Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 606 Frightened Li Ke

Chapter 606 Frightened Li Ke

Li Shimin told Wei Hao that after the matter was over, he would go to the palace to have a banquet. Of course Wei Hao and Wei Chen nodded yes.

"It's done this time, and I have money to fight. In the past two days, people from Goguryeo have come over. They want to see me, but I won't see them. If I want to fight, then I will fight. I was like a soldier of the Tang Dynasty before. It's miserable, now that we know we're going to beat him, he still wants to come and make peace?" Li Shimin sat there and said with a sneer.

"We can increase the army's armament and mobilize more troops. Now we should not be short of money. Even if we fight for a few years, I, Tang Dynasty, will have money!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Well, but now, Xue Yantuo and Tubo are also engaged in activities. They may also know that my Tang Dynasty has developed rapidly in the past two years and has money to fight, so this time Tubo's prime minister Lu Dongzan has been in Changan contacted and persuaded many people, and I hope it will be used by them at that time!" At this time, Li Jing also spoke, Changsun Wuji heard it, and was stunned for a moment, wondering why Li Jing mentioned Lu Dongzan at this time , and Lu Dongzan is now also a guest in his house.

"Well, what does he want to do? Do you want to inquire about my Tang Dynasty?" Li Shimin was unhappy at the moment, looking at Li Jing and asked.

"I don't know yet, but according to the Ministry of Industry, some people want to provide information about gunpowder. After all, the gunpowder has brought them a great shock. People know their power. In addition, when we fought on the border, grenades also caused them great casualties, so he wanted to get the formula of gunpowder. However, there were only three people who knew the formula, one was Shen Yong, one is the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and the other is the head of the Ministry of Industry who specializes in the management of gunpowder!" Li Jing said to Li Shimin.

"That's four people, and Duan Lun who knows it also knows it, but I believe that Duan Lun cannot collude with Tubo!" Li Shimin said.

"Yes, Duan Lun definitely won't!" Li Jing nodded and said.

"Father, I won't either!" Wei Hao said with a smile.Li Shimin gave him a blank look, suspecting that no one would suspect Wei Hao, Li Shimin didn't know who Wei Hao was. "Is it still not possible to fight against Tubo?" Changsun Wuji asked, this is very important.

"Let's settle the Goguryeo matter first. Don't worry about Tubo. If you are obedient, keep him for a few years. If you are not obedient, then kill him!" Li Shimin said while sitting there.

"If you want to fight Tubo, you need to make a long-term plan. In the northwest, you either don't move, or if you want to move, you need to think about controlling enough land. At the same time, our soldiers in the Tang Dynasty need to garrison, and Material transportation after the garrison, including rotation, needs to be planned in advance,

It even needs to be considered, including emigrating there. Now there are not many people in my Tang Dynasty, and it is not urgent. Come down, but you need to spend money to encourage people to immigrate to the Northeast. The land in the Northeast is very good, and it will increase a lot of food output by then! "As Wei Hao said, he thought of the black land in the Northeast. If it can be developed, then there will be no worries about the growth of Datang's population.

"Well, I know this. The Ministry of Civil Affairs is already planning. Now I understand that. Whatever you do, you need to plan in advance. If you do this, it will not be messy!" Li Shimin nodded with a smile He nodded and said.

"The main reason is that I like to be lazy. If you let me stare at you every day, it won't work!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"Well, that's why Wei Chen has worked very hard. If you two brothers weren't here, I guess Luoyang would not be so good now!" Li Shimin nodded and said,

At this time, Changsun Wuji still wanted to know Datang's plan for Tubo, which was related to how much money he could get back from Tubo. Now Changsun Wuji also secretly formed a caravan and partnered with Lu Dongzan. The goods were transported to the Tubo side for sale, so Changsun Wuji said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it is better not to go to war on the Tubo side now. If there is a war, I am worried that Tuyuhun, Xue Yantuo, and Western Turks will unite to deal with us. After all , We just planned to take down Goguryeo, and we will fight against Tubo right away, not good!"

"Well, I just said that I need to think about it, and I didn't say to fight immediately. It is unrealistic to fight immediately. It will take time to mobilize the source of troops!" Li Shimin glanced at Changsun Wuji, feeling a little suspicious in his heart, why bother? Speaking of this question, Li Jing also took a look at Changsun Wuji. He knew that Lu Dongzan often went to Changsun Wuji's house.

"Come, drink tea, Shenyong, Jinxian, Luoyang now has such a grand scene, I am still happy and gratified, I found out, now Luoyang is better than Chang'an, I will be fine in the future, I will live in Luoyang Forget it!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao and the others.

"That's good!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"By the way, Shenyong, there is one more thing. I heard that Yang Xuelong, the cousin of King Liang, was arrested by you. Is there such a thing?" Changsun Wuji immediately looked at Wei Hao and asked, Wei Hao turned his head. Glancing at Changsun Wuji, he was shocked. How did he know so quickly that this is not Chang'an, but Luoyang, and everyone belongs to him. His eldest grandson Wuji doesn't have such great ability to place people in come here?
"Well, Shenyong, what's going on? Yang Xuelong, well, I know him!" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"That's right, this person sent someone to cheat my uncle. In addition, Father, I will report to you later, and there are some serious things planned in it. Originally, I was thinking that when things are done, I will report to you later." My son will come and report to you again!" Wei Hao said as he sat there.

"Shen Yong, it's wrong to arrest people privately like this!" Changsun Wuji looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Oh, then report when you're done!" Li Shimin nodded and said, completely ignoring Changsun Wuji's words.

"Well, uncle, I'm the governor of Luoyang. In the territory of Luoyang, I can still arrest people. As long as they commit crimes, I can arrest them!" Wei Hao said to Changsun Wuji.

"Oh, haha, I forgot this level, so what did he do?" Changsun Wuji said with a smile when he heard it.

"This, uncle, this involves a specific case, so I can't tell you about it in detail. I will report it to my father in person!" Wei Hao turned back, asking for trouble, right?

Li Yin is Li Ke's younger brother, and he arrested Li Yin's people, not Li Tai's. If it was Li Tai, or Li Chengqian's people, you would be forgiven for questioning yourself. Now, you actually helped They talk, this is not good news, and Li Shimin actually knows it well in his heart, but he just doesn't point it out!

"Okay, Shenyong, Jinxian, go and do your business. We're just drinking tea here. After watching for a while, we'll go back. I'm very happy to have such a grand event!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.When Wei Hao and Wei Chen heard this, they immediately stood up and bid farewell to Li Shimin.

"What's going on?" Wei Chen looked at Wei Hao and asked about Yang Xuelong.

"Yang Xuelong is a member of the king of Liang, Li Min, and he deceived many people. Moreover, he also made weapons and armor privately. This is not a trivial matter, but he can't jump up and down, so let's wait until this matter is over!" Wei Hao whispered to Wei Chen.

"Ah, this, this is it?" Wei Chen widened his eyes and looked at Wei Hao when he heard this.

"What are you afraid of? What big waves can he make?" Wei Hao said with a sneer. In the current Tang Dynasty, anyone who rebels has no chance. Now that the people are peaceful and the people are safe, who would do such a mindless thing? ?
"Well, you have to be careful, does King Wu know about this?" Wei Chen asked.

"I don't know yet, I want to talk to him, but I haven't seen him today!" Wei Hao shook his head and said, Li Yin is the younger brother of Li Ke's mother and compatriot, if something happens to Li Yin, it will inevitably involve Li Ke, and Li Ke is actually not bad.

"He's in Room [-], and Li Tai and the others are in Room [-]. If Li Tai wants to come, I'll let him stay there!" Wei Chen reminded Wei Hao.

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away!" Wei Hao nodded when he heard this, and walked to the second room. When he arrived at the second room, Li Ke saw Wei Hao coming, and immediately stood up: "Careful Yong is here?"

"Well, how about it, have you considered it?" Wei Hao asked with a smile.

"Still analyzing here, hey, Shen Yong, those workshops are all good workshops, and the level of profit is good, so looking at those workshops, I am really greedy!" Li Ke smiled. He said to Wei Hao,

He is very happy these few days. Wei Hao gave him a workshop, and they all eat at his house. This is the time to show his relationship with Wei Hao. He needs such a performance now, so that the officials in the capital know Now, I know that Wei Hao will not oppose him, and he can win over more officials.

"Okay, then you discuss it, King Wu, come here, let's find a quiet place!" Wei Hao said to Li Ke with a smile, Li Ke nodded, followed immediately, and asked behind : "But what's the matter?"

"Well, okay, let's go here, do you know that Yang Xuelong?" Wei Hao went to a corner, looked around, and there was no one, so he looked at Li Ke and asked.

"I know you, what's the matter?" Li Ke looked at Wei Hao incomprehensibly and asked.

"I caught him and found out whether he committed crimes or not. These are irrelevant. It was nothing more than exile or digging coal. However, through investigation, it was found that he actually made a lot of weapons and armor. This, the matter is Big!" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and said in a low voice.

"What?" Li Ke looked at Wei Hao in shock, and was too scared. Yang Xuegang and Yang Xuelong were both members of the Yang family. If the Yang family rebelled, it would definitely implicate him.

"You don't know about this?" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and asked.

"How could I know? Shen Yong, I really don't know about this matter!" Li Ke said anxiously to Wei Hao, so can he say he knows?
"Well, I wanted to keep it a secret today, but just now Changsun Wuji told the matter about Yang Xuelong in front of the emperor, and I couldn't hide it from him. Fortunately, I said that when I finished my work, I would talk to you about Yang Xuelong. Father reports, you have to make this matter clear to King Liang, it was not I who wanted to deal with him, it was Yang Xuelong who bumped into him!" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and said, Li Ke immediately bowed his hands to Wei Hao.

"Shen Yong, thank you very much for this matter. Please delay for a few more days. I will go back to Chang'an this afternoon. No, I can't go back. If I go back, my father will be suspicious. I will let Yang Xuegang go back and find King Liang. Ask clearly, in addition, I still have to trouble you here, but you must not let the emperor know!" Li Ke begged Wei Hao and said, once the exposure spreads, and Li Yin is finished, he will also be in trouble, saying unclear.

"Okay, you hurry up, and besides, I'll arrange for you to meet with him. You can figure out what to say. I'll keep it from you. However, I'm worried about Changsun Wuji. If he insists on holding on , I have nothing to do!" Wei Hao looked at Li Ke and said.

"Don't worry, I will talk to him personally, and I won't let him say anything more about this matter." Li Ke said immediately.

"Okay, then go ahead, I'll do my best here!" Wei Hao nodded and said to Li Ke,

Li Ke hastily handed over his hands, this is really helpful, if it comes out, he will definitely be implicated, even if he has nothing to do with this matter, there will be ministers who doubt him, and then he will be unable to argue, Li Ke returned to No. 2 with a heavy heart Room,
And Wei Hao went to room No. [-]. At the moment, his uncle Wang Zhenhou was drinking tea, and Yu Chengyuan was also accompanying him.

"Uncle!" Wei Hao walked in and shouted with a smile.

"Hey, Shenyong, are you done?" Wang Zhenhou also stood up, and so did the others.

"Sit, sit, what are you doing standing up, by the way, are you watching?" Wei Hao looked at Yu Zhiyuan and asked.

"Look, what do you think of this textile workshop?" Yu Chengyuan said to Wei Hao.

"Well, almost, 6 yuan is barely enough to win. You can vote, but you are not allowed to tell anyone about my help, and you don't need to tell anyone about how much money you invested!" Wei Hao nodded. Nodding, he said to Yu Chengyuan.

"Hey, thank you, Mr. Guo, thank you, Mr. Guo!" Yu Chengyuan said very excitedly. Wei Hao said so, which means that this matter is a certainty. Two, there is absolutely no problem with that.

"Well, you're welcome!" Wei Hao nodded.

"Shen Yong, I won't bother you if you're so busy here. I'm going to your house now, so your mother won't keep waiting for me!" Wang Zhenhou stood up and said, the matter has already been done, so there should be no further interruption .

"Well, okay, you tell my mother, I won't go back to eat at noon today!" Wei Hao said to Wang Zhenhou.

"Hey, good!" Wang Zhenhou nodded immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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