Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 656 It's Time to Clean Up

Chapter 656 It's Time to Clean Up
Chapter 652

Wei Hao's memorial made Li Shimin very satisfied. Now he is waiting until the new year is over, so Wei Hao needs to sit in the cell for a while, just to confuse Lu Dongzan and Changsun Wuji, as long as Wei Hao comes out at that time then they will be vigilant, and so are the ministers,
Now the cell is loose on the outside and tight on the inside. It is impossible for people outside to inquire about the cell, and the Ministry of Punishment has already ordered that those jailers cannot go back now, and they will rest in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. , not allowed to come out, just give them more money, those jailers are of course useless opinions,
And the family members of those officials are also inquiring about the situation inside, but they all say it’s okay, they drink tea inside, anyway, it’s not okay to meet,

The next morning, when Wei Hao was still sleeping, Li Shimin came over.

"I have seen the emperor!" Those ministers saw Li Shimin coming, and immediately saluted.

"Well, think about it carefully, I have nothing to do when I'm full, and I won't shut you up for a while, I'm sorry for myself!" Li Shimin said to the ministers with a dark face,
When the ministers heard this, they also bowed their heads and remained silent. Then Li Shimin went into Wei Hao's cell, while Wang De drew the curtains and closed the cell door at the same time, and he also withdrew, standing at the door.

"Good boy, are you still sleeping? What did you do last night?" Li Shimin sat there and began to boil water to make tea, and said to Wei Hao who just opened his eyes.

"Well, Father, why are you here?" Wei Hao immediately sat up and looked at Li Shimin.

"Come here to fish. There are not many fish in the palace. It's boring to catch twenty or thirty fish a day. I heard that there are many fish here, so I came here!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao.

"Hey, you don't know how to drill holes in another place. The lake in the palace is so big, and there are still big fish in it. It hasn't been cleared for so many years!" Wei Hao laughed and began to wash.

"Well, my father read the memorial you wrote yesterday, and I did what you said, clean them up, and after controlling Tubo and Tuyuhun, we will continue to develop westward and emigrate. Those places must be my Tang Dynasty. Now there are straight roads in the borderlands, and the speed to reach those places is also fast!" Li Shimin brewed tea and poured it for Wei Hao.

"Well, the Western Turks still need to be resolved. What I mean is that after defeating these two countries, we will start to deal with the Western Turks and drive them out completely. We want to control the grasslands, and controlling the grasslands is also a matter. Trouble, those shepherds are running around,
However, we need to build strongholds, build cities, and station troops there. Each city needs to station a battalion of troops, and then it will be rotated every five years. It cannot be said that an army has been stationed there all the time. Bring forth misfortune. Wei Hao sat down, took the breakfast that had just been delivered, and asked, "Father, have you eaten?" "

"Eat it, eat it! You can build a city, it's okay, we want to build a city, but we don't control the north, that is controlled by the Turks. Now that I have money in the Tang Dynasty, I still have to eliminate the opponent as much as possible. The key is It's about food. Now that we have sweet potatoes, I don't worry about it anymore.

Your rice and wheat are doing well now. It will depend on next year. If there is no problem next year, then there will be no problem. By then, I will have food in the Tang Dynasty. Don’t worry about not having people. When I have people, huh, I Let's see who can shake my Tang Dynasty! " Li Shimin sat there, nodded and said.

"That's the reason. Anyway, let's get it down first. As long as there are people, it's fine. By the way, the people in the northeast have almost migrated. Is there any problem with keeping out the cold?" Wei Hao asked while looking at Li Shimin. .

"No problem, everything has been settled, and those officials who have just taken office have indeed done a good job. Now, the fields have been divided, and the farm tools have also been distributed. There are still fewer farm cattle, but it's okay, I guess. There will be no problem next year,
In addition, in terms of war horses, our retired war horses are also distributed to the common people, allowing them to use them for production and transportation. The Northeast side is ready, and Datang has another granary! "Li Shimin said to Wei Hao with satisfaction.

"That's right, the land over there is very fertile, and the yield must be high!" Wei Hao said happily when he heard it.

"Okay, eat quickly. After we finish eating, let's go fishing!" Li Shimin said to Wei Hao, and Wei Hao nodded upon hearing this.Then he thought about the matter of Changsun Wuji, so he asked, "Royal father, what are you going to do with uncle?"

Hearing this, Li Shimin sighed. This is what annoys him the most now. He doesn't know how to deal with Changsun Wuji. He is the elder brother of Changsun Empress. If the handling is too strict, how will he explain to Changsun Empress?

"Father, my son has a solution!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and said.

"Well, let's hear it!" Li Shimin immediately looked at Wei Hao.

"You can give the title to Changsun Chong. In fact, Changsun Chong is really good. Unlike my uncle, whether it is me or others, I think it is good. If this matter has to be dealt with, my son's suggestion is to give the title to him. Give it directly to the eldest grandson, let uncle become an ordinary citizen, what do you think? In this case, you can also confess to my mother!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and suggested.

"Well, good idea, give it to Chong'er. As for Changsun Wuji, we don't care. He can do whatever he wants in the future. He even said that he can go to jail. However, according to the current laws of Tang Dynasty, Changsun Wuji will go to jail. Well, then he cannot be an official within three generations, for this, I may need an amnesty!" Li Shimin nodded and said to Wei Hao.

"Amnesty, for the uncle, Erchen's suggestion is to let him dig coal, dig for a year or two, and then release it for a look. If it doesn't change, let him continue to dig. It's time to quit, because of him, how much we have paid!" Wei Hao looked at Li Shimin and suggested.

"Okay, it's settled like this. In this way, father and queen can also explain to your mother. I was so worried before!" Li Shimin felt a lot more relaxed now, but he didn't know how to explain to the eldest grandson queen, and now he can explain , there is no shortage of titles, just let Changsun Wuji pay the price himself,

This price also needs to be borne by him. After all, it is impossible to get so close to Lu Dongzan and leak so much news. In addition, to cooperate with Lu Dongzan to frame the ministers of this dynasty.

"Yeah!" Wei Hao also nodded, and soon they went fishing,
Next, the outside world didn't know anything about the Prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice. Of course, Li Lizhi and the others knew about it. Li Lizhi and Li Siyuan came to see it in person. They didn't come to the prison, but went to the lake. It's okay, they feel more at ease,

And in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, a total of 12 people were arrested, and all of them were sent to the cells of serious criminals. The ministers who were still in custody were also numb. But they didn't know if it was true or fabricated. They also asked Wei Hao, and Wei Hao said it was true, and they were even more puzzled. Datang is so powerful, why does it still need to go to foreign countries?
Soon it was the day of Xiaonian, and Wang De came over with the imperial decree. Those who read their names can go back, but those who did not read their names need to continue to sit here. Eight people did not go out.

"Why can't I go out, why can't I go out?" A minister looked at Wang De anxiously and asked.

"I don't know. Your name is not included in the imperial decree of the emperor. It probably still needs to be investigated. Don't worry!" Wang De still smiled and said to them, then turned and went to Wei Hao's room.

"Xia Guogong, go back, the emperor said, it's Chinese New Year, stop fishing, play at home, and go to Qujiang after the Chinese New Year!" Wang De went to Wei Hao's cell, facing Wei Hao who was sitting there drinking tea. Hao said.

"Yes, let's go together!" Wei Hao stood up and went out with Wang De.

"Xia Guogong, you don't know this time. Changsun Wuji has come to ask the emperor about your situation again and again. It seems that you are too kind for a crime that cannot be punished. Such a person should be ruthless!" Wang De whispered to Wei Hao.

"Hey, isn't it for the mother's sake?" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"That's right, just now, the imperial guards were dispatched and started to arrest people. This year, it is estimated that many people's families will not survive. The emperor sent people to surround Changsun Wuji's mansion, and also surrounded Lu Dongzan's house. This time, the net will be collected." Wang De looked at Wei Hao and said.

"That's good!" Wei Hao nodded,
As soon as he arrived at the gate of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he saw that his personal soldiers were already waiting here.

"Master, we are here to pick you up!" Wei Dashan said happily when he saw Wei Hao coming out.

"Well, go back!" Wei Hao nodded, and at the moment at Changsun Wuji's house, Changsun Wuji was dumbfounded, just now the officials from the Ministry of Punishment have come over, his house can only enter, not exit, now, he is under house arrest ,
And Changsun Huan and the others all came to the hall, looking at Changsun Wuji, they didn't know what happened, but Changsun Chong didn't live here, he was so angry that he moved out.

"Go and find Chong'er, go quickly!" Changsun Wuji yelled as he sat there.

"Father, we can't get out. Besides, the imperial decree just said that we can only go in but not out. When the big brother comes back, what should we do if we can't get out? Now that the big brother is outside, he can help out!" Changsun Wuji said The other son, Changsun Jing, immediately said to Changsun Wuji.

"Hmph, elder brother will also help us with activities. He is going to have fun on his own, but he doesn't care about dad at all!" Changsun Huan said very disdainfully.

"Second brother, that's not the case. I don't know what's going on right now. If it's really serious, it's good that elder brother is outside. At least he can see aunt. If that's the case, aunt can help too!" Eldest grandson Jing immediately said to Changsun Huan.

"What do you know, elder brother is the one who will take care of dad, and he will come to help dad? Before dad asked him to do things, he never did, and said dad is not that!" Changsun Huan immediately said angrily.

"Okay, shut up!" Sitting there, Changsun Wuji was also angry, he actually knew what was going on in his heart, but he couldn't figure it out, how did the emperor know that there was something about himself?
Thinking of this, Changsun Wuji stood up, ready to go upstairs to see what was going on outside, and see if there were still people surrounded. When Changsun Wuji went up to the third floor, he looked outside and found that there seemed to be no one outside. The sound is that his home is surrounded, Changsun Wuji sighed,
In the palace, Li Shimin also talked with Empress Changsun, and told Empress Changsun all about the rumors spread by Changsun Wuji this time to frame Wei Hao, as well as all the deeds of Changsun Wuji who framed Wei Hao before. Once, he not only framed Wei Hao, but also partnered with Lu Dongzan, which Li Shimin could not tolerate.

"He, why is he like this? Doesn't he know how much Shen Yong has done for Datang, and Shen Yong has never asked for anything! Why doesn't he understand!" Empress Changsun was very anxious, her eldest brother broke the law. Well, if you still know foreign countries, you can be decapitated according to the law.

"Hey, I've tolerated all kinds of things for your sake and his previous achievements, but this time, if you don't deal with it, who knows what he will do next time, so , now I have no choice but to surround it first.

In addition, I will also discuss one thing with you, which is the matter of the title. I want to give it directly to Chonger. Chonger is very good. This county magistrate is very good and has done a lot of things. Wuji has always been at odds, so what I mean is that the title will be given to Chonger, and the auxiliary machine will go to the coal mine to dig coal. At that time, he will not be allowed to do heavy work. There is no way, what do you think? "Li Shimin said, looking at Empress Changsun.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, that's fine, I listen to Your Majesty, and my concubine knows that you and Shen Yong have tolerated him many times. This time, I was able to give the title to Chong'er because of my concubine's face. All right, my concubine has no objection." It's just, hey, Chong'er has no objection to the matter of Li Zhi marrying Shen Yong, and has already investigated it, and there is indeed a possibility of deformity, why, why, why doesn't he understand?" Empress Changsun was very anxious , Li Shimin saw that she was so anxious, and immediately hugged her to comfort him.

"Your majesty, in fact, my concubine has already noticed that he has changed. Every time I ask him, he doesn't tell the truth, and my concubine also persuades me, but he doesn't listen!" Empress Changsun cried, her own brother, They depended on each other for life, and now they have come to this point, why not make her feel uncomfortable.

"I know, it's okay, let's see if there is any change first, and if there is any change, I will pardon him. I have already considered this clearly, so you can rest assured!" Li Shimin said to the eldest grandson empress.

"Okay!" Empress Changsun nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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