below one person and above ten thousand people.

Second, take [-] steps back.As long as he made Zhou Shaohao his puppet, then even if he established himself as the king on this Dongzhou continent, it would not be regarded as a betrayal of the world peak.

A long time ago, he had been planning to master the Tianluo Empire.It's just that he never found a chance, but now he knows that Emperor Tianluo is actually a daughter.

That is to say, he can find someone to replace him at any time.Even if Suru went out and told everyone that she was Emperor Tianluo, I'm afraid no one would believe her.

"Hmph, if you do this, if Zhou Shao knows, he will never let you go."

"Zhou Shaohao? As I said, he is an idiot. Among the many sons of Peak Masters in the world, he is not enterprising. What I didn't expect was that he would actually make you the Emperor of Heaven."

Yin Guang sneered and stretched out his hand to Suru.Suru only changed her body shape through a mask, but she was still a woman in essence.Seeing is not real, but contact is real.


How could Suru hurriedly clapped his hand away as he wished.

"Haha. Dijun, it seems that you still haven't seen the facts. If the Luo Empire is under my control today, you are only making a false statement. But as long as you are willing, then you are still under one person and one among ten thousand people. The Emperor Tianluo above."

"Don't even think about it!"

"Really? I forgot to tell you. The Demon Temple Heavenly Clan has already been defeated. You sent five princes, and I'm afraid they won't be able to come back."

Yin Guang smiled with his hands behind his back, and said proudly with a burst of spring breeze.

He has already received news that the dispute between the Heavenly Clan and the Earth Clan in the Demon Temple has come to an end.The Celestial Clan was defeated, the Demon Clan's vitality was severely damaged, and the Five Great Luo Kings, only Tan Li left the Southern Territory alive, but he never thought of returning to the Tianluo Imperial Capital.

Emperor Tianluo lost the Demon Palace Heavenly Clan, and at the same time lost the original five kings, so Suru had no capital.

"What! You, Yin Guang, are you crazy? The destruction of the Demon Temple Heavenly Clan will do you any good. If you lose the Demon Temple Heavenly Clan, once the Fengjie Alliance and the East China Sea Dragon Palace are allied, the Tianluo Empire will not be able to keep it. ."

Suru was startled.She thought that Yin Guang had placed her under house arrest and would replace her to go to the south to support the Demon Temple Heavenly Clan.This Southern Demon Celestial Clan has a strong heritage, and that is the trump card of the Tianluo Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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