Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 631 Li Tai's Maturity

Chapter 631 Li Tai's Maturity

Chapter 627

Li Tai is very anxious at the moment. Chang'an City has too many people, it is very crowded, and there are many workers. A large number of goods are gathered and circulated in Chang'an, including goods transported to the northwest, which need to pass through Chang'an.

"Your Highness, His Royal Highness King Wei please see me!" At this moment, Li Chengqian in the East Palace heard the report from the people below. Li Chengqian couldn't help but glanced at Fang Xuanling, then nodded and said, "Please come in!"

After a while, Li Chengqian arrived at the living room. "I have seen His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

"I have seen His Royal Highness King Wei!"

"The house servant shoots well!" After the three greeted each other, Li Chengqian asked him to sit down.

"Silang came here for something. You still come out on such a hot day. Look at you. You have been haggard and thinner recently. What's the matter?" Li Chengqian looked at Li Tai and asked, now Li Tai Tai is not puffy, but strong, and he is also very tall.

"Hey, brother, I really have nothing to do here, water, I want water, whoever is going to run out of the Bahe and Weihe rivers, the water in the city has already fallen for almost a battle, now there is no way, We can only release the water in the reservoir, but the water in the reservoir in Chang'an is managed by the Ministry of Industry, which is unreasonable.
I am the Governor of Jingzhao Prefecture. I am in charge of the life and death of the people in the entire Chang'an City. Now I can't control the water in the reservoir. Now it is the reservoir who can save lives. Do you know how much water those workshops and people need to consume in a day?As far as those large reservoirs are concerned, I estimate that it will take no more than ten days at most.

But now it hasn't rained, and it hasn't rained for almost half a month. Although there is still water in those grain fields, if it doesn't come down, it will probably be troublesome. Now that the weather is so hot, why is the water in the reservoir still not released? "Li Tai sat there and said very anxiously.

"Is the reservoir under the management of the Ministry of Industry?" Li Chengqian looked at Fang Xuanling and asked.

"Yes, because those reservoirs involve flood discharge and water storage, the management of the Ministry of Industry requires the approval of the officials of the Ministry of Industry. However, this is only the case in the capital, and other places are handed over to local officials. , During the rainy season, the Ministry of Industry will send inspectors down to instruct them to store and discharge water!" Fang Xuanling nodded and said.

"Why is the capital like this? My workshops and grain fields all need water, so we can't continue to be so dry. You must know that the common people want to block the Bahe and Weihe rivers now!" Li Tai stared at Fang Xuanling and asked up.

"I know, I was talking about this with His Royal Highness just now, His Royal Highness King Wei, don't worry, I'll go to the Ministry of Industry and ask them to release the water immediately, okay?" Fang Xuanling persuaded Li Tai, Li Tai did a good job as the Governor of Jingzhao Mansion. The people all agreed that Li Tai walked among the people, and the people also greeted him one after another. Li Tai enjoyed this very much and felt it was worth it.

"Well, Shiro, don't worry, come on, get some cold melon, hurry up, use iced ones!" Li Chengqian also urged him quickly, and he also knew that Li Tai did a good job.

"Brother, you don't know. I can't sleep these days. No water is fatal. So many reservoirs have been built around Chang'an, and so much water has been stored. If they don't let it go, can it work? Isn't it? Are you forcing me? Do you want me to take the people up to the dam?" Li Tai stared at Li Chengqian and said.

"No, no, don't worry, Shiro, there must be water!" Li Chengqian quickly comforted him.

"Hey, at first I was thinking about sticking to the house outside the city. There is no way. There is no place to build a house in the city. I plan to plan a new urban area outside the city. This is what my brother-in-law reminded me. I plan to plan a residence in the south. A residential area of ​​50 people, but without water, can't do any work,

Qin Tianjian also said that it will take at least ten days, ten days, God, the people can't stand it for a day without water. In addition, I have been buying food. It is probably enough food for the people of Chang'an City to live for half a year, but it is still not enough. It needs to be saved for a year. Otherwise, if there is a natural disaster and the people can't even afford food, then something big will happen! " Li Tai continued to speak.

"Yes, His Royal Highness King Wei, this is indeed a good thing, and this minister admires it!" Fang Xuanling nodded quickly and said, nothing to say, these things were done.

"Well, by the way, I almost forgot, I heard that someone is going to impeach my brother-in-law, is there such a thing?" Li Tai stared at Fang Xuanling and asked.

"Well, they are not sensible!" Fang Xuanling said with a smile.

"I went to Tamade and didn't understand, who? Impeach my brother-in-law? He has the face to impeach? Now look at Chang'an City, how good is it? Ah, was it as good as it was three years ago? Is it so prosperous? Are there so many people? How much benefit those people have brought to Chang'an,

Of course, it made me a little tired, but I am happy, I am safe, oh, what did they do?Impeach?Have a face?Housekeeper She, tell me who it is, I have to pay a visit in person, I want to see whose face is so big!He also said that my brother-in-law knows foreign countries, nonsense, my brother-in-law is such a person, what can Lu Dongzan give my brother-in-law?Is it money or beauty, does my brother-in-law care? Sitting there, Li Tai said angrily to Fang Xuanling.

"Oh, Shiro, don't worry about this matter, Gu is also dealing with it now!" Li Chengqian said to Li Tai.

"I'm not happy that you dealt with yours. I'm going to clean them up. I just have nowhere to vent my anger!" Li Tai waved his hand, and said, not looking at Li Chengqian, but at Fang Xuanling.

"Hey, what's the use of this kind of impeachment memorial? Who would believe it? Why are you worried about this?" Li Chengqian said helplessly to Li Tai.

"I'm not worried, I'm just upset, I want to clean them up!" Li Tai said, turning his head to look at Li Chengqian.

"Okay, don't clean it up, it will be cleaned up. Now you can take care of Chang'an. The construction of the new city will cost a lot. Do you have so much money?" Li Chengqian looked at Li Tai and asked.

"Hey, I still have no money in Jingzhao Mansion. Let me tell you, I have done so many things this year, and I haven't spent all of them. I still have no money. You don't have to worry about this. I still think about it. Over there, continue to expand the workshop area, so that those workshops in the city, as long as there is a wholesale market, will all be transferred outside the city, otherwise, the city will be too congested, and it will be difficult for the common people to go out!" Li Tai is now proudly facing Li Chengqian Said, Li Chengqian is very surprised, Li Tai actually controls so much money?

"Well, that's fine, but you still have to be cautious. Ask your father and Shen Yong what they mean, and don't act recklessly!" Li Chengqian reminded Li Tai that at this time, the servants also brought watermelons. , Su Mei delivered it in person.

"The king of Wei is here too. Your elder brother is still talking about you, saying that it is not easy for you. Managing such a big city, he has to worry about everything, but it saves him a lot of things!" Su Mei came over, smiling at Li Tai Said.

"Hello, Your Majesty the Crown Princess, I'm fine. It's not too tiring to talk about my duties. It's just that the elder brother asked the people in the court to make less trouble for me!" Li Tai said with a smile.

"Well, no one is making trouble for you, so don't take it to heart, this matter will be resolved!" Li Chengqian said with a smile.

"Come on, Shiro, try the cold melon, just came down!" Su Mei also smiled and said to Li Tai, Li Tai nodded, after eating the cold melon, Li Tai left, now he is really very happy busy.

"You should talk about the matter of the Ministry of Industry and let them release the water as soon as possible!" Li Chengqian said to Fang Xuanling.

"Okay, I will do it, but what His Royal Highness King Wei is doing is really good!" Fang Xuanling nodded and Li Chengqian also nodded, although he was a little worried,

But he is also a little proud. In fact, now, he is not afraid of what will happen to Li Tai. He has experienced many things, but now he is more stable. He knows that as long as he does not make mistakes, others will have no chance no matter how good they are. , Wei Hao supported himself first, there is no doubt about it,
In the next few days, Wei Hao was still staring at the rice. Seeing that the grains of the rice were getting fuller and fuller, he was very excited. He knew that he had succeeded. continued research,

Next, Wei Hao wandered around the wheat fields around Luoyang, trying to find suitable wheat seeds. The surrounding people knew that Wei Hao was researching wheat seeds, so when they found something wrong, they came to tell Wei Hao, Wei Hao went to check immediately,

Not to mention, Wei Hao really found a lot of them, and transplanted them all to the experimental field for protection. In the northeast, there was also good news. Baekje and Silla surrendered. According to the conditions agreed by Datang, Complete surrender, those officials and the royal family will all move to Chang'an, and the local people will also move to different places. The specific moving area has not yet been determined.

However, according to the contract, the army of the Tang Dynasty could not capture the people of Baekje and Silla. From the day they surrendered, they were the people of the Tang Dynasty. Duan Zhixuan and Li Ji on the front line accepted their surrender respectively, and King Goguryeo died halfway. How did the Emperor die? I don’t know, anyway, Yuan Gai Suwen also died. The only ones who died of illness were some members of the royal family who were sent to Chang’an.

"Your Majesty, the royal family of Goguryeo was escorted to Chang'an and imprisoned in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice!" Li Jing entered the palace at this moment and reported to Li Shimin.

"What are Li Ji and the others doing? Why didn't even the king take care of them and let them die, and that Yuan Gai Suwen also died. Isn't this, eh, punishment, heavy punishment for me!" Li Shimin sat down. There, he said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, they should be punished!" Li Jing also said with a smile, it's good for them to die, Li Shimin doesn't have to worry about what to do with them, and it's not good to kill them, after all, there are still so many people in Goguryeo. They were not convinced, and finally the king of Goguryeo, what should they do?
It's better to die now, let those people accept this reality in advance, and now that the soldiers are pressing the border, they don't dare to move, but on the surface, they must punish those generals, how to guard them, let them die, those Military generals are also smart, and they definitely can't send the difficult problems to Chang'an, they will solve them first.

"In this way, let's punish them with a salary of one year. It's outrageous. Several people can't stand it!" Li Shimin thought about it and said, Li Jing also nodded. What is this punishment?A few of them, who cares about the salary, who doesn't have the shares of the workshop.

"Well, in addition, they fought really well. When they come back, I will reward them for their merits." Li Shimin then stroked his beard and said. At first he thought this battle would be difficult to fight, but unexpectedly, they It was fired well, and the casualties were extremely low,

Now, both Baekje and Silla have surrendered. For Li Shimin, this is great news. What Emperor Sui Yang could not do before, he can do it himself, and it is still beautiful.

"Yes, who will guard the Northeast at that time? This needs to be chosen well. In addition, the Ministry of Officials has to start selecting officials, and send officials to the Northeast!" Li Jing said to Li Shimin.

"Well, I've made up my mind. Let Duan Zhixuan guard the northeast. Duan Zhixuan is getting old. Li Ji and Su Dingfang are still young. When the time comes, they will conquer the north and northwest. They will also lead the battle. They can't guard there. Let Duan Zhixuan guard it first." , Duan Zhixuan has been there for a few years, and he is familiar with the situation there!" Li Shimin thought about it and said.

"I agree, but the civil servants also need to choose candidates!" Li Jing said after thinking about it.

"Well, let Fang Yi pass by!" Li Shimin continued, he had thought about this a long time ago. Fang Yi is now in the local area. He is a very good official and has brought a lot of tax revenue to the local area. The workshop is now There are also seven or eight. Li Shimin feels that Fang Xuanling needs to be given a bigger platform to continue to toss.

"Aren't you younger?" Li Jing thought about it, but felt that he was still too young to be able to calm down.

"Then let Gao Xun go, let Fang Yizhi be the deputy!" Li Shimin continued to speak, Li Jing nodded upon hearing this.

"Let the Ministry of Officials start investigating them, and summon Fang Yi to go back to Beijing!" Li Shimin then said to Li Jing.

"Yes, Your Majesty, by the way, when the time comes, Your Majesty, will you receive Baekje and King Silla in Luoyang, or in Chang'an?" Li Jing continued to ask.

"Ouch!" Li Shimin felt a headache when he heard it. Now he really doesn't want to move, and he doesn't want to go to Chang'an. Now he just feels that Luoyang is good, quiet, and there are not so many troublesome things. Besides, Wei Hao is here, what problems do he have? , Wei Hao can be summoned at any time, but now, Wei Hao has no way to go to Chang'an.

"Your Majesty, if you don't go to Chang'an, you can't do it. If the prince is to handle this matter, King Wu and King Silla will be afraid, thinking that your majesty will deal with them!" Li Jing looked at Li Shimin and reminded, the two kings Surrendering to the Tang Dynasty, if the emperor of the Tang Dynasty did not go to see him, that would be a bit too much.

(End of this chapter)

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