Chapter 684

Chapter 680

Li Shen is very happy now, the main reason is that Li Shimin praised him a lot, and rewarded him a lot, and he also attaches great importance to him. In addition, Li Chengqian also attaches great importance to him, and is also very caring. Li Shen likes this very much, so he does things very well. With energy, Wei Hao soon arrived at the school.

"Master, this is their homework. Take a look, is my arrangement reasonable?" Li Shen said to Wei Hao after he brought Wei Hao to the school.

"Well, take a look for the teacher!" Wei Hao nodded, and began to look at the homework. It is true that there are not many assignments.
Li Shen's basic knowledge before junior high school is very solid and good. In addition, he is going to teach the students now, the textbooks he gave him, and the homework he assigned before. He sorted out and took them. It is indeed good to review the past and learn the new after it has been printed.

"Not bad, good teaching!" Wei Hao said to Li Shen very satisfied.

"Hey, thank you Master!" Li Shen said very happily when he heard this.

"Well, okay, what class are you in today, where are you going, come to class as a teacher!" Wei Hao said to Li Shen with a smile.

"Okay, I want to listen too!" Li Shen nodded and said, then Li Shen started to open the textbook and told Wei Hao what class to take,

Wei Hao nodded, and after the students sat down, the class began.

Then the whole morning, Wei Hao was in class, and then assigned homework for them to do homework at night. In the evening, Wei Hao was not in a hurry to go back, but answered their homework problems. As for Li Shen, Wei Hao taught alone, mainly It's high school class.
It can be said that Wei Hao has a preference for Li Shen. This disciple is too smart and knows everything, so Wei Hao spends the most energy on him.

For the next few days, Wei Hao went to class instead of going to Qujiang. Now those students have already entered the third grade of elementary school. Wei Hao wants to finish those courses in a few days and let those students Listen carefully and study hard. If you don’t understand something in the future, you can ask Li Shen.
And the fact that Wei Hao went to teach those students was also known by those princes. They wanted to find Wei Hao, hoping to send their children in, but they learned that they had been in class for a long time, and it was too late to send them in. , Just wait for the next batch to see when students will be recruited.

That night, Wei Hao returned home and sat in the study to correct the homework of those students. He corrected the homework very seriously. If the students made a mistake, Wei Hao would write the correct answer method for them on the homework.

"Master, you are still grading homework. I found that you are really good to those children. In the future, our children will inherit your mantle!" Li Lizhi came over and said to Wei Hao.

"Of course, with so many children, there must be one or two that can be inherited from me?" Wei Hao said with a smile.

"That's for sure, you have to save yourself, you can't teach everything!" Li Lizhi then said to Wei Hao.

"I know!" Wei Hao nodded, and continued to be busy with his own affairs. Seeing that Wei Hao was so busy, Li Lizhi stopped quarreling with him, knowing that he needs to concentrate on doing things.
The next day after Wei Hao woke up and had breakfast, the manager came over to report that the left servant asked Fang Xuanling to see him. When Wei Hao heard this, he immediately said please, and he also walked outside. When he reached the corridor , and saw Fang Xuanling coming over.

"I've seen the housekeeper!" Wei Hao said, cupping his hands.

"Shen Yong, you don't need to be so polite, do you? I know you are busy, so I came to sit with you early in the morning. If you come late, you probably have to go to class again!" Fang Xuanling smiled at Wei Hao said.

"Quick, please come inside, it's cold outside, this winter, it's a bit cold!" Wei Hao said to Fang Xuanling.

"Yes, but it's okay. People won't freeze to death. Now the people's life is pretty good. Your bricks and lime, as well as cotton, stove, and coal, have all helped a lot. The people of my Tang Dynasty, but I need to thank you!" Fang Xuanling said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"I don't dare to take it seriously, thank you or not, it's all for the common people, please!" Wei Hao continued to say to Fang Xuanling, and soon took Fang Xuanling to the conservatory, and learned that Fang Xuanling had eaten After breakfast, Wei Hao sat there and made tea for him.

"Mister Fang is here, but is there something to do?" Sitting there, Wei Hao said to Fang Xuanling.

"Yes, there are a lot of things. Actually, I have been wanting to come here to ask you for advice, but the old man also knows that you are very busy, so the old man waited for you to have a rest before coming over to take a look. Shen Yong, now Datang is indeed Not bad, but there is a crisis in Tang Dynasty!" Sitting there, Fang Xuanling said while watching Wei Hao stroking his beard.

"Crisis?" Wei Hao looked at Fang Xuanling incomprehensibly.

"It's a crisis. I have to consider these things. Now Your Majesty has many sons, and there are also many children who have become talented, such as His Royal Highness, King Wu, King Wei, and King Ji. The better they are, the better they are for Tang Dynasty. That said, it may not be a good thing.

You say one or two are excellent, which is not bad.But so many are so good, there will definitely be troubles at that time, the old man knows, you said before about the enfeoffment, you just hope to stabilize them, but if you can't stabilize them, what should you do?
Also, if we continue to fight to the west, how far will the journey be? There are mountains and mountains in between, and there will be thousands of obstacles. Let alone fighting, it will be difficult even if we march.

However, what if there is no seal at that time?Can those princes be easily let go?They are also prestige among the people now. If they can't do what they want by then, then Datang will be in turmoil! "Fang Xuanling sat there and said to Wei Hao.

"This, why can't you beat it?" Wei Hao sat there thinking for a while and asked.

"You mean it will definitely be defeated?" Fang Xuanling asked Wei Hao, looking at Wei Hao in surprise.

"It will definitely be done, and it is estimated that the road issue will not become a big problem in the future. I have already solved the communication issue before, and the next step is to solve the traffic issue, which will take several years.

But at present, my Tang Dynasty is still not so anxious to expand. One is that we are underpopulated. The second is that we also need to accumulate. The other is that we need to stabilize the northeast and northwest. We need to pay attention to these places! Wei Hao nodded and said to Fang Xuanling.

"To solve the traffic problem, you mean to continue to build straight roads? I'm afraid this can't be completely solved?" Fang Xuanling looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"It's not just that, but specifically, I can't tell you now, I still need time!" Wei Hao looked at Fang Xuanling and said.

"Oh, you mean, what you said before is true? What you said in the court hall is true?" Fang Xuanling looked at Wei Hao and continued to ask suspiciously.

"Of course it's true. How dare I lie to so many people. What's the benefit to me?" Wei Hao looked at Fang Xuanling with a wry smile and said.

"Well. If you say that, the old man is worrying too much. The old man has been worried. You are trying to stabilize them, so I want to come here to remind you that things can't be done like this. You have to cut the mess quickly. While the emperor is still young and strong If you can suppress them, let them go where they should, and don't make trouble." Fang Xuanling looked at Wei Hao and said his thoughts.

"No, there is indeed a great opportunity, and we really need to occupy those places. I don't know the real estate, but the level of my Tang Dynasty and the level of craftsman skills are far superior to those of other countries.
Otherwise, the items of our Datang will not be exported to other countries, bringing us a steady stream of profits, not to mention other things, just this iron, I believe that all the output of other countries in the world will increase. Speaking of it, it is not as much as our Datang, to be precise, it is [-]% less than our Datang,

You are the one who knows best how useful iron is, so if we don't control most of the area, it will be a failure for us Datang! "Wei Hao sat there and said to Fang Xuanling.

"Well, you say that, I believe it. I also went to the market to find some Hu merchants to chat with. They really admired our Great Tang!" Fang Xuanling nodded.

"So, Fang Xiang, you can rest assured, it's okay, now we need population, we need people to have more children, and then we in Datang need to give them enough guarantees to let them raise their children!" Wei Hao said Fang Xuanling said with a smile.

"Okay, since you have so many, I have a solid foundation in my heart, and I will have more considerations when I do things next, and we will make Datang a good one together!" Fang Xuanling said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Of course, it's not a big problem for you to sit in town if you have Prime Minister Fang!" Wei Hao said with a smile, and then poured tea for Fang Xuanling.

"You are wrong. It is because of you, Shenyong, that it is not a big problem. It is indeed the case. Now, the ministers in the court and the generals, who are not convinced by you, are too capable.
Now our telegraph machine can release news all over the country and notify those officials to do things. The efficiency is very high, let alone the army. However, we still need a large number of telegraph machines. If you are free, you should Make more, of course, I don't mean to urge you, I just hope! "Fang Xuanling said to Wei Hao,

Wei Hao nodded, expressing his understanding, and then the two chatted for about an hour before Fang Xuanling left. He still has a lot of business to deal with, but he is not like Wei Hao, just do his own thing well up,

After Wei Hao sent Fang Xuanling away, he immediately went to the school to continue teaching those students. Anyway, Qujiang himself was not in a hurry to go. It would be good if he could cultivate more qualified children. basic time,
Wei Hao attaches great importance to those students. After studying here for more than ten days, Wei Hao went to Qujiang. Originally, Li Shen also wanted to go with him, but Wei Hao refused. These students still need someone to manage them. , if he is gone, who will come to class then?

After Wei Hao arrived in Qujiang, he began to study electricity. He was busy there for more than a month and called many craftsmen to work. Wei Hao has the right to directly call craftsmen to work, and he also used many Workers used stone to temporarily build a small dam for generator experiments. The dam blocked a small river.
In this way for about a month, Wei Hao produced the transformer and asked the craftsmen to produce copper wires. In order to obtain the rubber, Wei Hao sent people to the south and spent a lot of money to buy back ten cars. Rubber was used for experiments, and oil was used for many experiments before the copper wires were covered by those rubbers.

On this day, Wei Hao took his men and started erecting the telegraph poles, getting the copper wires up, all the way to Chang'an, and Li Shimin got the news very quickly.
At the same time, Wei Hao sent people to Chengtian Palace. The construction workers were from the Ministry of Industry. Wei Hao had already taught them some basic electrical engineering knowledge. They also saw Wei Hao's electric lights in Qujiang, and they also understood the meaning of electricity. How dangerous is it,
Wei Hao did an experiment with this, and electrocuted a few pigs, not to mention the fish. They also knew how powerful they were. Therefore, at Chengtian Palace, Li Shimin was very happy when Wei Hao asked those craftsmen to do the construction, and even directed them himself. Those workers, where to install the light bulbs.

"When will you call?" Empress Changsun looked at Li Shimin and asked, because she also went to Qujiang to see the lamp, so she was looking forward to it.

"I don't know. It's still being erected. It's probably coming soon. We've finished installing it here. It will be soon. Boy, when the lights come out, those ministers will be shocked. It just so happens that the Chinese New Year is coming soon. When the time comes, our palace will be brightly lit, how good would it be?" Li Shimin said happily.

"The harem also needs to pretend, but you have to pretend!" Empress Changsun said.

"I know, can I not know? How can Shen Yong not be filial to you?" Li Shimin said to Empress Changsun with a smile.

"That's true!" Li Shimin also nodded, and in the next few days, all the wiring and light bulbs were installed at Chengtian Palace.

And those craftsmen also went to the harem and Wei Hao's mansion to install them. They must use those electric lights first in their own home, and Wei Hao still set up circuits outside. This is not easy. Wei Hao used such a long area. The concrete poles are built very high, because they are afraid that some ignorant children will climb up and cause danger.

This afternoon, everything was laid. Wei Hao also closed the switch on the Qujiang side, and then rode to the city of Chang’an. In the city, Wei Hao specially built a main switch to control the power consumption of the entire Chang’an. , and the branch circuit, all of them are equipped with electric gates,
Then Wei Hao rode to the Imperial Palace, the Imperial Palace also installed a lot of electric gates, he closed them all the way, and when he was sure there was something wrong, he ran towards Chengtian Palace,
When they arrived at Chengtian Palace, Li Shimin, Empress Changsun, Li Chengqian, Li Tai, and Li Ke were all waiting here, just waiting for Wei Hao to close the switch.

(End of this chapter)

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