extreme dog days

Chapter 992 Xiao Feng meets Su Qiong

Chapter 992 Xiao Feng meets Su Qiong

If Zhou Shaohao lost his power in Dongzhou Continent, then his fate would only be death, because his other brothers would not let him go.So in order to survive, in order to keep his status, he had to choose to obey Yin Guang's arrangement.

Originally he was puppeting Suru, but now he is being puppeted by Yin Guang in turn.

Suru is still the Emperor Tianluo, but he doesn't belong to him anymore.


When Zhou Shaohao entered the imperial study, he didn't think much of it when he saw Shangguan Feiling being there, because at this time he was all thinking about Suru.

"Go down"


Shangguan Feiling learned that Zhou Shaohao had been using Suru all the time, and now he handed it over to the Taishi Yin Guang, and he could not wait to kill him with a sword.Maybe Shangguan Feiling made a move, and Zhou Shaohao might be killed at this time.

But he will never survive.

If Zhou Shaohao were to die, Yin Guang would not be able to explain to Tianxia Peak, and he would definitely send Shangguan Feiling to kill him.At the same time, Suru's escape from the palace will be in vain.

Suru saw Shangguan Feiling's expression was different, she immediately signed and said at the same time.

"Ru'er. Missing me."

"Go away... Didn't you already give me to Yin Guang?"

"I can't do anything either... That old guy Yin Guang is very nasty. He has won my father's trust, and there are many strong men under him. Even Guan Zhongyue and Tai Yuwei are his people."

"let me go!"

Suru had given up on Zhou Shaohao, so naturally she would not let him mess around anymore.Although her strength is not as good as Zhou Shaohao, but now Zhou Shaohao can no longer be her master.As long as she didn't want to, Zhou Shaohao didn't dare to do anything to her at all, and finally left angrily.

Suru's current situation is very bad. On the surface, she is still an emperor, but in fact, she is often helpless.To put it bluntly, the real master of the Luo Empire today is Taishi Yin Guangcai.

Neither she nor Zhou Shaohao could go against his will.

Three days later, Suru directly destroyed the Huanyu mask to show her determination, put on a woman's clothes and went to the Imperial Garden Yaohanchi to meet with Shangguan Feiling.When I saw Shangguan Feiling, someone happened to pass by.

Shangguan Feiling seemed to be in a hurry, but Suru took the initiative to lean on him and use him to hide people's eyes and ears.

Shangguan Feiling has been following Suru's side all the time, and he has a little bit of an emperor's aura on him.

When others see it, they will only think that Shangguan Feiling has taken a fancy to a certain palace maid.And Shangguan Feiling, as the emperor's personal bodyguard, he fell in love with a certain palace maid, and most people naturally didn't dare to say anything.


"Come on..."

After the people left, Suru turned and pulled Shangguan Feiling into the secret passage together.The secret passage leads directly outside the palace.The next day, Suru also pretended to be Shangguan Feiling's wife and successfully escaped from the imperial capital.As long as she escaped from the imperial capital, she could use her status as the emperor's special envoy to cover herself up.

Suru didn't have much time to escape. After all, as an emperor, she could not be seen in the morning the next day, so Yin Guang naturally sent someone to look for her.Unfortunately, what he found was a shattered phantom jade mask.

Yin Guang was furious when he learned that Suru had escaped from the palace.

Of course, he couldn't say that Suru fled the palace by himself, so he could only declare that Emperor Tianluo was in retreat.Therefore, he sent his cronies to arrest Suru everywhere.Suru has the aura of an emperor, which is a matter of pride for an emperor.

Once upon a time, Suru was also proud of the aura of an emperor accumulated in her body, but now this aura of an emperor has become a burden to her.Moreover, once the aura of the emperor is formed, it will not dissipate easily.

This is a kind of temperament, and even if Suru gives birth to children, it is possible that she will be born with this emperor's temperament, and even change her destiny because of this, becoming the so-called true son of heaven.

East, Ziyuan City

"Miss Su, can you stop following me?"

Xiao Feng turned around and looked helplessly at the woman who had been following him for several days.This woman is none other than Su Qiong.Suru went to the southern border to recruit Lingyun, while Su Qiong was sent by Zhou Shaohao to pull Long Xiaofeng.

However, if Zhou Shaohao knew the ending in advance, he would probably cry [-] times.Because Su Qiong created several opportunities for herself to meet Xiao Feng, and at the same time she tried her best to make Xiao Feng fall in love with her.

In the end she got herself into it.

What is the beauty of a hero, Xiao Feng is a real hero, Zhou Shaohao is too unreasonable to compare with him.

"Young Master Xiao, Daxia Xiao, what do you mean, do you want to be irresponsible? Look, you have seen it and touched it. Now you want to drive me away."

Beauty cheats, that is invincible in the world.Stepping forward with a proud look, it is simply the strongest weapon in the world, Xiao Feng was startled and took a step back subconsciously.

"Pfft, what are you afraid of, afraid that I will eat you?"

"Miss Su, stop playing. Xiao knows that you have a purpose in approaching me. I just don't want to expose it. You go."

Xiao Feng has long seen Su Qiong's cultivation, and also knows that Su Qiong has a purpose in approaching him.Although Su Qiong has been pestering him, so far Su Qiong has never hurt his heart.

Maybe it's out of pity for fragrance and jade!Xiao Feng did not do anything to her, nor did he expose it in person.After all, he accidentally took advantage of Su Qiong several times.

(End of this chapter)

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