Chapter 644
Chapter 640

After Li Chengqian came out of Chengtian Palace, he was very happy. He did the right thing. Now he can leave Chang'an and ignore those things. In the morning, Li Chengqian and Su Mei's other concubines and children took a carriage Leaving Chang'an, heading straight to Luoyang,

After Changsun Wuji learned that Li Chengqian had left Chang'an, he was taken aback for a moment, and then sighed. This nephew is also unreliable. He actually left Chang'an at a critical moment, and Changsun Chong doesn't want to talk about Changsun Wuji now. Those fields belong to the eldest grandson Wuji, and he has no right to speak.

At noon, the eldest grandson rushed back to the mansion for dinner. As soon as he arrived at the front yard, he wanted to walk around instead of going to the front hall, but was stopped by his servants, saying that the master was looking for him.

Chang Sun Chong walked towards the front hall helplessly, saw Chang Sun Wuji sitting there drinking tea, Chang Sun Chong immediately went over to salute, and asked, "Father, what do you need from me?"

"The prince has gone to Luoyang. What do you mean by going to Luoyang at this time?" Changsun Wuji looked up at Changsun Wuji and asked.

"How do I know? Where is the crown prince going, do you still need to ask me if I can do it? Dad, you should give in to this matter quickly, and don't get out of hand!" Chang Sun Chong reminded Chang Sun Wuji.

"What do you know? Now is the time to be subdued. If dad is subdued this time, who will follow your dad in the future? What prestige will your dad have in the court in the future!" Changsun Wuji said fiercely. He stared at Chang Sun Chong and said, Chang Sun Chong didn't want to talk, so he just stood there.

"Think of a way and see if you can see your aunt. Your aunt can't just let her die, right? You go find your aunt!" Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong and said.

"If I don't go, you won't see me. Can I still see you? Besides, you know why my aunt doesn't see you. Why bother?" Chang Sun Chong shook his head and said, he must have communicated with the emperor. , how could it be possible to see.

"You, you can see it if you go to see it, if the old man can't see it, you go and see it!" Changsun Wuji stared at Changsun Chong and cursed, Changsun Chong stood there helplessly and didn't want to say anything.

"Go over there and talk to your aunt, just say, find a way to keep the old man's title, you can't really lower the old man's title, this is not acceptable, you must make it clear to your aunt, let your aunt talk to the emperor! "Changsun Wuji looked at Changsun Chong and said.

"Auntie won't say, I need you to say it. If what auntie said is useful, there won't be such news. Father, you should calm down? Don't regret it when the time comes!" Changsun Chong still didn't want to go, Changsun Wuji was helpless Looking at this son, why is he so disobedient.

"Okay, I still have something to do. I have to be busy with other things in the afternoon. I'm going to eat first. You should rest early!" Chang Sun Chong said and left. He didn't want to say anything here. After all, this matter is terrible. It's not something you can control, as long as you do your own thing well!

"You, you rebellious son!" Changsun Wuji stood up angrily, pointed at his eldest grandson and cursed,
Changsun Chong was stunned for a moment, then looked at his father in surprise, was he a rebellious son?Chang Sun Chong held back his anger, turned around and left, he didn't want to argue with Chang Sun Wuji, it was pointless!

In the afternoon, Li Chengqian arrived at Luoyang. Wei Chen also received the news an hour ago. He was very surprised, and soon came to Shili Pavilion to greet him. Soon, Li Chengqian arrived here and saw Wei Chen here. After waiting for him, they got out of the carriage, and Wei Chen and the others hurriedly bowed their hands.

"Jinxian, I am causing you trouble!" Li Chengqian smiled and said to Wei Chen.

"Your Highness, you can't say that. It is an honor for us Luoyang people to come to Luoyang for inspection, and it is also everyone's expectation. Your Highness, come, after drinking this glass of wine, I will take your Highness down to inspect!" Wei Chen waved his hand quickly and said .

"Before I came, my father said that you owe a lot to Luoyang's development into such a state. The things here are all up to you!" Li Chengqian took the wine glass with a smile and said.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your compliment. What about the Crown Princess and the others?" Wei Chen didn't see the Crown Princess and the others, so he immediately asked. The previous news was that the Crown Prince brought the Eastern Palace Crown Princess and those children together.

"Oh, Gu asked them to go to Qujiang. I came here to inspect for two days by myself to see the development of Luoyang. In addition, I also heard that the sweet potato harvest is about to be abundant. I also want to see for myself whether this sweet potato is. How did you grow it!" Li Chengqian said, looking at Wei Chen with a smile.

"Yes, Your Highness, I have dug again now. Your Highness, I am dissatisfied with you. After seeing so many sweet potatoes dug out, I am really relieved. I don't worry about famine. Now Luoyang has a lot of people! Come on, Your Highness." After drinking this cup, I will take His Royal Highness around!" Wei Chen toasted while holding the wine cup.

"Okay, please!" Li Chengqian also raised his glass and said, after drinking, Li Chengqian asked Wei Chen to follow his carriage, and rode beside his carriage, talking to himself.

"There are a lot of carriages along the way. This straight road is well repaired. On the way, I saw that this straight road is now being expanded. It was a little narrower before!" Li Chengqian said to Wei Chen.

"Yes, Your Highness, this time we have discussed with the Jingzhao Mansion to jointly pay for the widening of this straight road. It is going to be winter now, so we can only do the earthwork. Other things have to wait until the spring begins to build. , when the time comes, six horse-drawn carriages will be allowed to pass at the same time, so that the cargo transportation will be even faster!" Wei Chen immediately reported.

"Okay, well done! There are so many carriages now, for my Tang Dynasty, it is money. This is the first time I have seen Gu. I have never come out in the palace before. Now I need to go out more and walk around to find out. Civil affairs!" Li Chengqian nodded and said with emotion,

Then they chatted all the way to the East Palace of Luoyang City Palace. Li Chengqian invited Wei Shen to sit in and Li Chengqian made tea himself.

"It's getting late now. Gu won't go out tonight, so as not to cause trouble for you. In the evening, you send someone to inform the officials from all over the place to come over. Gu, I want to ask some questions. Since I came to Luoyang, I always have to see what's going on, can I help solve it?" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Chen with a smile and said.

"Yes, Your Highness, the notification has been made, and they will arrive early tomorrow morning!" Wei Chen said immediately, clasping his hands.

"Okay, that's good, come, drink tea, it's been hard work, I heard you say so much on the way, it's really not easy to find you, just now in Luoyang City, Gu also saw that people come and go, in an endless stream , Very good, no wonder my father didn't want to go back to Chang'an, it turns out that Luoyang is also very good now, surpassing Chang'an two years ago! In the future, the development here will not be inferior to Chang'an!" Li Chengqian said to Wei Chen.

"Yes, Your Highness. At present, there are several workshops opened every month, and the goods produced are also continuously sent to various places, and there are also a large number of people here who go to work in the city. As far as the registration of the government is concerned, , about 2 laborers come here every month, and they also bring their family members. Now they are also facing the problem of insufficient housing.
However, we have built a large number of houses this year, and we have not sold them yet. The principle is that the people in the city cannot buy official documents of our government, and can only sell them to those who have just entered the city. This allows the people to have houses to live in. Only those who don’t have a place to live can buy it! "Wei Chen introduced to Li Chengqian,
Then continue to talk about the situation in Luoyang here. Li Chengqian asked very carefully and listened very carefully. He also ordered two officials to record important things and some experiences. Li Chengqian felt very good and asked them to record them.
Early the next morning, Wei Chen took Li Chengqian to various places to visit. In the morning, he was mainly in the city, looking at those workshops and commercial markets. In the afternoon, he went to the suburbs and saw the people digging sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are dug out,
Li Chengqian also went to the field in person. He was very happy to see so many sweet potatoes being dug up from a single seedling, and some children were digging up sweet potatoes to eat. Of course he was happy with such a high yield. This would ensure that the people would not starve to death. , this is the big deal,
As for the farmlands in Chang’an where Wei Hao is, as well as the farmlands in Luoyang, as long as the sweet potatoes are planted, they will be handed over to the government for digging. Those sweet potatoes, so that the common people can eat their stomachs.

"Okay, very good, Jinxian, you really did a good job. This is Shenyong's land, let the government dig it?" Li Chengqian stood there, pointing to those sweet potato fields, and asked Wei Chen.

"Yes, the government is now digging. Shenyong doesn't need money. I talked to him. He said that he doesn't need money. As long as we dig it out and manage it well, these sweet potatoes will be used for seeding next year. , if the whole country has planted it, then the people will have it in their homes, and now some people have planted it very well, and they have it in their homes. However, we still bought most of it and only left a small part for them. For planting, after all, the whole country will need a lot of seeds next year!" Wei Chen introduced to Li Chengqian.

"Okay, that's good, Shenyong is really talented, it's not easy for him to find such a seed, but in two days, I'm going to go fishing with him in Qujiang, by the way , your brother, you are here every day, you won't call him back?" Li Chengqian looked at Wei Chen with a smile and said.

"Hey, what's the use of calling him back? These things are the minister's business. The governor just manages the overall situation. He doesn't care about small things!" Wei Chen said with a wry smile.

"Well, father is still really good at picking people. Without you, Luoyang would not have developed so well!" Li Chengqian nodded and said, he was a little surprised that Luoyang could develop like this,

The next day, Li Chengqian continued to inspect and questioned those officials, but what difficulties did they have?
Those officials are very smart. Knowing that the money sender is coming, they all talk about the difficulties in their own county, including building schools, building roads, etc. No matter whether there are problems or not, they must find some problems for Li Chengqian to solve. The prince is here. Don't settle things yet, how can we do it?

After Li Chengqian stayed here for two days, he went straight to Qujiang. In Qujiang, Su Mei and Li Lizhi were together, taking their children with them just to let them play.Wei Hao continued to go fishing,

In the evening, Li Chengqian called Wei Hao over, and Wei Hao also went to Li Chengqian's other courtyard.

"Shen Yong, come here, sit down!" Li Chengqian came to pick Wei Hao up at the door when he heard that Wei Hao was coming.

"Your Highness, why aren't you tired after driving all day?" Wei Hao looked at Li Chengqian and asked. Originally, Wei Hao was thinking that he would come to visit sometime tomorrow.

"How can I sleep well, many people will be unlucky, especially uncle, hey, I really don't know what to do now." Li Chengqian said to Wei Hao with a wry smile, and then made a gesture of please, Please Wei Hao go in.Once inside, Su Mei also came over.

"Shen Yong is here, hurry up, bring the fruit!" Su Mei greeted Wei Hao first, and then asked the servants to bring the fruit.

"Thank you sister-in-law!" Wei Hao said standing there with a smile and clapping his hands.

"You guys are chatting, I'll tell them to stay away from here. His Royal Highness is so worried these days, I don't know what to do? Shen Yong, please enlighten him!" Su Mei smiled and said to Wei Hao, Wei Hao Hao nodded, and soon, the two sat down separately!
"I think you know the purpose of this time. Father is actually paving the way for you, but I didn't expect that uncle would stand up and attack this head. This makes me a little hard to understand. It stands to reason that uncle's family also has different If you have less land, you can leave a lot of land, so why bother with this?" Wei Hao said while sitting there, looking at Li Chengqian.

"It's hard for me to understand, but now it's not just him, there are many civil servants, many princes, and Lord Hou are like this. This time, the father wants to deal with those people. Hey, the father did this, of course I am I know it's for me, but it's just the two of us here, my uncle has always supported me,
If the uncle falls, the news to the outside world will be different. Many people will think that the father may support Sanlang. Now, some people go to Sanlang's house to seek help. For now, it is best nothing works,
However, San Lang can actually be of great help to him. As San Lang is the head of the Overwatch Council, those officials will be punished entirely by San Lang's investigation. Therefore, San Lang is being watched by people now, and they all hope to get through with San Lang. Lu, and on Gu's side, there are mainly familiar people, but on Gu's side, it's useless to beg for mercy! "Sitting there, Li Chengqian said with a sigh.

"Father packed them up with the intention of lifting King Wu up. He even said that he deliberately asked those people to go find King Wu!" Wei Hao picked up the teacup, drank a cup of tea, and said.

"However, if this is the case, Shen Yong, the lonely position will be even more dangerous. Shen Yong, you need to help!" Li Chengqian said, looking at Wei Hao anxiously.

(End of this chapter)

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