Chapter 635

Chapter 631

Li Shimin was very excited when he saw this threshing machine. He knew that this small machine could drive a large amount of rice planting in Datang, because when harvesting, it was very slow and required a lot of rice artificial,

But now, with this, the people can save a lot of labor. In this way, they can plant more farmland and increase production.

"This kid is really good, you can think of such things!" Li Jing was also stroking his beard at the moment, and nodded very satisfied.
Wei Chen is also standing beside him at the moment. He is now a minister of the Tang Dynasty, and he is qualified to stand beside Li Shimin. Other county magistrates should not come here, they are not qualified.

"Shen Yong is really talented, a great talent, no wonder the emperor asked him to study this. Now that there are sweet potatoes and rice, after a few years, I estimate that the Tang Dynasty will never be short of food!" Wei Chen stood There, said with emotion.

"Well, it still needs to be promoted. In addition, I need to try planting this seed again for a year. Next year, I plan to plant thousands of acres of seeds to see the yield of mass planting. If the yield is still so high, then I can promote it in large quantities. No, it’s not enough now, at most thousands of acres can be planted here, and the seeds are not enough!” Wei Hao stood there and said to Li Shimin and the others.

"Don't worry, take your time. As I said, it's a great credit for you to get it out within ten years. I won't give you a death order. I know that you are also working on this with all your heart. Look at the sun. !" Li Shimin waved his hand and said, he didn't want Wei Hao to feel pressured,

Now this is already very good, and there is already great hope, mainly because of the sweet potatoes, no matter what happens in Datang, there will be no large-scale famine, and there will be no phenomenon of cannibalism!

"Well, it's okay. After returning to Chang'an, I also need to continue to study this!" Wei Hao nodded and said, and soon, one mu of land was harvested. After drying, it will generally be reduced by 540%, that is to say, the output of 400 catties is available.

"It's really good, keep harvesting, and finish harvesting quickly! Take these millets to the sun and dry them! At that time, they will be taken to Chang'an together!" Li Shimin said to those people. Now not only farmers are harvesting rice, but also There are guards threshing the grains, but no matter what a machine is doing, it will not be very fast. It is estimated that it will take two days to harvest here.

At noon, Wei Hao invited those people to his mansion for dinner.After the meal, the officials went back, and Li Shimin and Li Jing also hugged their own grandsons. Of course, Li Jing wanted to hug one more granddaughter.

"Hey, can you stop, there is no need to stop, where are you going?" Li Shimin hugged Wei Zhiren and said with a smile.

Now they are all at the age of learning to walk, and they don't stop for a while, they can't hold on at all, they just want to walk on the ground, especially on Li Jing's side, the two of them have to hold hands and walk.

"Okay, let's come, then you will probably suffer from back pain at night!" Li Lizhi smiled and picked up the child.

"That's right, none of these boys are honest. They walk around every day and want to touch everything. Throw away everything they get!" Li Siyu also squatted down and picked up Wei Huijiao, while another servant, Then he hugged Wei Zhiyi.

"Okay, you can carry them to the backyard to play. I don't dare to let them come to the front yard now. It's terrible. I will finish everything for you. The study room is killed and they can't come in. Once they come in, Just tear things up!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile, there are too many children in the family.

"You, just wait, when they can leave or run away, it will be useful for you not to let them in, they are throwing stones at the door!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Hey, that's what the big ones are doing now. They insist on coming here, holding a stick in their hand, and smashing at the door of the study. They know I'm inside!" Wei Hao said with a wry smile,

Wei Hao is happy to have those children, but now he also dislikes them, they are too noisy and there is no rest, his mother likes them, she depends on those children for everything, even the lotus planted in the water tank has to be picked for them. Those granddaughters played, and those lotus leaves were all played by those boys, they were too used to it.

"Shen Yong, we need to tidy up our things. We should go back. We thought we wouldn't go back. Your mother actually didn't want to go back. It's better here, it's comfortable, and there are not so many things to do!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao .

"Okay, the house has already started to clean up, but you are not allowed to bring anything, anyway, you have to live for a few months every year!" Sitting there, Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Well, I will come every summer in the future, and I will also come at that time. I can't stay in Chang'an every day. I heard that there are more people in Chang'an now, and Qingque is too busy. Now I have started to build a new city!" Li Shimin said, Wei Hao came up with the idea of ​​Xincheng,

Now, Li Tai has built a batch of houses, which are being sold, and the price is not expensive. A set of houses is only about 100 guan, and the profit is not bad. There are 4 to [-] guan. What a lot, one batch is thousands of houses, a large number of craftsmen are working there, and those houses have been bought, the second batch of houses is already under construction, [-] houses are also in accordance with Wei Hao's plan do it.

"Well, there are indeed a lot of people. However, it is true that a new city needs to be built. Otherwise, there will be no way to accommodate so many people. According to the design of His Royal Highness, a total of 20 houses need to be built outside, which can accommodate at least 150 million people. In this way, the population in Chang'an City will decrease a lot!" Wei Hao said while sitting there, nodding his head.

"The King of Wei has done a lot of things in Chang'an, and the common people are full of praise for His Royal Highness the King of Wei!" Li Jing said as he sat there.

"There are also workshops that are developing well. This year Chang'an also opened more than 30 new workshops, all of which are good. I heard that they have driven more than 2 people to work! And I also heard that Jingzhaofu's warehouse Inside, there is still a lot of money that cannot be used up!" Wei Hao said with a smile, Li Tai is really doing a good job in Chang'an, and he is busy every day.

"Well, as long as you do a good job, this kid still has people in his heart!" Li Shimin nodded with a smile and said,
Li Tai has matured a lot now. He used to like being with those literati, but now he likes being with craftsmen and businessmen, asking them what Chang'an should do to make it better.The three sat there chatting,

After chatting for a while, Li Shimin and the others went back.
Two days later, all the rice was harvested, and the output was more than 400 catties. This gave Wei Hao some confidence, but early in the morning of three days, Li Shimin's motorcade, those officials' motorcade, and Wei Hao The convoy started to march towards Chang'an in a mighty way. Wei Hao was also sitting on the horse, with Li Lizhi and Li Siyuan sitting on both sides.

There are also those three children, the three children cling to Wei Hao and like to crawl around on Wei Hao, Wei Hao is also helpless, but he is still very happy in his heart, these boys are very healthy now.

At about three or four o'clock in the afternoon, they had already arrived at the Shili Pavilion. Li Chengqian, leading all the civil and military officials, as well as those princes and counties, all came here to greet them.

After Li Shimin had a conversation with them, he got into the carriage and continued to the palace. At this moment, Li Chengqian was also sitting on Li Shimin's carriage.

"You did a good job. You have worked hard this year, but you have become much more mature!" Li Shimin rarely praised Li Chengqian at this moment.

"Father, it's because the son was ignorant before, and let the father down!" Li Chengqian said immediately, clasping his hands.

"It's okay. It takes a process to be sensible. It's good if you can grow up slowly. Father is not the kind of unreasonable person. When you are young, who doesn't make mistakes?" Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian with a smile and said, Li Chengqian was a little moved .

"Okay, keep it up in the future, you have to remember, you are the future emperor, you have to be tolerant, you have to be self-denying, you have to care for the people, but you also have to be cruel. For some people in the court, you should Clean it up!" Li Shimin sat there and said to Li Chengqian,
Li Chengqian nodded.

"You've lost that ruthlessness. How can it be so simple to be an emperor? In the future, I will leave more things to you to handle!" Li Shimin continued to Li Chengqian.

"Thank you, father!" Li Chengqian said excitedly when he heard Li Shimin's words. He knew that he had passed Li Shimin's assessment this year.

"But those memorials to impeach Shenyong, and those ministers, you didn't move any of them, and you didn't give them a warning. Do you know what it means? Do you know what price they made Datang pay? Baekje, Silla? We still have to support them now. Do we give them the money earned by the people of the Tang Dynasty? They actually made a mistake in impeaching Shen Yong. What is wrong with Shen Yong? They are militaristic? Is my Tang Dynasty militaristic?
There is still money in the Tang treasury, and I also have money in my internal funds. I did not increase taxes for the people, and even reduced taxes. My people in the Tang Dynasty, life is getting better and better. Why did the militarism, and impeach Shen Yong for leaking information to Tubo, Do they have brains?Um?Such a person, when I am an official of Datang?Did they get the salary of the Tang Dynasty or the salary of Tubo?

These people, don't know how to deal with them?The ministers want to impeach, but what should they do?Such a betrayal of Datang, do not deal with it? " Li Shimin stared at Li Chengqian and said.

"Yes, my son is wrong, please punish me!" Li Chengqian was frightened when he heard Li Shimin's stern tone, and was about to kneel down, but was held back by Li Shimin.

"Son, father is telling you that the emperor must have the means of the emperor, the emperor must have the majesty of the emperor, and you can't be so weak. Dad is telling you that the development of the Tang Dynasty should not be disturbed by those young people. How much Shen Yong has done for the Tang Dynasty? thing?

So far, has Shenyong asked for anything from me?and have you ever asked for anything?He didn't want to take care of the affairs of the court at all. In Luoyang for more than a year, Shen Yong had only been to the Yamen a few times. All the things were left to Wei Chen. He was not greedy for power at all.
He even said that he doesn't like power, he just hopes that the Tang Dynasty will be strong, and that the people will live a good life. Look at the smiles of the people now. In the past, could you see smiles?Now, who has no money, and who is not building a house?Especially the people of Chang'an.

Son, father hopes that you will be a good emperor, an emperor who can control the overall situation, instead of being led by the nose! "Sitting here, Li Shimin no longer called himself Emperor Father, but called himself Father. After hearing this, Li Chengqian sat there with his head bowed and nodded.

"You are always afraid, afraid that the father will destroy you, and that the father will guard you. It is impossible for the father not to guard you. When you sit in the position of the father one day, you will know. The father is on guard." You are not worried that you will drive the emperor away, but you are worried that you will not be able to govern Datang well, and you are worried that you will be used by others.

If one day, you can rely on your own ability to snatch the emperor's throne and govern the Tang Dynasty well, the emperor will not only not blame you, but also admire you, but now, you can't!
In addition, the father is the master of the world, the world that the father has to consider is not just you children, now you are the prince, if you are not qualified, the father can only replace you, otherwise, it is my Tang people disaster, I cannot let the people of the world scold me,
What a pity that Emperor Sui Yang defeated the Sui Dynasty?Who is to blame, is it all to blame Emperor Sui Yang?Not necessarily, Yang Jian is not wrong?Why did you trust Sui Yang Emperor instead of Yang Yong?Yang Yong is honest and capable, but Yang Jian was blinded and ended up with the demise of the Sui Dynasty.
I don't want this either, I don't want to be Yang Jian, I don't want you to be Emperor Sui Yang, and I don't want someone like Emperor Sui Yang to appear, Ganer, it's hard to be an emperor, it's not as simple as you think, Emperor If you make a mistake, the people will suffer at least, and the country will perish if it is more serious!

Children, learn slowly, fear is a good thing, but you can't live in fear all the time! "Li Shimin patted Li Chengqian on the shoulder and said.

"Thank you, Father!" Li Chengqian cried and nodded there,

Li Shimin just patted him, and then said: "This time is not bad, I have matured and grown up, my father is very happy, really happy, my father originally wanted you to continue to deal with it, but the general will come back. I have to come to pick them up. They are the heroes of my Tang Dynasty. They were born and died for my Tang Dynasty, and for my Tang Dynasty to expand its territory. I can’t come back! Otherwise, I really hope that you will continue to govern. Let you mature!"

"Thank you, father!" Li Chengqian raised his head and wiped away his tears. Li Shimin had said this to him for a long time. Now that Li Chengqian is a father, he gradually understands Li Shimin.

"Well, not bad. Although there are some deficiencies, overall it is good. Father is very satisfied!" Li Shimin looked at Li Chengqian with a smile, and Li Chengqian nodded with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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