extreme dog days

Chapter 998 Heroes Save America

Chapter 998 Heroes Save America

Concubine Rou has successfully sold him. In order for her to become a female emperor like Suru, she naturally needs to win Yin Guang's favor and his trust.

So she told Yin Guang that Suru was in the Imperial Villa, but he had calculated the time.Because she wanted Yu Chengtian to help her destroy Suru and Su Qiong.

As long as the two of them are destroyed, she is the number one beauty in the Tianluo Empire.

It's a pity that Zeng Rou is too self-righteous. She thought that without Suru and Su Qiong, others would agree and choose her, the number one beauty in the Tianluo Empire.Although the world is generally black as crows, everyone's pursuit is different.

What is radish and vegetables have their own love.

Some people are after beauty, some are after inner, and some are after a kind of temperament, just like Yin Guang.Although he is also lustful, even if there is a woman in the world that is thousands of times more beautiful than Suru, in his heart, he is not as good as Suru, a woman with an imperial temperament.

It is not difficult for Yin Guang to support Concubine Rou to become the new female emperor.Even if there is no magic jade mask, he also has a way.Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to play the role of a good emperor.

Even if Concubine Rou was given a hundred years, a thousand years, or even thousands of years, if she couldn't play the role of an emperor, she would never be able to show the spirit of an emperor.

You don't have to try it, you can see it.

Concubine Rou is always only a proper concubine.

It's not wrong to say it's life.

"Beauty, here I come! Haha."

Yu Chengtian was full of alcohol and his steps were frivolous, obviously he drank a lot.Although you won't get drunk, alcohol can make you more courageous and more distracted.After all, he couldn't wait, so he ran to find Su Qiong.

"Go away, go away. Yu Chengtian, you bastard, you are courting death!"

Su Qiong's face turned pale at this moment, and she completely lost her sense of proportion.If it was her in the past, at this time, she would definitely use her best advantage, and give the cruelest revenge when Yu Chengtian didn't take precautions against her.

Now she already has a hero in her heart, no matter it is her heart or her body, she just wants to guard it and never regret it until she dies.Even if only she knows.

"Haha, it's useless for Princess Yulu to resist. Do you think you are still the princess of the Tianluo Empire? Bah, you are nothing now. If your skill is still there, maybe you can escape the Tianluo Empire. But now What? Even if I let you leave here, with your beautiful appearance, there are many people who want to push you down, and even life is better than death. It would be better to fulfill me, be my woman here, and I can make you a princess, Empress. Haha."

What does it mean that the mountain is high and the emperor is far away? In this Yupin Villa, Yuchengtian is the sky and the earth.He can completely rule the throne here and be at ease.

With the two sisters Suru and Su Qiong, he has a feeling that he has reached the peak of his life.

"Bah, Yu Chengtian, if my sister hadn't sent someone to save you, you would have been slashed by the people of Fengjiemeng. I didn't expect you to be not only shameless, but also unrighteous. Even if I die, it will not be as good as as you wish."

Su Qiong was ready, and took out the dagger from her sleeve to commit suicide.

However, she had lost her soul power at this time, and in front of a supreme realm like Yu Chengtian, it would be difficult to die.

"It's not that easy to want to die. I'm unrighteous, and I wasn't forced by you. I'll let you try how shameless I am, an unrighteous person."

At the beginning, Yu Chengtian was clearly the beauty of his own concubine, and only then did he fall for Suru's trick and become the eyeliner of the Tianluo Empire in the Fengjie League.

In his heart, however, he shifted the responsibility to others.He was in the Supreme Realm, if it wasn't for his own shame, how could Concubine Rou be able to control him.

"Let go of me... ah."


"You dare to bite me..."

Facing Yu Chengtian's request for a kiss, Su Qiong bit him fiercely, but unfortunately she was shaken away by Yu Chengtian's soul power, otherwise she would have to bite Yu Chengtian's lips off.Yu Chengtian slapped her to the ground.Su Qiong took the opportunity to pick up the dagger on the ground, but Yu Chengtian stepped on her hand.



"Ha ha"

The clothes were torn, and looking at Su Qiong's jade back, Yu Chengtian burst into laughter.Unfortunately, before he could take any further action, an air of Qinglong rushed towards him.


"Hmm. Drink"

Yu Chengtian reacted and immediately exploded the power of qi and soul in his body to disperse it.At this moment, a blue dragon bumped into him, and Yu Chengtian immediately pulled back in surprise.


After Qinglong stunned Yu Chengtian, he rolled up Su Qiong, and Su Qiong's hand was pulled in the next second. She looked at the person who came to rescue her in surprise, unaware that her clothes had slipped.

The perfect jade body appeared under the eyes of the other party, and even when she was proud to be in contact with the other party, she didn't even know it, as if at this moment there was only one person left in the world who saved her in her eyes.

He is Xiao Feng.

Su Qiong never dreamed that Xiao Feng would appear here, let alone that Xiao Feng would save her.

"Hey, it's terrifying!"

Xiao Feng inadvertently saw Su Qiong's charming pride, and suddenly gasped, and cried out in his heart.

"Xiao Daxia"

"Go aside."

"Hmm. Be careful!"


Xiao Feng pushed Su Qiong out. Although it feels good to hug her, but in the face of the same level of power, if Su Qiong stays by her side, it is easy for her to be hurt. After all, Su Qiong has lost her skills at this time. .

(End of this chapter)

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