Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 620 The Expansion Begins

Chapter 620 The Expansion Begins

Chapter 616

After Wei Hao arrived in Luoyang, he went straight to the palace. That must be the way to go. After all, he will be on duty tomorrow.

"Your Majesty, Xia Guogong begs to see you!" Wang En saw Wei Hao approaching, and hurried in to report.

"Oh, hurry up, let him in quickly, this kid has been away for several days!" Li Shimin said very happily when he heard this.

Soon Wei Hao arrived at the greenhouse.

"I've seen His Majesty!" Wei Hao went over and shouted, clasping his hands.

"You call your majesty to try again. Believe it or not, I will deal with you. What is he, Li Yin, who can still decide about our affairs?" Li Shimin immediately said unhappy.

"Hey!" Wei Hao immediately touched his nose and smiled embarrassedly.

"Come and sit down, return Your Majesty. You called Your Majesty? If you dare to call Your Majesty, Father will hang you on the city gate to dry!" Li Shimin threatened Wei Hao.

"Just don't shout!" Wei Hao said with a sneer.

"Well, my father told you a long time ago that you are too kind. Who is Li Yin? My father still doesn't know? If you help him, he will accept your love? My father still doesn't know his sons? What kind of virtues do they have, would Father not know?" Li Shimin pointed to Wei Hao and said.

"Yes, didn't you want to keep Father from worrying about you at the beginning? Thinking about it, there are so many things going on in the future. In fact, Father is nothing. With so many children, it's normal to have an ignorant one." Wei Hao laughed Said for a while.

"It's normal at first, do you think the father is sad? I still have a son born, and I am still worried about them? Come, sit down, make tea, let's have a good chat!" Li Shimin greeted Wei Hao and said, Wei Hao After hearing this, he immediately sat down and prepared to make tea.

"Father, Li Yin's relegation to a commoner is a bit serious, you see?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"You interceded for him? Are you out of your mind?" Li Shimin stared at Wei Hao and asked.

"No, I'm not pleading for him. Yes, what should I say? For the sake of the third brother, besides, he is a prince and cannot be a commoner. In fact, he didn't make any big mistakes. Look, is he a prince?" Lord or something, just let him have a good life, otherwise, in the south, with his status, he still doesn’t know how he will be bullied, isn’t bullying him also bullying the royal family?” Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and suggested Said.

"You have a problem, he doesn't even respect you, and you still speak for him? Who is looking for you, Li Ke is looking for you or Concubine Yang is looking for you? Or is it the Yang family looking for you?" Li Shimin stared at Wei Hao unhappily asked.

"No, father, it was the third brother who told me that I was the one who did this together, father, you just agree!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and said,
After hearing this, Li Shimin stared at Wei Hao for a while, Wei Hao didn't know what he meant,
In fact, this time is also a test for Li Shimin. He wants to see if Wei Hao will come to intercede. No matter what it is, I won't take the royal knowledge to operate,

But he didn't expect that Wei Hao came to plead for mercy just after he came back. This touched Li Shimin's heart and made Li Shimin proud at the same time. He didn't misunderstand the person.

"Father, you just agree? Otherwise, I'm really embarrassed, because I have ruined a prince, this! I'm ashamed to go to Chang'an!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin again and said.

"What does it have to do with you? What did you do wrong? You help him, and he still behaves like this. What is he looking for? If he was an ordinary person, Father would have killed him long ago. His fate belongs to Father." Son!" Li Shimin stared at Wei Hao unhappily and said.

"Yes, father, what do you think?" Wei Hao asked Li Shimin still smiling.

"Okay, my father promises you, you!" Li Shimin pointed at Wei Hao helplessly and said.

"Hey, come, drink tea!" Wei Hao poured tea for Li Shimin with a smile as soon as he heard that Li Shimin agreed.

"You son of a bitch, by the way, I'm going to be on duty tomorrow. Luoyang is really nice. It hasn't stopped during the Chinese New Year. Yesterday, the father and the queen went out of the palace together. Qiao Zhuang went out of the palace and wanted to go shopping. It's so lively." , and there is an endless stream of carriages on the road, all of which are full of goods. Your mother said with a smile, these are all money, all from Datang, and the local people in Luoyang say that you and Jinxian are good friends Luoyang is so prosperous because you are here, and your mother and I bought a lot of little things!" Li Shimin said with a smile, pointing at Wei Hao.

"Hey, it must be developed. Chang'an is also good. Chang'an is also full of horses and carriages. With these two places, I believe that in the next 20 years, our Tang Dynasty will not be short of money. How to govern the people Let the common people become rich!" Wei Hao said while looking at Li Shimin with a smile.

"Well, there is going to be a war this year, but it won't affect Datang. It's nothing more than a matter of winning or losing. It doesn't matter if you lose. And then again, now that the father has money in his pocket, don't panic!" Li Shimin laughed. He looked at Wei Hao and said, Wei Hao also laughed when he heard it.

"Next month, the army will be dispatched, and all of them will be sent to the front line. I thought, destroying the three countries together, I don't want to spend all my time, but there are means involved, anyway, I can't stay, and the country of Wa will be hard to fight. , Our warships are hard to get there!" Li Shimin sat there and said worryingly.

"It's okay, after a while, I can build warships!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"You know how to make?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao in surprise and asked.

"No, but I will learn and explore slowly!" Wei Hao said to Li Shimin after shaking his head.

"Forget it, you still have to get the seeds, and do it slowly. Anyway, now that there are sweet potatoes, I don't worry about it. At least the people won't starve to death. If they don't starve to death, don't be afraid. Give us sweet potatoes I won a lot of time!" Li Shimin immediately waved his hand and said no when Wei Hao said no,

Wei Hao's most important thing now is to produce seeds. The cotton is very good now. Last year, a large amount of cotton came out, and the people have a lot more supplies to keep out the cold, and the possibility of freezing to death is much smaller. After chatting with each other for a while, it was time for dinner.After dinner, Wei Hao was going back, after all, he had been in the carriage for a long time.

"Father, what about King Liang?" Before Wei Hao left, he still looked at Wei Hao.

"That's all right, all right, Father knows, don't think about it, Lord Marquis, at most give him an earl, okay?" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao impatiently.

"Alright, okay!" Wei Hao nodded with a smile.

"You, you are so kind, you will suffer sooner or later!" Li Shimin pointed at Wei Hao and said, Wei Hao smiled indifferently,

In the evening, Wei Hao returned home. After washing up, Wei Hao went to Li Lizhi's room, looked at his son, and then sat there chatting.

"You can really hide the matter about Li Yin, why don't you tell me now?" Li Lizhi said angrily when she saw that he didn't tell her about it at all.

"Ah, you know?" Wei Hao said in surprise.

"Can I not know? I shouldn't know? He, Li Min, is crazy and bullied me. He thinks I'm easy to bully?" Li Lizhi said very unhappy.

"Forget it, it's not a big deal!" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"It's not a big deal, let him wait for me and see how I deal with him!" Li Lizhi gritted her teeth and said fiercely.

"Hey, don't talk about it, why don't we get a younger brother and sister for Zhiren?" Wei Hao said with a smile and put his arms around Li Lizhi.

"Fuck you, I won't give birth to you, it hurts me to death!" Li Lizhi immediately slapped Wei Hao with a smile,

The next day, Wei Hao woke up refreshed, and Li Lizhi dressed him.

Today I am going to the Yamen, and the county magistrates from all over the country will also come to the Governor’s Mansion for a meeting, so Wei Hao will go there to arrange things for this year. There are three main things, one is to plant sweet potatoes, and the other is to build roads to ensure that the roads in various places are smooth ,

The third is to develop the economy. Wei Hao will release some workshops and distribute them to various county governments, so that their local people can also stay in the local area. The other things are nothing more than education and agriculture. These things need to be said Yes, after Wei Hao arrived at the Governor's Mansion, those officials had already arrived,
After Wei Hao and them paid each other's greetings, they began to make arrangements.

At noon, Wei Hao took them to Juxian Building for dinner. After eating, Wei Hao asked them to go back.
At this moment, Li Ke, who was in the capital, also came out of the cell after Li Yin.

"Did you see the imperial decree? If it wasn't for Shenyong, you would still want to come out? Hmm? But remember, you are still reserved a title of earl. When you get to the place, be honest, and the land will reward you. The land is enough to feed you and your family in the future, if you mess around, don't come to me, I can't help that much!" Li Ke said to Li Min who just came out.

"Well, I see, should I thank my brother-in-law?" Li Yin was much more honest now.

"No need, you won't be able to see him even if you go, besides, Emperor Father won't allow you to go to Luoyang, so you can go to the south in a few days, right?
In the evening, go to see the concubine, His Highness the Crown Prince and the King of Wei. The King of Wei wants to punish you. You go there. Even if you are beaten, you have to be next to him. If he doesn’t beat you, it will be troublesome. When the time comes You don't even know how to deal with you.On Lizhi's side, I will intercede, and Lizhi will not let you go easily! "Li Ke said with a sigh.

"Thank you brother!" Li Yin said with his head bowed.

"Hey, you, let the good prince not do it, and insist on causing such a thing, what do you want me to say about you?" Li Ke looked at him very helplessly and said,
Li Yin stopped talking, knowing that he had made a big mistake this time, and he had no chance to redeem himself.

For the next period of time, Wei Hao was staring at the sweet potato seedlings. As the weather got warmer, Wei Hao began to order the counties under his control to start planting sweet potatoes.
At this moment, Datang's army also began to attack Goguryeo. At the beginning, Datang was fully prepared. After all, Emperor Yang of Sui had suffered from Goguryeo before, and this time he can't suffer. , but with gunpowder and grenades, Datang's army advanced rapidly,
In half a month, a quarter of Goguryeo's land and city was captured, forcing Goguryeo to retreat steadily. At this moment, the Western Turkic side also began to dispatch troops, preparing to attack Datang's army from the north. Tang's army fought several times, leaving tens of thousands of corpses behind, and dared not go up again, only defending the city,

But Datang's army carried gunpowder, and it was useless to defend the city. With a few bangs, they knocked down their city gates. With no place to hide, Datang's army can completely occupy the city in less than a day.
In this way, Datang's 20 troops were divided into three groups and advanced steadily. After Li Shimin learned of the results of the battle on the front line, he immediately ordered Datang's army to advance steadily and not to advance rashly!

"Shen Yong, come here quickly, haha, I won again!" Li Shimin saw Wei Hao coming, and immediately greeted Wei Hao and said.

"Hey, I heard that the messengers ran all the way and shouted, congratulations, father!" Wei Hao smiled and said to Li Shimin, clasping his hands.

"Haha, you kid is the most credited. If it weren't for the gunpowder and grenades, we wouldn't have gone so smoothly. The soldiers on the front line said that the grenade is a siege weapon. Throw it with a siege vehicle, and if it goes down one round, it will be fine." There are only a few people left, so just blow open the city gate and let the army rush in, but there are still some problems now!" When Li Shimin said the problems, he was still very happy.

"What's wrong?" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin incomprehensibly.

"Those captives, what should we do? The men are easy to talk about digging coal, but what about the women and children?" Li Shimin sat down, looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Didn't every house buy Goguryeo people again? Buy them to be slaves?" Wei Hao asked incomprehensibly. Now there are people in Luoyang who are buying them. It's cheap. A woman is less than 1 penny, and many poor families have no money. Those who marry a daughter-in-law just buy a woman home like this.

"Well, where's the child? Where's the boy? Put it in the coal digging place, and keep it for the women?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Well, what else can we do? We can't let them go. They won't thank us if we let them go. Since we want to fight, it will be a war of subjugation. They used to erode my Tang's territory every day, so they should think about this day! "Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Well, it's fine, then do it like this, but there are many people in Goguryeo, all captured?" Li Shimin continued to ask.

"Anyway, women don't care, men must be taken away. Of course, we have to prepare to immigrate there. The land over there is fertile and the crops we grow are high yield!" Wei Hao also expressed his thoughts.

"That's fine, let's immigrate there. I will order the Ministry of Civil Affairs to come up with the charter and see how we can attract the people to go there!" Li Shimin sat there and thought about it.

"Tax-free, how many acres of fertile land will be rewarded? The fertile land they cultivated belongs to them. If there is no tax for five years, I don't believe that the people will not go!" Wei Hao smiled and said to Li Shimin. Li Shimin smiled and pointed Wei Hao.

(End of this chapter)

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