Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 602 The feud

Chapter 602 The feud

Chapter 598

It is impossible for Mrs. Wang to let them live in Juxian Building.

"I know, I know, this time I mainly heard that the Duke has many children, so I came to see it specially, and the gift was also brought, and I just gave it to the servant, that is, that is, sister, come here this time , I want to ask the Duke for help with something!" Wang Zhenhou nodded, and then said.

"Uncle, tell me!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"It's like this. It's the books from your printing workshop. They are selling very well now. I heard that there is a [-]% profit, so I want to buy them. The key is that there are merchants selling them at our side, and many people are laughing at them. I, say the printing workshop belongs to your nephew, and you can't get books,
In addition, there are a lot of scholars in our area. Many schools have been opened in Chang’an County, and many children are studying. In addition, many people also work in Chang’an and get some money. If you want to buy books, you have to go to Chang’an , So, I just want to ask Shen Yong, can this matter be done? "Wang Zhenhou looked at Wei Hao and said.

"It can be done, Second Uncle don't worry, I will get the goods for you tomorrow!" Li Lizhi came from behind at this moment, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

"I met my uncle and my two cousins!" Li Lizhi continued.

"Second brother, this is my eldest daughter-in-law, Princess Changle!" Wang stood up very happily and proudly, took Li Lizhi's hand, and introduced to them.

"Ah, I have seen Her Royal Highness!" Wang Zhenhou and the three of them immediately stood up and cupped their hands.

"Family, excuse me, mother, is it inconvenient for them to live in Juxian Building, or they can stay at home, there is still room in the front yard!" Li Lizhi said, looking at Wang Shi.

"It's okay, there are too many female relatives in the family, so it's inconvenient. Is there any room?" Wang said to Li Lizhi with a smile.

"Yes, it's just not so good, right?" Li Lizhi looked at Wang in embarrassment and said.

"It's okay, just come to eat at home during the day. The Governor's Mansion was not designed well. It's better to go to the new house. If the new house is planned, the independent yard can be used by the people here, and it can be connected in all directions!" Wang said, waving his hand. .

"All right, this is three rooms, and it will be fine to take it to Juxian Building!" Li Lizhi said, holding three pieces of paper and handing them to Mrs. Wang.

"Okay, I'll ask my servants to take them there later!" Wang said with a smile and nodded.

"Okay, second uncle, two cousins, I have to go to see the children, so I won't accompany you, Shen Yong, you accompany uncle!" Li Lizhi said at this moment,
Wang Zhenhou and the others hurriedly cupped their hands and said, "Your Highness, please go ahead!"

Li Lizhi smiled at them and left. There were still children in the room.

"Come, sit, drink tea, I'll bring you books tomorrow, don't worry!" Wei Hao said to Wang Zhenhou with a smile.

"Yes, I still want to thank you for this. In addition, there is another thing, that is, other businessmen approached us and asked us to intercede. We didn't agree. We just said that we are willing to help, but we don't care if it works or not. That's it. Wang Zhenhou looked at Wei Hao carefully and said,

As soon as Wei Hao heard it, he knew what was going on, otherwise, they wouldn't have come here at this time, it was such a coincidence.

"Did they look for you?" Wei Hao asked with a smile.

"I've searched for it many times, and we don't want to help, but they come here every day to grind, and besides, that's it, that's it!" Wang Zhenhou said in a very embarrassing moment.

"What is it?" Wei Hao looked at Wang Zhenhou incomprehensibly and said.

"Hey, the family is unlucky, Shiro, fell into the trap of others, bought a batch of goods, worth more than 3000 yuan, all of which were defective and could not be sold, and wanted to settle accounts with the merchant, but it was clearly written in black and white, We can’t win them even if we sue the officials, but they said that as long as we come to intercede and the matter is done, he will return the money to us, even if it is not done, he will return 1500 yuan!” Wang Zhenhou sat down There, he opened his mouth to speak, but Wang Fu bowed his head at the moment, not daring to speak.

"Who is so powerful?" Wang Shi is not happy now, this is bullying her family.

"Hey, we made an eye shot. There is a batch of porcelain. They said it came from the south. It's very good. We went to see the goods. There is no problem with those goods. We thought that when we sell them to those Hu merchants, how much will they pay?" There is a profit of [-] to [-]%, but who knows, the top of those few boxes is good, and the bottom is all defective. I suspect that they deliberately set up a trap.
However, I also don't understand why he wants to cheat us. We have cooperated before, and the cooperation is very good. I didn't expect such a thing to happen this time. So, now I have no choice but to come here on purpose. Looking for you! "Wang Zhenhou looked at Wei Hao at the moment and said very depressed.

"What's your name?" Wei Hao was very upset at the moment. If he threatened his uncle like this, he would not be so easy to talk to.

"My name is Liang Qiyun. He is a well-known businessman from our side. Before that, he ran outside all the year round, made a lot of money, and bought a lot of land at home, because he knows our relationship with you, and in the past two years , we also got a lot of goods from your workshop and made money, so we have business contacts,

But I didn't expect that at the last moment, we were cheated of so much money, 3000 yuan, Shen Yong, you know, although doing business looks like a lot of money, but it's all on the goods, plus the past few years, we will also give it to you Those cousins ​​got married, they had a bad reputation before, and they were disabled, so it cost a lot of money,
Moreover, we still have about 1 yuan in stock on the goods side, and the working capital is gone. This time we bought books to buy, and we also mortgaged 500 acres of fertile land, and only exchanged for 2500 yuan! "Wang Zhenhou looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Liang Qiyun, okay, do you know where he lives now?" Sitting there, Wei Hao asked.

"I know, we live together at Laibin Inn!" Wang Zhenhou said immediately.

"Dashan, Dashan!" Sitting there, Wei Hao began to shout.

"Master!" Da Shan immediately came in from the outside.

"Go, go to Laibin Inn, find someone named Liang Qiyun, and tell him that I invite him to come to the house!" Wei Hao said to Wei Dashan.

"Yes, master!" Wei Dashan went out immediately.

"It's unreasonable, Shenyong, this time, you can't bypass him, how can you bully people like this?" Sitting there at the moment, Wang said to Wei Hao.

"I know, I still need to ask more questions!" Wei Hao said comforting his mother.

"Cousin, blame me for this matter. I have cooperated many times before, and I never thought that he would do this, but he doesn't admit it!" Wang Fu said looking at Wei Hao at the moment.

"Well, next time, just be careful. Doing business is not so simple. Come, drink tea!" Wei Hao said to Wang Fu, if he was really bullied, he must take care of it. If they are lying, then I will not easily bypass them,

However, Liang and the others didn't dare. They also knew how cruel they were when they chopped off their hands and feet last time.Then Wei Hao asked his grandpa and grandma about their health, and said they were fine.

"After the next year, your father and I will also go back to have a look. It's just one time throughout the year!" Sitting there, Wang said.

"Father and mother also miss you very much, sister, you are not easy now, managing such a big family!" Wang Zhenhou said.

"Now I don't care about it. The eldest daughter-in-law is responsible for all the business in the family, and the younger daughter-in-law is responsible for all the affairs of the house. In such a large mansion, there are thousands of servants. If you add There are tens of thousands of people in Zhuangzi and Shiyi, how can I manage them, but my two daughters-in-law are capable, and girls from rich families are different, they manage everything in an orderly manner!" Wang said very proudly at the moment .

"Yes, my sister is blessed, but the two of us can't do it. Although they have changed now, they have a poor family and need to take care of them for a few years. The children are not bad now, and they are all focused on making money! This matter, I would also like to thank Shen Yong, if Shen Yong didn't clean them up like this, the family would probably be over, now your two sister-in-laws don't dare to talk nonsense, it's good for parents, and we can save a lot of things." Wang Zhenhou also Said to Wang Shi with a wry smile.

"Thank me for what. If they didn't gamble and ruined their fortunes, I wouldn't do it. Even if one of them was a bit promising, I would bring it out. Now no matter what, it's no problem to get a county magistrate. Unfortunately, They don't live up to it!" Wei Hao said while sitting there.

"Hey, they don't have this fate!" Wang Zhenhou said, Wang Qi and Wang Fu lowered their heads, not daring to speak.

Then they continued to chat, chatting about other things. After a while, Liang Qiyun was brought in front of Wei Hao. Liang Qiyun went to the living room and immediately knelt down. He knew Wei Hao's energy very well.

"What's the matter with that batch of goods? Tell me clearly!" Sitting there, Wei Hao said while holding tea.

"Yes, yes!" Liang Qiyun's forehead was dripping with sweat.

"What is it?" Wei Hao then asked.

"Is it the small one? I beg the Lord for mercy. There is no way for the small one. The young one has also been tricked. He learned that the Wang brothers in our county are your uncles, so he hoped that I could get in. It was forced and there was no way, otherwise the small head would fall to the ground, there is really no way but to do something wrong!" Liang Qiyun said immediately, and Wei Hao looked at him when he heard it.Liang Qiyun knew that Wei Hao was still waiting for him to talk about the characters behind, but he didn't dare to say about the characters behind.

"Grandpa, the rest, the younger ones dare not say, I just ask the Duke to spare their lives, I will not lose a penny of their money, and the younger ones are willing to pay them another 500 yuan. Please forgive me!" Liang Qiyun continued to kowtow to Wei Hao.

"Who has such great energy, my lord?" Wei Hao stood up with a smile and walked up to Liang Qiyun and asked, Liang Qiyun didn't dare to speak, just crawled and knelt there.

"My lord? Well, my lord who is a little sensible, now we are left with Li Yin, the king of Yan, and Li Yin, the king of Liang, Li Yin?" Wei Hao stood beside Liang Qiyun and asked, but Liang Qiyun didn't dare to speak.

"Are you Li Yin's businessman?" Wei Hao continued to stare at him and asked.

"No, the little one doesn't know him at all, yes, yes, it was his people who found me!" Liang Qiyun cried at this moment knowing that she couldn't hide it.

"Oh, Li Yin is quite courageous!" After hearing this, Wei Hao smiled, returned to his seat, and then asked Wei Dashan: "Is Li Yin here this time?"

"Master Hui, he didn't come, but people from the Yang family came!" Wei Dashan said.

"Master Hui, I was sought by people from the Yang family. My name is Yang Xuelong. He is a relative of the emperor. We dare not mess with him!" Liang Qiyun also said beside him.

"Where do you live?" Wei Hao asked.

"I don't know, I heard it's Juxian Tower!" Liang Qiyun continued.

"Go, tell him to come over!" Wei Hao said to Wei Dashan.

"Yes, master!" Wei Dashan went out immediately.

"Shen Yong, here, looking for Yang Xuelong, here?" Wang looked at Wei Hao and said worriedly.

"What's the matter, mother?" Wei Hao looked at Wei Hao puzzled.

"Mother knows this man, and so does your father. Back then, your father also suffered from him. He was a cruel man. He cheated your father of 500 yuan. At that time, 500 yuan was going to hurt your bones." , Later, your fourth grandma sold the dowry, and your fifth grandma also went to her mother's house to transfer more than 100 yuan to fill in this hole!" Sitting there at the moment, Wang said worriedly.

"Fuck, is there such a thing?" Wei Hao asked, his eyes widened when he heard this, looking at Wang Shi.

"Stinky boy, you are still a father, and you still curse?" Wang stared at Wei Hao and cursed.

"No, why didn't Dad tell me?" Wei Hao continued to stare at his mother and said.

"Why are you telling me this? It's all about Chen Zhima's rotten millet." Mrs. Wang shook her head and said.

"Okay, then I'll meet him, cheat my family's money, a king of Liang can't protect him!" Sitting there, Wei Hao said with a sneer.

Then Wei Hao asked his mother, what was going on, Wang also made this matter clear to Wei Hao, and it was also a scam. At the beginning, Yang Xuelong was a genius, so there was no way, the royal family of the previous dynasty, at that time, Wei Furong is also a small landlord, how can he beat him.

Later, the family members came forward to settle the matter!

Wei Hao was also very angry. His father had suffered such a big loss and kept it from him. If he had known about it earlier and found an excuse for himself, he would have killed him anyway. Li Chengqian's uncle, grandson Wu Don't be able to do it by yourself, after all, the Empress Dowager is still there, he is the uncle of the King of Liang, or the family uncle, so he can't do it by himself?Kill him, within minutes!Wei Hao sat there with a dark face at the moment,
At this moment, Wang Zhenhou also looked at Wei Hao worriedly and said: "Shen Yong, the prince is behind his house!"

"What's wrong with the lord, my father is behind me!" Wei Hao immediately said disdainfully.

(End of this chapter)

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