Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 622 Li Shimin's Ambition

Chapter 622 Li Shimin's Ambition
Chapter 618

Li Shimin said that the envoys from Silla and Baekje would come, and worried that the Tang army would kill them. According to Li Shimin, Silla must be defeated.

But Baekje will be more troublesome, because Baekje has always regarded Datang as the suzerain state and pays tribute every year. Therefore, if you want to kill Baekje, you still need a reason. In addition, there are many ministers in the court who are against taking down Baekje. , because the teacher is unknown.

"Father, the envoy is here, how will we deal with it then? I heard that in the court, many civil servants objected, and the crown prince is also very troublesome in the East Palace!" Wei Hao sat there, looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"It doesn't matter, fight, how do you deal with it? I'm responsible for the infamy. I hope that there will be no border harassment in the northeast. At the same time, we must strengthen the control of the northeast. I also discovered that the northeast is full of forests. However, as long as the development is good, it is a good place,

At the same time, you can go all the way to the north. I heard that there is a land in the extreme north. If you go east, there is a piece of land. I just heard about it, but I don’t know if it’s true or not. My idea is that these lands should belong to the people of our Tang Dynasty. Yes, no matter how many years later, the Tang Dynasty is gone, but these places still live with us Central Plains people, and the future emperor will be able to unify those places. From then on, those places will belong to our Central Plains for life and life! "Li Shimin sat there and said with a smile.

"Father, you?" Wei Hao was shocked when he heard this. He knew all about Alaska. If Datang's army could reach America, it would be amazing. They discovered America more than 1000 years in advance!
"Shen Yong, my father sometimes thinks, if I don't take advantage of this time to expand the territory and expand the sphere of influence of our people in the Tang Dynasty, my father is worried that future generations will point at my grave and scold me? Now that the Tang Dynasty has money Needless to say, military equipment, there are people, why don’t they expand? Those Turks, Tubo, want to stop my Datang from expanding outside, hmph, I will let them know that provoking my Datang, that is courting death!” Li Shimin is very ambitious Said.

"Father, you, you, aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of? Afraid that those historians will write that I am militaristic? Haha, I have you. I will not be Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has made great contributions, but he made the big man poor, and he has gone downhill since then. I have money, people, food, and weapons. Equipment, tell me, can I go as far as Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty?

Shenyong, my father has this ambition because of you and your presence. I don’t worry about these things. I know that you can solve them. It’s only been a few years. What kind of development has my Tang Dynasty become? It doesn’t feel real, look, straight roads have been built for tens of thousands of miles, bridges, reservoirs are everywhere, my businessman in Tang Dynasty has traveled tens of thousands of miles!I just thought, when I really get old, what will Datang look like, and do I have any regrets! " Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and said with a very firm attitude,
Wei Hao never dreamed that now that Li Shimin is more fanatical than himself, he wants to conquer the whole world and make the whole world the territory of the Tang Dynasty, especially this time, when the Tang Dynasty expedition to Korea, according to Li Shimin's original idea, prepare for casualties Half of the plan is even ready to mobilize the second wave of reserve troops, with a total investment of more than 40 troops.
But now, 20 troops have rushed in, and they have already killed their capital. The casualties are less than [-], and the supplies seized are already enough for the expenses of those troops. How could Li Shimin have no choice? At this moment, Li Shimin really realized the power of gunpowder. The power of grenades.

"What's the matter, what the father said is wrong?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"Yes, of course, father, don't worry, I will help you with all my strength. At that time, the whole world will belong to our Tang Dynasty. I will never let the people of Datang have no food, no clothes, no houses to live in. !” Wei Hao stood up and said to Li Shimin, cupping his hands.

"Okay, hahaha, that's it. Let's fight Baekje! The whole Northeast China belongs to my Datang. I, Li Shimin, will bear the responsibility of infamy. It's worth leaving a big family for future generations, even if it's a few hundred years later." Tang has been destroyed, I believe the next king will thank me!" Li Shimin said happily when he heard Wei Hao say this.

"It will!" Wei Hao nodded.

"As for you, you should make a plan. Goguryeo in the northeast is an old enemy. The previous dynasty was defeated by them. It is the determination and will of the people of my Tang Dynasty to beat them.

As for Tubo, Xue Yantuo, and Tuyuhun, these places also have reasons to send troops, and Western Turks also have them, but no matter how far away they are, they will disappear. How my Tang army will go on an expedition, how to manage this place after occupying it, these are all Things, Shen Yong, father is counting on you! " Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and said.

"Father, don't worry, my son will slowly plan, but next is to fight the Western Turks?" Wei Hao nodded, looked at Li Shimin and asked.

"Well, attack the Western Turks and drive them into the sea!" Li Shimin nodded and said.

"Are you going to fight this year?" Wei Hao continued to ask.

"Fight, this time to fight Goguryeo, my Tang army didn't suffer much casualties. To fight the Western Turks requires the use of cavalry. Over the years, the war horses brought back through caravans, my Tang Dynasty can also equip 50 cavalry. Now, also Hurry up and train, and the training is almost done, you can go to battle!" Li Shimin nodded, talking about the army to Wei Hao.

"My son knows, let's fight, but before winter comes, the battle needs to be over, otherwise, logistical supplies will be a problem!" Wei Hao asked.

"No problem, boy, you don't know. Now our army goes out to fight. It is equipped with a carriage. The carriage can carry a tent, 2000 catties of water, and the rest can hold [-] catties of grain. These grains are enough for the army to eat. Half a year, there are supply troops behind, don't be afraid,
There is no problem in keeping out the cold. This year, it is estimated that the entire army will be able to equip cotton-padded clothes, trousers, cotton-padded shoes, and quilts. They will not be able to freeze. Shen Yong, I must thank you for these. I still remember the scene when you discovered cotton. Little bastard, at that time, he dared to think about the things in the imperial garden, and even encouraged Li Zhi to dig secretly. How did I know that this thing is so important! " Li Shimin said with a smile and pointed at Wei Hao.

"Hey!" Wei Hao laughed when he heard it.

"Well, Gao Ming is not bad. He did a good job in the capital. He bore all the pressure and didn't make a fuss on my side. He kept all the memorials against the war, and he didn't send them here at all. , he knows that once I decide to fight, I won’t stop and tire him out!” Li Shimin smiled and said to Li Chengqian,
After Wei Hao heard this, he also nodded. Li Chengqian did a very good job in front of big issues. Now he fights with those civil servants in the capital every day. Those civil servants force Li Chengqian every day. Li Chengqian still faces them with a smile and manages this operation of the country.

At this moment, in the capital city, Li Chengqian had just sent away some civil servants, and he was sitting there rubbing his head with a headache.

"Your Highness, come, my concubine!" Su Mei went behind Li Chengqian and rubbed it for Li Chengqian.

"Hey, the royal father fought this battle. If you say that you can beat Goguryeo, it doesn't matter. If you insist on destroying Baekje, Silla doesn't matter. If Baekje is destroyed, won't you be scolded?
Those civil servants said every day that the father and the emperor are now militaristic, no, I don’t understand, why the militarism, not only has no impact on the lives of the people, but also said that in slightly remote places, some people’s families are poor and have no money to marry their wives, and the government will buy them. A large number of Goguryeo women went back and sent them to be their daughter-in-laws. How could they be militaristic? "Li Chengqian sat there complaining, unable to figure it out,
He didn't approve of fighting Baekje, but he didn't object either. Anyway, if the emperor wanted to fight, he would fight. However, those civil servants came to bother him every day, and they came to fight with him if they had nothing to do.

"Well, anyway, in this battle, it seems that Datang has taken a lot of advantage. Those Goguryeo women have already become people from my Datang. Shenyong's memorial, I heard that the emperor agreed to publish it. It is a good thing for the world to become a law!" Su Mei said with a smile.

"Well, that's of course a good thing. Those women can have children. My Tang Dynasty needs people right now. In the Northeast, 10 households have been transferred from the Central Plains to immigrate. , it is estimated that 200 million yuan will be needed. This is also from internal funds. 10 households will immigrate there.

After one generation, it can be expanded to at least 50 households, and in two generations, it will be several million households. In the future, the entire Northeast region, I, Datang, can firmly control it, and no one can take it away.Northeast of Datang, no worries!The rest is the northwest. The northwest must be fought. The land and climate in Tubo in the northwest are also very good. Send troops and scouts to those places to adapt!Let's fight, after the fight is over, future generations will have no worries! "Sitting there, Li Chengqian said with his eyes closed.

"So, Your Highness, you also agree with the emperor's continued expansion of the Tang Dynasty?" Su Mei said from behind.

"Of course I agree. You don't know how difficult the father was in the early years of Zhenguan, and how much he suffered in order to ensure the rule of my Tang Dynasty. Now that my Tang Dynasty's strength has risen, I can still let them go. It's better to be cautious." You have skills, you really have skills, and in a few years, my Tang Dynasty has accumulated such national power!" Li Chengqian nodded and said.

"Well, Shenyong basically doesn't have any memorials now, he just focuses on getting the food!" Su Mei nodded and said.

"This is the foundation of my Great Tang! With food, I am not afraid of anything! So this matter, my father entrusted Shen Yong to do it! This matter can only be done by Shen Yong, and others will not. Just look at it, how much that sweet potato will increase the food supply of Datang this autumn!" Li Chengqian said with a little pride, now in the capital, except for those ministers, there are no other troublesome things at all!

"Your Highness, Censor Liang Wenhua asks to see you!" At this time, an eunuch outside came in and said to Li Chengqian. "Please!" Wei Hao nodded and said.Soon, Censor Liang Wenhua came in.

"I have seen Your Highness. Your Highness. This is my memorial. It was handed over to Shang Shusheng before. Shang Shusheng called back. I still want to continue playing. Please read it!" Liang Wenhua stood there and said to Li Chengqian.

"Hmm!" Li Chengqian had no choice but to hum, and immediately a eunuch went to get the memorial. Li Chengqian opened it and found that it was still a letter saying that he could not fight Baekje.

"I'm talking about this matter alone. Whether Baekje will fight or not is not yet determined! Besides, the army is fighting outside, and the so-called generals will not accept the orders of the kings outside. Now whether to fight or not, the power is already in the hands of the frontline soldiers!" Li Chengqian evaded and said.

"Your Highness, you can't say that. Without His Majesty's instruction, I believe that those generals would never dare to fight. This is not an ordinary war. This is a battlefield for the subjugation of the country. The soldiers of my Tang Dynasty came from unknown people.
If it is fought, how will the other vassal states serve the Tang Dynasty? Once it is fought, what will Tubo and other countries think?At that time, who will still trust my reputation in Datang?Your Highness, a man cannot be established without faith, and a country cannot survive without faith. Please send this memorial to Your Majesty no matter what, and ask Your Majesty for instructions! "Liang Wenhua stood there and said very excitedly.

"I know, I have already sent someone to talk to the father about this matter, but the father has not said anything, and there is no fight yet, why are you so anxious?" Li Chengqian looked at Liang Wenhua helplessly.

"Your Highness, it will be too late if we fight!" Liang Wenhua said anxiously. Li Chengqian had a headache, and he didn't know how to tell those ministers that his father wanted to fight, but they didn't go to Luoyang to tell them. deal with?How to deal with it yourself?

"Okay, I will show it to my father when the time comes. However, I still say that in Baekje, it doesn't have to be a fight, it depends on the situation of the battle. Everything now is just a rumor!" Li Chengqian was very helpless. Looking at him, the fight is definitely going to happen, the emperor has sent himself a secret letter, it is impossible to put such a small country by the side, and keep the troubles behind,
In case there are changes in the Northeast at that time, it will take a lot of manpower and material resources, which is not appropriate. I just want to say, is there any other way in Baekje!

"Your Highness, whether you fight or not, please send the memorial to His Majesty. Please consider it carefully!" Liang Wenhua continued to say to Li Chengqian, Li Chengqian could only nod his head as he agreed.Soon, Liang Wenhua left, and Li Chengqian stood up, pacing in the living room.

"Your Highness, it's really not possible. You can send it to the emperor's side. There are so many ministers who object, so don't think about it!" Seeing him so worried, Su Mei immediately suggested.

"Well, that's what Fang Fushe suggested before. It's just that sending it to the father's side will only increase troubles. The father has already decided to fight!" Li Chengqian said with a sigh, he really didn't want to send it there,

In the afternoon, some ministers sent memorials, hoping that Baekje would not be attacked. Li Chengqian had no choice but to pack up those memorials and send them to Li Shimin. At the same time, he wrote a letter to tell Li Shimin the truth about the situation in the capital. .

(End of this chapter)

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