Zhenguan Han-in-law

Chapter 687 Wei Yuanzhao's Account

Chapter 687 Wei Yuanzhao's Account
Chapter 683

After Wei Hao sent Concubine Wei away, he continued to sit down and drink tea with Li Shimin and the others. Today's chat was very pleasant.
The main reason is that now Li Ke and Li Tai are not clear that they will continue to fight with Li Chengqian. Enfeoffment is a matter of the future, and it is a very promising thing. The two of them also hope to work hard to conquer more territory. It is also good to be able to go outside and be a king when you are young.
So now Li Ke, Li Tai, and other princes are all very active in doing things.

"Shen'er, are there any good seedlings among the disciples you recruited for your master?" Li Shimin sat there and said.

"Anyway, master hasn't accepted apprentices yet, those people can only be regarded as master's students, not disciples!" Li Shen replied while sitting there, clasping his hands.

"I haven't found any special seedlings with talents as good as King Ji's. There are not many of them. Up to now, I haven't found a second one!" Wei Hao immediately said to Li Shimin.

"Thank you, master, for your compliment!" Li Shen said very happily when he heard Wei Hao say that.

"Well, it's not a compliment, it's the truth, so I also hope that you can concentrate on your studies, and don't worry about other things. If you really learn well and master your studies, you will definitely be famous in history, and you must be good reputation,
As for the money, you don’t have to worry. It’s very easy to make money from what we’ve learned. If you don’t believe me, ask your father how much money I had back then. Now, I don’t even know how much money my family has. Many of them are managed by your sister! " Wei Hao said to Li Shen with a smile.

"Your master is right, you should devote yourself to your studies, but you are not allowed to do other things. If you are short of money, what is the matter? Tell your father, or your master, or your brothers, you But our baby!" Li Shimin said to Li Shen with a smile.

"Thank you Royal Father, thank you Master!" Li Shen nodded with a smile.

"Well, Hachiro, if you have nothing to do, go to the big brother's place. Of course, it's okay not to come if you have something to do. The big brother knows you don't like these things, so I don't force you!" Li Chengqian also said to Li Shen with a smile.

"Thank you, big brother!" Li Shen said again, clasping his hands.

"Shen Yong, haven't you found any more disciples so far?" Li Shimin looked at Wei Hao and said worriedly. He hoped that Wei Hao would pass on his skills. Many of Wei Hao's skills are in his hands. However, once something happened to Wei Hao, many workshops would not be able to sit down.

"No, hey, it's not that easy. At least the 100 people selected this time will not work. Let's see in the future. Talented disciples are hard to come by!" Wei Hao said to Li Shimin with a wry smile.

"Since this is the case, then the emperor will not urge you, you can just do your own thing!" Li Shimin nodded and said, the next thing is to chat about other things,
At night, the lights here are turned on, very bright, and everyone is very happy,
It was not until very late that Wei Hao returned to his residence,

The next morning, Wei Hao had just finished his breakfast when the manager came to inform him.

"Master, the head of the Wei family is here!" The manager said to Wei Hao.

"Oh, please!" Wei Hao nodded and said, and soon Wei Yuanzhao came over.

"Patriarch, hey, why did you lose so much weight this year?" Wei Hao looked at Wei Yuan's photo and saw that he had lost a lot of weight. He looked like a different person from before!

"Hey, I was seriously ill and almost didn't survive it. Fortunately, your father went to Luoyang and invited Dr. Sun to come over. Otherwise, my life would be considered an confession!" Wei Yuanzhao waved his hand Said, followed by a middle-aged man, Wei Hao knew him, he was Wei Yuanzhao's eldest son, Wei Chenhe!
"Hurry up, come to the conservatory, why don't you tell me, I don't even know about it!" Wei Hao supported Wei Yuanzhao and walked towards the conservatory.

"You're too busy. Why tell you about such a thing? Besides, Her Royal Highness also sent people to my house to send unnecessary gifts and tonics!" Wei Yuanzhao said to Wei Hao.

"Well, next time something like this happens, Uncle Chen He should tell me!" Wei Hao said while looking at Wei Chen He.

"My father won't let me say that it's not easy for you to be on an errand outside, so I can't disturb you!" Wei Chenhe said to Wei Hao, Wei Hao and Wei Chenhe hadn't spoken a few words before.

"If there's anything you don't want, don't listen to him!" Wei Hao waved his hands and said, helping Wei Yuanzhao to the greenhouse, Wei Hao immediately sat there and made tea.

"Both of you drink tea, the old man can't drink it anymore, Doctor Sun won't allow it!" Wei Yuanzhao said to Wei Hao.

"Okay, when the water boils, I'll pour you some water!" Wei Hao nodded, and then said, "Is there something to do here this time?"

"Yes, I received a notice from the palace last night that tomorrow, the imperial concubine will go home to visit her relatives, and she has specifically ordered that she will not come to your house tomorrow, saying that she is worried about the old man's health and wants to chat more with the old man, I just hope that you and Jin Bao will come to my house to stay for a day when the time comes, and the imperial concubine said that she also hopes to chat with you more, so I won't come to your house, so that you don't have to prepare those things here!" Wei Yuanzhao pointed Wei Hao said.

"What's the matter? We have everything at home, so we don't need to prepare! But, that's right, when my aunt came back, she also came to see you. Look, I wouldn't dare to recognize you if I put it on the street!" Wei Hao nodded. , said to Wei Yuanzhao.

"Hey, it's okay, remember to come to the house tomorrow, I will send someone to inform your father, and you have to tell your father!" Wei Yuan looked at Wei Hao and said.

"I know, just don't worry!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Well, there are no other big things, and I don't know when Wei Chen will come back. In our family, you two are the most up-to-date!" Wei Yuanzhao said with a sigh.

"I'll be back in the afternoon, and I'm going to pick him up in the afternoon!" Wei Hao immediately said, now Wei Chen is basically in Luoyang, and basically will come back after the Chinese New Year. Did Wei Hao receive news from Wei Chen yesterday? , Wei Chen will come back today.

"That's good, that's good, remember to tell Wei Chen to come back together tomorrow!" Wei Yuanzhao listened, and explained to Wei Hao. Wei Hao nodded, expressing that he knew that he would definitely go tomorrow.

"Shen Yong, the old man is getting old. From now on, the family affairs will be handed over to Chen He. Originally, the old man wanted you to be the patriarch. The old man also talked about this matter with your father. Your father disagrees, so I can only let him take charge,

In the future, you, Uncle Chen He, will need your support. This kid, Chen He, is more than conservative and less aggressive. This will ensure the stability of our Wei family. Now the old man doesn't want any changes.
At present, our Wei family is the most stable. There are noble concubines in the palace, and there are women from our Wei family in the East Palace, who also gave birth to a son for His Royal Highness. In the future, it will be considered stable. I guess you don’t know yet. who? " Wei Yuan looked at Wei Hao and asked.

"I know, but I haven't seen or spoken to him. When the crown prince gave birth to a son, my family will definitely send a gift. Don't forget, His Royal Highness the crown prince is my uncle!" Wei Hao nodded with a smile.

"That's right, forget about it, Shenyong, when the time comes, you should take care of Wei Qing's side, her family is also an ordinary family, his father is an honest man, he was chosen, and he is doing well now ,

The family subsidized his family with 200 acres of land and a house, but she was alone in the East Palace, that is, Concubine Wei occasionally helped to talk, if you learn about him in the future, you should help more! "Wei Yuanzhao sat there and said to Wei Hao.

"En!" Wei Hao nodded, feeling something was wrong, Wei Yuanzhao seemed to be explaining the funeral.

"Now our family is much stronger than other families. We have money, the Duke has so many others, and Wei Chen is also Lord Marquis. Other families don't have such support!" Wei Yuanzhao said happily,

At this moment, Wei Hao began to pour hot water for Wei Yuanzhao, and after pouring it, he served it to Wei Yuanzhao, and then started making tea.

"Well, as long as the Wei family doesn't mess around, it's fine!" Wei Hao nodded and said.

"Well, if you have any opinions in the future, just tell him, the old man told him, if you have any opinions, the Wei family must abide by them as much as possible, so as to ensure the interests of our Wei family, you know the court best Yes, the one who knows the emperor best, your opinion is definitely right!" Wei Yuanzhao pointed to Wei Chenhe and said to Wei Hao.

"Shen Yong, if you have anything to do in the future, feel free to tell me, and if you have any comments, please speak up directly!" Wei Chenhe said with a smile to Wei Hao.

"Okay, patriarch, how is your health?" Wei Hao looked at Wei Yuanzhao and asked.

"Hey, I'm getting old. I need to hand over the family affairs to him step by step now, and I also need to hand over the affairs of dealing with various families to him. Although he has done it before, it's different.
The things I did before were some small things about the family. I didn't entrust him with the really important things. Our relationship with those families is intertwined.

You had an opinion on the old man before, and the old man also knows that there is no way, we can’t do it alone, in this case, if we encounter any troubles in the future, we will be alone and helpless, so, Shen Yong, these families have been with each other for hundreds of years. Trading is not as simple as you may see! "Wei Yuanzhao sat there and said to Wei Hao,
Wei Hao nodded, indicating that he knew something now.

"Well, Shenyong, take care of the family affairs in the future. Now the family members are counting on you, and they all know that you have actually done a lot for the family. Otherwise, now our Wei family My son. There won't be so many people who study, and it's up to you that they can study, people in the family should remember this!" Wei Yuanzhao continued to say to Wei Hao.

"Okay, I know, don't worry if you are always old, come and have some snacks, just made at home!" Wei Hao said while holding some snacks for Wei Yuanzhao to eat.

After chatting for a while, Wei Yuanzhao took Wei Chenhe and left, and Wei Hao also sent them to the gate. After seeing them walking away, Wei Hao also sighed, thinking about the previous scenes. At that time, Wei Yuan Photos are very strong, but no matter how strong a person is, they cannot withstand the years.

"Master, is the patriarch gone?" Li Lizhi came over and asked Wei Hao.

"Let's go, hey, I'm old, I almost didn't recognize it!" Wei Hao nodded and said with a sigh.

"It's normal for people of this age, but fortunately, they snatched it!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao.

"Where's dad?" Wei Hao asked.

"Father is in the greenhouse in the backyard, and now he also likes to grow vegetables!" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao.

"Okay, don't care about him, he can do whatever he likes!" Wei Hao nodded and said,
Now my father needs to keep his filial piety, he can't go to other people's houses, and he doesn't want to go to the restaurant, so he stays at home and has nothing to do, either he hugs the children, or he grows vegetables in the greenhouse.

"By the way, Wei Chen, are you coming back today? I took people to clean up the house, and I also bought the things that should be added. When they come back, they will see what is missing and take them to the house. !" Li Lizhi said to Wei Hao.

"Well, I know, I'll pick them up at the Ten Mile Chang Pavilion in the afternoon!" Wei Hao nodded and said, he hadn't seen Wei Chen for a year,

Now Wei Shen is in charge of the affairs of Luoyang, and he manages them very well. Every ten days, news from Luoyang is sent to Wei Hao. Wei Hao can keep abreast of the affairs of Luoyang in a timely manner. Now the permanent population of Luoyang has exceeded 350 Ten thousand is still increasing rapidly, and a lot of houses are built now,
Wei Chen also wrote to Wei Hao that he hoped to expand Luoyang City, but Wei Hao has not told Li Shimin about this matter. After all, the expansion of Chang'an City has just been completed. It can be postponed for a year.

In the afternoon, Wei Hao took people to the Shili Pavilion and waited for Wei Chen's motorcade to come. It was almost evening when Wei Hao saw Wei Chen's motorcade and was very happy. They also found Wei Hao and the others, so they ordered people to stop the carriage, and then got off the carriage.


"Shen Yong!" The two shouted almost at the same time, and then Qin Su'e also got off the carriage.

"Hi sister-in-law!" Wei Hao greeted immediately.

"Shen Yong, why are you still here? It's so cold!" Qin Su'e said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Brother and sister-in-law are back, I, as a younger brother, will definitely come, brother, thank you!" Wei Hao said to them with a smile.

"It's not hard work, and there's nothing to worry about. In Luoyang, everything goes well!" Wei Chen said to Wei Hao with a smile.

"Let's go, let's go back, the baby is still young, the things in your house have been done, you can see what is still missing, and I will send someone to add it when the time comes!" Wei Hao said to Wei Chen.

"Then I have to thank Her Royal Highness, let's go, I'm in the same car as you, let's talk to each other!" Wei Chen said to Wei Hao, pulling Wei Hao into Wei Hao's car, Wei Hao also ordered Nodding, I also have a lot to say to Wei Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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